

Topic: scene explorer 'Object Groups'  (Read 10769 times)

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  • Posts: 496
  • Triangle
September 16, 2012, 10:45:02 pm
Here are some things about the scene explorer:
1. Right click an object in the scene explorer's object groups view that is placed under root (belonging to no group) and select duplicate->duplicate normally or create instances only. Now 2 nodes appear for the newly created object (but 1 actual object). That's one node too many.
Same goes for objects in groups. One node is always placed at root level.

2. Unfortunately I can't replicate it, but sometimes I get an exception when duplicating an object that is placed in a group. Next time it shows up I will post its content here.

3. Put two or more objects into a group that have similar names, eg. "Object_Box_01" and "Object_Box_02". Select the group amd duplicate it. The new group contains 2 distinct objects that have the same name ("Object_Box_03")!

4. This is not actually a bug, but a usability issue: Selecting nodes is frustating. I would suggest a method that is more coherent with the rest of the software where shift-click and ctrl+click does the job. It's also not possible to select and move multiple nodes (groups/objets) at the same time. That makes organizing the scene a bit more taxing.

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September 20, 2012, 11:05:26 am

  • Posts: 496
  • Triangle
February 21, 2013, 10:51:36 pm
I will just repeat myself with some more explanation:
4. This is not actually a bug, but a usability issue: Selecting nodes is frustating. I would suggest a method that is more coherent with the rest of the software where shift-click and ctrl+click does the job [which is selecting multiple nodes rather than 'right clicking -> select -> include' again and again]. It's also not possible to select and [then] move multiple nodes (groups/objets) at the same time. That makes organizing the scene a bit more taxing.

There's also a bug: select a node in the scene explorer, then switch to object list, and switch back again. now click any node and the clicked node gets set to be a child of the selected node.

I think the group manager needs some love.
It would also make things easier, if some of the right click functionality (Hide/Unhide, Freeze/Unfreeze, Delete, Duplicate, Shading) of the group tab was also available in the object list. It would be useful to be able to exert such functions on multiple selected objects simultaneously.

  • Posts: 496
  • Triangle
February 21, 2013, 11:00:59 pm
When reloading the scene, the accidental child nodes are placed under the root.

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February 23, 2013, 06:00:35 am
I can't recreate the bug.

The tree view control does not support mutiple selection.