NVil Forum

General Category => NVILL Discussion => Topic started by: molebox on February 28, 2013, 02:07:13 pm

Title: Bugs or features, questions
Post by: molebox on February 28, 2013, 02:07:13 pm
1. How to select fully a vertexes, edges, faces? With "Window/Crossing Selections"?  It is don't work.

2. The selecting with help Shift key working also negative. Why? For this there is a Ctrl key. How better?

3. Strange Loop Selection tool works. Bug or feature?

Look at video: https://www.box.com/s/pvg00fu1acxf6kfmo7lh
Run the NVil_3quest.htm
Title: Re: Bugs or features, questions
Post by: steve on February 28, 2013, 04:07:31 pm
1. Use MMB
2. Use Shift + Ctrl
3. limitation in selection method.
Title: Re: Bugs or features, questions
Post by: molebox on February 28, 2013, 04:59:55 pm
1. Use MMB
2. Use Shift + Ctrl
3. limitation in selection method.

Thanks steve.
1. What is "Window/Crossing Selections"?
2. It is weird.. Why so many variants? Ctrl - negative selection, Shift - positive selection.
3. bad.. May be IStonia thinking something, for example:  select 2 edges and determine the direction of the selection. Select, until they reached the selected edge or corner >= x gradus.
Title: Re: Bugs or features, questions
Post by: IStonia on February 28, 2013, 08:43:07 pm
1. What is "Window/Crossing Selections"?
2. It is weird.. Why so many variants? Ctrl - negative selection, Shift - positive selection.
3. bad.. May be IStonia thinking something, for example:  select 2 edges and determine the direction of the selection. Select, until they reached the selected edge or corner >= x gradus.

1. When you drag out a selection area, there is a border. You may want to select those edges which are completely inside the area. You may also want to select those edges that sit across the border too, window crossing.
2. In the video, I saw the 'SmartTips' displayed on the left. If you look into it, you should see how the 'Shift/Ctrl/Alt' keys are assigned to control selection. Include: include new selection into existing selection. Exclude: exclude new selection from existing selection. Toggle: the new selection may overlap the existing selection and you can make the overlap area unselected and the non-overlap erea in the new selection selected.
3. There is page about selection in the help file. Help > Contents > Modeling > Selection Tools.
Title: Re: Bugs or features, questions
Post by: molebox on February 28, 2013, 09:19:29 pm
1. When you drag out a selection area, there is a border. You may want to select those edges which are completely inside the area. You may also want to select those edges that sit across the border too, window crossing.
I'll try to understand =)

2. In the video, I saw the 'SmartTips' displayed on the left. If you look into it, you should see how the 'Shift/Ctrl/Alt' keys are assigned to control selection. Include: include new selection into existing selection. Exclude: exclude new selection from existing selection. Toggle: the new selection may overlap the existing selection and you can make the overlap area unselected and the non-overlap erea in the new selection selected.
Ok. Just a lot of text in the interface, menus. I think you need to simplify the interface. Silo thanks simple interface has become so popular. I think.
3. There is page about selection in the help file. Help > Contents > Modeling > Selection Tools.
Thanks, IStonia for help.

One hour is worked in NVil - interface is liked. Need a way to restore order in the menu. For the beginner - too many points of menus - he is will puzzled.

Some strange artifacts in the viewport. Take note, please. For me, it's not critical. In the archive there are videos and project.
Title: Re: Bugs or features, questions
Post by: molebox on March 04, 2013, 09:42:07 am
About artifacts in viewport:
I was wrong. When you want to select the small edges or faces - very difficult to do this.
In Preference-->Clip Plane-->Near Plane Scale i to set the smallest value - 0.001 .It is dont help me..
Title: Re: Bugs or features, questions
Post by: IStonia on March 04, 2013, 10:33:07 am
Can you give some more detail on the difficulty. Have you tried to smaller the selection radius?
Title: Re: Bugs or features, questions
Post by: steve on March 04, 2013, 11:25:55 am
Hi molebox,

When you want to select the small edges or faces - very difficult to do this.
In Preference-->Clip Plane-->Near Plane Scale i to set the smallest value - 0.001 .It is dont help me..

Sounds like you are losing view focus.

Use "Ctrl+Alt+shift" + RMB click near where you want to work. You can then zoom in better.
Or, select a polygon/edge or vertex near area you want to work, and press "F6" to auto zoom to area.
You will then better see and be able to select small edges/faces.
Title: Re: Bugs or features, questions
Post by: molebox on March 04, 2013, 01:15:58 pm
Hi molebox,

Sounds like you are losing view focus.

Use "Ctrl+Alt+shift" + RMB click near where you want to work. You can then zoom in better.
Or, select a polygon/edge or vertex near area you want to work, and press "F6" to auto zoom to area.
You will then better see and be able to select small edges/faces.

YES! It helped me :D Thank you steve! Both of variants is working. I'm simply don't knew what to search.. I thought that this is a bug =)

IStonia, i recorded a video, may be you interesting - https://www.box.com/s/jngjqgx87rlobpiv7t8s
Why the focus does not work automatically? Due to performance reasons?
Title: Re: Bugs or features, questions
Post by: IStonia on March 04, 2013, 08:53:12 pm
Why the focus does not work automatically?

Do you know any other apps which handle this and how?

Edit: When you adjust near/far clip planes manually, you need to set both in the individual viewport control panel. Far plane value should be larger than near plane.
Title: Re: Bugs or features, questions
Post by: molebox on March 05, 2013, 06:13:26 am
Do you know any other apps which handle this and how?
I don't know. But, when i pressed Ctrl+Shift+Alt+RMB then "Clip Plane" worked is right,ie the artefact (culling) appear in strongly zoom (watch the video).  Maybe you need to call "Set View Focusing Point" on each creating/opening the Scene?

Edit: When you adjust near/far clip planes manually, you need to set both in the individual viewport control panel. Far plane value should be larger than near plane.
up/down don't work. Only manually input in textbox. Watch the video.


I thinking that is bug. Problem was not only in perspective but and in the Left viewport. In the left viewport fully disappear a object
Title: Re: Bugs or features, questions
Post by: IStonia on March 05, 2013, 12:46:43 pm
I don't know. But, when i pressed Ctrl+Shift+Alt+RMB then "Clip Plane" worked is right,ie the artefact (culling) appear in strongly zoom (watch the video).  Maybe you need to call "Set View Focusing Point" on each creating/opening the Scene?

When in Auto Set mode, the app adjusts the clip planes base on camera and focus point positions. So when you do 'Ctrl+Shif+Alt+RMB', the clip planes will be adjusted so the area around the focus point will be ensured visible. I can't see the need to Call 'Set View Focusing Point' command automatically on creating/opening each scene. Because I have no idea where to set it. When you create a new scene, the focusing point will be set to world origin. When you open a scene, the focus point will be set to the point where it was when the scene was saved.

up/down don't work.

It is a special control, you need type in a non-zero value first, after that click and hold then drag to adjust the value.

I thinking that is bug. Problem was not only in perspective but and in the Left viewport. In the left viewport fully disappear a object

Not sure what you mean here.
Title: Re: Bugs or features, questions
Post by: molebox on March 05, 2013, 01:15:31 pm

It is a special control, you need type in a non-zero value first, after that click and hold then drag to adjust the value.
I'm sorry, it was not obvious to me   :-[

Not sure what you mean here.

Try to play with my scene.
Title: Re: Bugs or features, questions
Post by: steve on March 05, 2013, 01:19:13 pm
I thinking that is bug. Problem was not only in perspective but and in the Left viewport. In the left viewport fully disappear a object

That can happen if view focus is lost for viewport.

Set up a hotkey for "Best Fit(All views)" and use that to correct view focus in all views at once.(I use F8)

You can find the command in the Customize Tools:-


Title: Re: Bugs or features, questions
Post by: molebox on March 05, 2013, 01:29:47 pm
1. steve, do you have this problem, with  disappearing of object?
Thanks for advice, i will try.

2. I tried cut tool. How to cut on straight line? I tried to cut with SHift and Ctrl... :(
Title: Re: Bugs or features, questions
Post by: steve on March 05, 2013, 06:01:42 pm
Hello molebox,

1. steve, do you have this problem, with  disappearing of object?
Not now no. I used to have problems, but IStonia improved the display and I use "Set view Focusing point" and "Best Fit(All Views)"

If you have orthographic view(such as front), use the "Set View Focusing Point"(Ctrl+Alt+Shift+RMB) and click on the object in that view. With default clip planes, the object will not view clip,
(You may also be better to set the view focusing to a different hotkey, I use "X1"

2. I tried cut tool. How to cut on straight line? I tried to cut with SHift and Ctrl... :(
Which "Cut"?.
I think that only works with the streamline tool cut. Press(hold down)"C" to use cut, the shift/ctrl then work.
Title: Re: Bugs or features, questions
Post by: molebox on March 06, 2013, 06:49:52 am
I think that only works with the streamline tool cut. Press(hold down)"C" to use cut, the shift/ctrl then work.

It is does not work.
If to press "C"+"Ctrl/Shift" and click of LMB on a edge and moving the cursor, then the line will not be straight. I need it 90 degree.

If to press "C"+"Ctrl/Shift" and drag the cursor(with pressed LMB) - then it will to cut in the middle.
Hm.. If only then to move this edge.

If to press "C"+"Ctrl/Shift" and press RMB, then i get Slice.

----------How i see it.--------
1. Press "C" -> click LMB on any edge -> Click LMB on other edge = cut
2. Press "C" -> click LMB on any edge -> +press SHift -> I see in realtime cut(straight line) -> Click LMB on other edge = cut on 90 degree
3. Press "C" -> click LMB on any edge -> +press Ctrl -> I see in realtime cut (stepping angle)Click LMB on other edge = cut on x degree (it depends on "stepping angle")
Title: Re: Bugs or features, questions
Post by: steve on March 06, 2013, 12:33:10 pm
Sorry, I thought that worked, I am getting too old.  ;D

Try "Polygon-> Slice"

You can select the polygons you want to cut. click on "Slice" enable (if needed) "Slice selected polygons"-> press "X+shift" and draw the line in view.
Title: Re: Bugs or features, questions
Post by: molebox on March 06, 2013, 12:46:39 pm
Sorry, I thought that worked, I am getting too old.  ;D

Try "Polygon-> Slice"

You can select the polygons you want to cut. click on "Slice" enable (if needed) "Slice selected polygons"-> press "X+shift" and draw the line in view.

Thanks steve. I thought about it and realized that if you cut a straight line, and not slice, I'll get ngon =) Perhaps the best solution is to use in this case slice tool
Title: Re: Bugs or features, questions
Post by: IStonia on March 07, 2013, 08:52:03 am
It does work now.