

Topic: Grid/Workplane/Axis  (Read 11592 times)

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January 19, 2016, 05:38:38 pm
0. Add pleas Set-Restore tools for: Toggle Grid Visibility, Toggle Workplane Visibility, Lock/Unlock Workplane$

1. Now you can Set Navigation Space only if workplane is locked can you pleas make it possible to set it not only when workplane is locked. For example I want to have workplane set and set Navigation Space for it, I do not want to lock it.

2. Add pleas option to View -> Object Shading -> Preview on Viewport Navigation -> Hide Workplane/Grid/Axis* on Preview
(*About Axis read in the end of this post)

3. Make pleas NVil to remember Grid Visibility now if you create new project, start NVil or load project it always turn On Grid.

4. Add pleas option - Set Navigation Space (World) In 3D view.
So if current navigation space is set to Workplane and this option is On, in 3D view we will always have Navigation Space (World).
We need it to work in 3D in World Space and in all other views in Workplane Space. It is very good workflow because sometimes it is very hard to work in 3D view when you have Navigation Space set to WorkPlane. With some models it is very confused when everything turns Up Side down and you can not dig in to how to rotate all this stuff correctly  :)

5. Add pleas option - Inactive Views work in Preview mode. So if this option is ON Inactive Views will work like if you turn On Preview on viewport Navigating. It will allow us to interactively preview model and save some pc resources by hiding edges etc...

6. Now if you start Nvil or Reset view you have ZY as active plane (It is Workplane to show what I mean):

Can you pleas shift a bit Camera to have ZX active plane in those situations so it will look like like this:

7. Add pleas to Preference -> Grid -> Show Axis. It will look like this:

We need it because if you have Workplane and grid visible at the same time viewport become very messy, but if we turn off grid it become a bit harder to orientate, so we need something to easily see were we are. And this axis will be very good for this. I take this idea from Sketch Up and it works really great.

We have some free space in Preference -> Grid. So you can add here:
Option Show/Hide axis
3 Colors picker for x/y/z
Opacity Picker
Axis Width.

Also as I wrote before we have to have it here:
View -> Object Shading -> Preview on Viewport Navigation -> Hide Workplane/Grid/Axis
« Last Edit: January 20, 2016, 12:03:22 am by samardac »

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January 21, 2016, 12:03:52 pm
Hay IStonia, I need this 3 simple options. Make them pleas before you will make previous requests in this topic, many thanks!

8. Drop/Relaunch SL tool disabled when you run it second time.
So if you have active SL tool and run it again it will be not dropped or relaunched, it will do just nothing.

9. Now if you have Swap REPEAT LAST STEP with REPLACE SELECTION ON and SL tool is ON and you click on subobject NVil just creates Replace selection. Can you pleas disable it. So it will be possible to highlight subobjects but imposible to select them. To make selection you will press and hold Shift(Include selction) or Ctrl+Shift(Replace). We need beacause very often when when you work with highlighted subobject you select them accidentally when you do not need it.
If you think that it is not good idea to change current behavior make pleas just option for this pleas, many thanks!

10. Now when SL tool is ON and you want to go to another object without living current Subobject mode by going with cursor above another object and Press LMB and hold than RMB it does not work. Make it pleas work pleas!

Thank you!
« Last Edit: January 22, 2016, 07:33:55 am by samardac »

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January 22, 2016, 09:48:17 am
8. Drop/Relaunch SL tool disabled when you run it second time.
So if you have active SL tool and run it again it will be not dropped or relaunched, it will do just nothing.

What is the reason you want this option?

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January 22, 2016, 09:57:48 am
The reason is that I try to find best way to make NVil work with buttons and SL tools in harmony.
I spend so many, many time experimenting with all stuff we have and still do not satisfied with results.
Now NVil is the best for shortcuts but with buttons it is not so good.
So looks like I found best workflow to solve this conceptual problem :)
It have to look like this:
- All SL tools are in - Allow taped to stay Live mode.
- You can not drop tool, you can only switch it to another. (This is the reason I asked for that option)
- There will be no Viewport SL Tool or Viewport Selection mode (What is by default), you will make selection when SL tool is on.

So you activate SL tool make selection inside it do something, then switch to another SL tool etc...
This workflow works good as with Buttons as with Shortcuts because you will have the same behavior whenether you launch it from Shortcut or Button and at the same time you will be able to make selection inside SL Tools without living it. It will cost you practically the same amount of clicks as if you would use default conception with Selection Mode and Activating SL tools by pressing and holding Hotkeys.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2016, 10:07:11 am by samardac »

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January 23, 2016, 11:59:27 am

  * Edit > Customize > Tools > Set-Restore Tools > R_Turn On/Turn Off/Restore Grid Visible.
  * Edit > Customize > Tools > Set-Restore Tools > R_Turn On/Turn Off/Restore Workplane Visible.
  * Edit > Customize > Tools > Set-Restore Tools > R_Lock/Unlock Workplane, R_Restore Workplane Locked.



  * View > Object Shading > Preview On Viewport Navigating > Hide Grid On Viewport Navigating.
  * View > Object Shading > Preview On Viewport Navigating > Hide Grid Axis On Viewport Navigating.
  * View > Object Shading > Preview On Viewport Navigating > Hide Workplane On Viewport Navigating.


  * View > Use World Y-Axis In 3D-Viewport Rotation.

  * View > Object Shading > Preview On Viewport Navigating > Preview In Inactive Viewport Enable.


  * View > Display > Show Grid Axis.
  * Edit > Preference > General > Grid axis width.
  * Edit > Preference > Colors > Grid Axis > ...

I still don't understand. Do you want this option only for SL tools launched from buttons? If you don't want to drop a SL tool, you don't have to drop it, you can just launch another tool. You can't keep a SL tool live all the time as some tools only valid for some certain modes.


You should be able to do that if you press a selection key(Shift etc) then LMB + RMB.

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January 23, 2016, 12:28:53 pm
I still don't understand. Do you want this option only for SL tools launched from buttons? If you don't want to drop a SL tool, you don't have to drop it, you can just launch another tool. You can't keep a SL tool live all the time as some tools only valid for some certain modes.

1. You activated SL tool and it Stay Live
2. You activated it again with Shortcut or Button this SL tool will be dropped.

Have to be:
1. You activated SL tool and it Stay Live
2. You activated it again with Shortcut or Button this SL tool will not be dropped.

Let me know if it is not clear, I'll make more explanations.

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January 23, 2016, 01:27:36 pm
I still don't understand. Do you want this option only for SL tools launched from buttons? If you don't want to drop a SL tool, you don't have to drop it, you can just launch another tool. You can't keep a SL tool live all the time as some tools only valid for some certain modes.

1. You activated SL tool and it Stay Live
2. You activated it again with Shortcut or Button this SL tool will be dropped.

Have to be:
1. You activated SL tool and it Stay Live
2. You activated it again with Shortcut or Button this SL tool will not be dropped.

Let me know if it is not clear, I'll make more explanations.

My questions is

If you don't want to drop a SL tool, you don't have to drop it, you can just launch another tool. You can't keep a SL tool live all the time as some tools only valid for some certain modes.

What is your opinion about this?

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January 23, 2016, 01:36:56 pm
You can't keep a SL tool live all the time as some tools only valid for some certain modes
Yep I know about this but this is not a problem, if you change Selection Mode, tool will just not work, but you will see that tool is ON and you will change it if you need, the only problem I have now is with Extrude and I wanted to ask you to look at it so if you change Selection mode it will still work.
I just work with all tools set to Allow taped to stay Live mode ON and very often I relaunch tools accidentally and it drops me to viewport Selection Mode or Viewport SL tool I do not need it because Selection tools works differently here. This is a main reasons :) . If you do not share my point of view can you pleas make this option just for me, so I could go further with my experiments because looks like I practically solve this problem. :)
« Last Edit: January 23, 2016, 01:40:54 pm by samardac »

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January 23, 2016, 01:39:38 pm
Hay IStonia! Many thanks for all stuff I continue to explore all that new possibilities they are so awaysome!
Some things I want to mention:
1. Can you pleas make Axis to look exactly like here:

Now Axis have 6 rays but we need only 3 because it looks too messy in viewport. Also it with dotted line but we need just line that will lay above grid and workplane.

2. Add pleas commands to set workplane to World Axis Planes - XY, YZ, ZX.

3. Now if objects lay under Grid or Workplane or Axis they overlay objects, so you see objects under Grid or Workplane Or Axis.
And it looks like this:

Would be great to have Grid, Workplane Or Axis to be transparent when they are above objects. And no metter if object is transparent or not.
Like this:

Here object lay under grid and axis but grid and axis are transparent and you can see object clearly.

4. Now if you have Show Unselected objects in transparent ON, or any other transparent objects, you can see Grid, Workplane through these unselected objects. (Axis work good) It looks like this(Objects above grid):

Would be great not to see through them Grid, Workplane, Axis at all. So it will be transparent only for objects. And looks like this(Objects above grid):

Objects must always overlay Grid, Workplane, Axis, even if they under them or even if objects are transparent.

4. Perpendicular to workplane. Make it pleas work in Ortho Top view? Now it works in Perspective 3D.
We need it in 99% in ortho but now you have to enable/disable Ortho manually. Also it have to Reset Camera UP-Vector automatically when you leave Orhto Top.

5. We have to move it:

to View -> Object Shading -> Preview on Viewport Navigation.
Also now manipulator visible when you have Preview In Inactive Viewport Enable ON.

Many thanks!
« Last Edit: January 24, 2016, 10:03:11 am by samardac »

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January 24, 2016, 09:57:18 am

  * Edit > Options > Dropping StreamLine Tool By Hotkey/Button Disabled.


   * Edit > View > Display > Render Grid Behind Objects.

   * View > Object Shading > Preview On Viewport Navigating > Hide Manipulator On Viewport Navigating.

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January 24, 2016, 11:53:29 am
Many thanks!!!

1. Done.
Now Grid Axis is always in fron of objects. Fix it pleas. So when it is in front it will be shown in front when it is behind it will shown behind.

* Edit > View > Display > Render Grid Behind Objects.
For now it works really nice but it does not work with transparent objects may be when you make item #4 it will fix it.

* Edit > Options > Dropping StreamLine Tool By Hotkey/Button Disabled
Event Actions stop to work in SL tools when it is ON.

10. You should be able to do that if you press a selection key(Shift etc) then LMB + RMB.
Now it fires on RMB UP but have to fire on RMB Down.
Also sometimes after this operation LMB is not released it stay down.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2016, 12:35:15 pm by samardac »

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January 25, 2016, 07:24:46 am
5.   * View > Object Shading > Preview On Viewport Navigating > Hide Manipulator On Viewport Navigating.

When View > Object Shading > Preview On viewport Navigating > Preview Enabled is OFF only Show Hard Edges on Preview and Unselected object in transparent disabled on preview works, all other continue to work as if Preview Enabled is On.

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January 25, 2016, 09:02:03 am
  * Edit > Workplane > Align to World XY/YZ/ZX.

5.   * View > Object Shading > Preview On Viewport Navigating > Hide Manipulator On Viewport Navigating.

When View > Object Shading > Preview On viewport Navigating > Preview Enabled is OFF only Show Hard Edges on Preview and Unselected object in transparent disabled on preview works, all other continue to work as if Preview Enabled is On.

Can you show it in a picture and specify what is the current behavior and what is your expectation.

* Edit > View > Display > Render Grid Behind Objects.
For now it works really nice but it does not work with transparent objects may be when you make item #4 it will fix it.

It may take some time. I need to learn new stuff before I can implement it.

10. You should be able to do that if you press a selection key(Shift etc) then LMB + RMB.
Now it fires on RMB UP but have to fire on RMB Down.
Also sometimes after this operation LMB is not released it stay down.

Why you want it on mouse down.
It could be your mouse problem. It never happen to me.

4. Perpendicular to workplane. Make it pleas work in Ortho Top view? Now it works in Perspective 3D.
We need it in 99% in ortho but now you have to enable/disable Ortho manually. Also it have to Reset Camera UP-Vector automatically when you leave Orhto Top.

Don't understand.

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January 25, 2016, 09:59:48 am
Can you show it in a picture and specify what is the current behavior and what is your expectation.

Can you change On Viewport Navigating to On Preview.
So if you turn off Preview enabled, marked options will not work.

It may take some time. I need to learn new stuff before I can implement it.
We will wait no problem! It is very important feature!

Why you want it on mouse down.
It could be your mouse problem. It never happen to me.
I just investigate a bit more and the problem is:

When all SL tools are OFF (LMB+RMB):
1. It atcivates if you LMB+RMB and Releas RMB first.
2. It atcivates if you LMB+RMB and Releas LMB first.

When SL tool is ON (Shift+RMB+RMB):
1. It atcivates only if you LMB+RMB and Releas RMB first.
2. Do not work. Fix it pleas.

As you can see you can not activate it when you releas LMB first. I just notice that it works differently but thought it was because RMB UP.

4. Now when you switch Viewport Layouts, Two views, Three Views etc... NVil make active last layout. Can you make pleas Nvil to make active the biggest layout? If all layout are equal non of them will be active.
Like this:

6. When you launch NVil with Grid turned OFF Axis Grid shows partially.
Like this:

But have to be like this:

7. Hide Subobject Selection On Preview.

« Last Edit: January 25, 2016, 12:10:21 pm by samardac »

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January 26, 2016, 09:06:24 am