

Topic: UV mapping  (Read 10675 times)

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November 27, 2012, 09:19:18 pm
Hello community,

I use Nvil all the days since 2 weeks. All the features I use for making characters in other softwares are already in Nvil, it's a great modeler. Thanks to IStonia  :)

This is my first little character made in Nvil

Now I want to unwrap my object and I have some difficulty to understand how works the UV mapping. Is there a tutorial somewhere ?


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November 27, 2012, 11:55:00 pm
the UV tools at this time are pretty incomplete. more or less everything has been pushed to the sides to focus on modeling tools and interaction.

what i tend to do use do my highpoly and low poly meshes all in nvil, and use the clipboard feature with some maya scripts i made to quicking boot thigns into maya for the UV'ing and rendering.