

Topic: What People are Working On 2012  (Read 11393 times)

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    • Pain Killer Entertainment(tm)
March 14, 2012, 02:03:59 am

Long time no C...  Sorry 4 my absence as of late, but I have been busy working on a new game, and I now have the main character almost completely done, which of course it was modeled all in VW from start to finish, then Rigged w/ skeleton in Fragmotion, sorry couldn't figure out the bone stuff in VW, and finally I'm painting and editing in 3DCoat, all is looking really good, I need to redo the face & eyes they were just a quick rough in as a place holder so I could paint the helmet etc.. and get an idea how things were looking..  But enough from me tell me what you think, once it is totally done, I am going to finish the tutorials on the character modeling especially now that I am super fast with the tools and my silo shortcuts setup..

I Hope you like it, and comments or questions are welcome..;')

Here is the pic..

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I've Missed My Mind The Most!