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Feature Requests / Re: Movement by number/precise
« Last post by steve on May 10, 2024, 07:39:54 am »

You can try:-
Streamline Basic Tools -> Generic Tools -> Axis_Move* (calling that tool expects a mouse gesture for axis movement direction, you can then enter value)
Common Modeling Shortcut Tools -> P_Move Selection(*) (calling that tool gives pop_up window for input of axis movement)

I have been using older versions of Nvil, so not sure if any other tools have been added.

Feature Requests / Movement by number/precise
« Last post by Mike_Hocksworth on May 10, 2024, 03:32:08 am »
I have recently come across 3D coat and how they handle precise movement/rotation of objects is quite nice (in my opinion), once you are aware that it exists.
It goes something like this:
  • Left click and hold over an axis movement (or rotation, probably scale as well)
  • Press Space
  • An over-the-mouse cursor textbox appears, type the movement/rotation/scale amount
  • Press [Enter] or click on 'ok' button

I believe this is a more direct approach to precise movements/offsets than the current Manipulation Input panel for simple one off precise offsets. The entry operation is direct over the mouse position and the numerical input similarly is direct where I already have my eye while modeling. The additional UI is also shut off after the operation, which saves from opening and closing panels.

I also came across this previous thread, however the link no longer works, so perhaps this has been solved already, I just don't know how to do it:

Many thanks for your past efforts and consideration with this request.
This is great, much easier to flick on/off different options.

Just a note, the menu bar and toolbars seemed to have changed around.
Honestly, I think I prefer it this way (i.e. keep it). Unless others take issue with it I guess.

Great work! :)
NVILL Discussion / Re: Interface is out-of-whack NVil -Mar 12 2024
« Last post by IStonia on May 09, 2024, 11:39:48 pm »
There are some GUI scale options in Nvil
Help > Contents > User Interface > Options and UI Customization > GUI Scale(Down at bottom of the page).
NVILL Discussion / Re: Interface is out-of-whack NVil -Mar 12 2024
« Last post by Mike_Hocksworth on May 09, 2024, 11:25:00 pm »
I noticed (and didn't report sorry) a similar thing happen as well.

The menus and dialog was inconsistent when I was using windows display setting "Scale 125%" (Right-click your desktop -> Display Settings -> Scale and Layout -> Scale).

For a CAD program I was using, I needed to drop it to 100% as they were handling the retina style re-scaling on their end. I wound up using NVIL again during this time and noticed the UI issues were resolved as well. I can fit loads of stuff on my screen now and my clock is super tiny, but it works kind of.
NVILL Discussion / Re: Interface is out-of-whack NVil -Mar 12 2024
« Last post by IStonia on May 09, 2024, 10:35:42 pm »
What is your screen resolution?
If it is higher than HD, Do this

1. Right click Nvil.exe icon and choose "Properties" to bring up the app properties setting dialog.
2. Click and open the "Compatability" tab.
3. Click the "Change high DPI settings" button to open the DPI option window.
4. Check the "Override high DPI..." option.
5. In the drop-down list box, choose "System".
6. Click "OK" button to exit to properties dialog.
7. Click "Apply" button.
8. Click "OK" button.
9. Open Nvil and see if there is any difference. If not, restart PC and try open Nvil again.
NVILL Discussion / Interface is out-of-whack NVil -Mar 12 2024
« Last post by chikega on May 09, 2024, 07:27:19 pm »
The top menu is partially covered and the side items, namely the Smart Tips menu,  are all smashed together - so much so, that some buttons are no longer interactive. It appears to be fairly consistent on three of my PC's. And it appears NVil is no longer HDPI aware anymore? The buttons and text are super tiny. Anyone else notice?  ???

Try this

You are right, the greyed items have the stay open behavior as when you click on them you can see the check changes.
For the other items, you can keep them open on click by press down Ctrl key before clicking.
Okay, this is kind of working on some areas but not others.

For instance I quickly tried View -> AO Enabled and View -> Fog Enabled and they do keep the menu open while checking them on and off.
I tried the View -> Windows -> User Tools Windows -> User Tools 1 and the menu closes off after the first click.

I noticed some menu lines are dark grey and they appear (maybe not sure) to have the stay open behavior enabled, while the light gray closes up after clicking.

I noticed that the menu now seems to sit on-top of the menu bar, depending on how far up you click it obstructs the top menu text.
The message regarding unrecognized app appeared on this one, I believe it was the same message as last one.
Clicking Run anyway, it doesn't run.

I ran the Slim DX 64 Bit installer, and NVIL Steam version now starts up  :)
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