

Topic: Creating primitives direct on the surface of another object  (Read 7612 times)

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August 03, 2017, 09:54:10 am

1) Would be nice if it would be possible to create primitives direct on the surface of another object.
see screen 01.
(It would bring a lot of time saving during block-out model process, just create primitive where you need it instead of create a primitive on coordinate zero and then push them to the place you want..

2) It would be also nice if there would be an option to decide, should the primitive align on the surface he was created on or just in place but not aligned. see screen 2

3) And last, would it be possible to have the possibility to slide one object on the surface of another object? similar to Topo mode but with complete objects. For example screen 3.--> there is similar tool in 3dsmax called "Select and Place"..

It would be useful when you have one object that you need multiple times aligned on other for example on this "pearl chain" see screen 4.

Thanks in advance
« Last Edit: August 03, 2017, 10:01:24 am by Woolfy »

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August 03, 2017, 10:31:59 am
You could try:-

In the primitive creation popup windows, there are options:- "Drop"(will drop the primitive at cursor position, or use snapping to snap to geometry), "Use Snap Normal"(when used with "Drop", it will snap to subobjects and orientate to subobjects normal direction. Disable that option and object will snap but will keep world/workplane orientation).

3: Although you cannot slide, you can position on surface using combination of surface snapping and "Basic streamline tools:- "Generic tools >> Snap position only" and/or "Generic Tools >> Snap Position Normal"
There is also Tools:- "Subobject shortcut tools >> Lay on" and/or "Subobject shortcut tools >> Lay on(position only)

4: Use a "Spline" for the path. You can use "Spline snapping" to slide copies along the spline. (or use "Instance Spline")

« Last Edit: August 03, 2017, 10:34:46 am by steve »

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August 03, 2017, 01:23:44 pm
Hi, thanks a lot for help,

1/2 ahh, yes now i got it. Snapping needs to be enabled ! , otherwise it creates (for example) cube not on the object surface, but behind somewhere on the ground.
I use a lot just "Create box","Create Cylinder" without popup window. Would be also cool to use this instead of having to open a toolbox if i just want the primitive on certain place without any "special" settings...But its not so important.

3 The Generic tools >> Snap position Normal, it is also amazing.
I didnt figured out how the "Layon" works. If i select one , then other object it does nothing somehow.

Big thanks for help!

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August 03, 2017, 02:34:25 pm
I didnt figured out how the "Layon" works. If i select one , then other object it does nothing somehow.

Have a look at >this post< .

  • Posts: 194
  • Spline
August 03, 2017, 04:58:37 pm
Thanks a lot! I would like to create a composite tool that allows me to just hold mouse over meshplace and spawn a primitive, for example cube by press only one hotkey. Do i have a chance to achive that with given tools? Sorry i ask because im relatively new to this tools.
« Last Edit: August 03, 2017, 06:23:42 pm by Woolfy »

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August 04, 2017, 11:42:57 am
Try this

The tool is improved. You don't have to create any composite tools.

  • Posts: 194
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August 04, 2017, 04:57:17 pm
Woow it just amazing! It works exactly like i had in mind. Thanks a lot for update...

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August 05, 2017, 10:15:34 am
3) And last, would it be possible to have the possibility to slide one object on the surface of another object? similar to Topo mode but with complete objects. For example screen 3.--> there is similar tool in 3dsmax called "Select and Place"..

Try this

You can use the basic streamline snap selection tool "Snap_...". Use face snapping, click and drag. If needed, you can move the object pivot to the bottom of the object and set manipulator's position and orientation to object.

  • Posts: 194
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August 05, 2017, 11:28:36 am
Thanks a lot for a update!

somehow i dont get this working.
there are my steps:

1.I created a Streamline Tool (All Modes) .
In "NMB Tool "section i added Gereric Tools >> Snap_Position_Normal#.

2. Then applied a hotkey (k) to this streamline
3. select cube that i want to slide/ over sphere surface.
4. with cube selected press hotkey (k) and move it in some direction on the sphere.
See no change  :(
I didnt understood what "face snapping" means.. Maybe that is the key?
« Last Edit: August 05, 2017, 11:44:50 am by Woolfy »

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August 05, 2017, 11:54:21 am

i think i got it now!!

i created a streamline tool :

in LMB Tool i added Generic Tools >> Snap_Position_Normal
in On Activated i added Snapping Options >> Enable Snapping to Face Temporary

Now it works and cube slides smootly over sphere by respecting its surface!!

Nice , thanks a lot.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2017, 11:55:55 am by Woolfy »

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August 05, 2017, 12:04:58 pm
Don't assign it to NMB. You can use LMB instead. If you look in the basic streamline tool library, you will see that the tool has no (nmb) suffix. That means it can not be activated By NMB.

Make sure this options are on
Manipulation > Snapping Options > Snapping Enabled.
Manipulation > Snapping Options > Face. Surface are made of polygons. Polygons are made of triangle FACEs.

Once the tool is activated, you should see a cross hair under the cursor when you move the cursor over an unselected object's surface. It indicates the snapping point.

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August 05, 2017, 12:05:37 pm
Ok, I see you've got it work.

  • Posts: 194
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August 05, 2017, 03:26:40 pm
Thanks for the info about Suffix..

Maybe usefull for those who use this "spawn primitives on the surface" feature:

Create Streamline Tool (All Modes):
- NMB Tool : Generic Tools >> Tweak_Scale
- On Activated: Create Cylinder
- Assign hotkey

Press hotkey if mouse over surface and hold the hotkey by moving mouse left and right. So you can adjust size of the spawned primitive. If your happy with size, release button...

It makes it easy to tweak the size of the spawned primitive during spawning process.

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August 05, 2017, 04:43:53 pm
The tool is improved. You don't have to create any composite tools.

Not quite correct. It depends not just on what you want to do, but also how you want to do it. Example:-

NOTE: I will just refer to creating a Box primitive.

The implimentation you have made(I am looking at Aug-6 build), is that the added function only works with "Create Box#"(Does not work with "P_Create Box(*)) and only works via hotkey(cursor needs to be in position in viewport, cannot create box on preselected sub-object, or via user button). You are also limited to the Box being placed based on its deault center pivot.

I am not asking you to make further changes, I was just surprised at your statement, due to very limited(specific) change/implimentation you have made.
Not everyone(certainly not me) wants to be forced to use hotkeys to make functions work.(Why do you think many avoid Blender?)

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August 06, 2017, 10:37:56 am
Try this

The tool is improved. You don't have to create any composite tools.

Not quite correct. It depends not just on what you want to do, but also how you want to do it. Example:-

NOTE: I will just refer to creating a Box primitive.

The implimentation you have made(I am looking at Aug-6 build), is that the added function only works with "Create Box#"(Does not work with "P_Create Box(*)) and only works via hotkey(cursor needs to be in position in viewport, cannot create box on preselected sub-object, or via user button). You are also limited to the Box being placed based on its deault center pivot.

I am not asking you to make further changes, I was just surprised at your statement, due to very limited(specific) change/implimentation you have made.
Not everyone(certainly not me) wants to be forced to use hotkeys to make functions work.(Why do you think many avoid Blender?)

The command is selection aware now.


i think i got it now!!

i created a streamline tool :

in LMB Tool i added Generic Tools >> Snap_Position_Normal
in On Activated i added Snapping Options >> Enable Snapping to Face Temporary

Now it works and cube slides smootly over sphere by respecting its surface!!

Nice , thanks a lot.

You can assign it to NMB now.