

Topic: switch from 3ds max  (Read 14547 times)

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November 26, 2012, 10:06:42 pm
First, congratulations to the developers, this soft is amazing!!!
I'm a  3ds max user, and I want to switch to nvil, just because i can model faster, and it feels so comfy!

I have some doubts:

- How can I achieve the edge connect lke 3ds max (with slide and pinch settings) ??
-How can I load other users settings, like STORM's  silo setup???

I will use this topic for questions related to switching from 3ds max.


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November 26, 2012, 11:12:39 pm
Hi amph, welcome to the forums.

I do not use 3ds max, so am not familiar with its tools/functions. I will try to help, but please forgive me if I am not answering correctly, due to my not knowing the functions in 3ds max.

- How can I achieve the edge connect lke 3ds max (with slide and pinch settings) ??

For edge connect, first select your object, go into "Edge selection" and have a look at (right hand side) "Visual tools -> Loop Insert" [Please note: There is also a streamline tool that can be used:- In edge select mode, press "S", the popup "Instant help" describes the mouse click options)

Move you mouse cursor over an edge on the model and you will see a new edge_loop shown. Moving the cursor up/down will also move the new edge_loop, LMB to add the new edge_loop
I could go into an explanation of all settings, but would advise you to have a look at "Help-> Contents -> Modeling -> Edge selection -> Loop Insert" that gives information. If you have specific questions, I will try to answer.
As for the "pinch settings, I think that is probably similar to adding hard_edge support.
After adding the new edge_loop(s), they will be selected, go to "Visual tools -> Chamfer" and use "Refine -> Hard_edges" you can then move your cursor into main viewport a LMB/drag which will add edge_loops around(parallel to) the selected edge_loops (but not sure if that is actually a comparable function as the "Pinch" in 3ds max.)

-How can I load other users settings, like STORM's  silo setup???
If you are importing tool setting, you can "Edit-> Customize-> Tools" In the tools popup screen, at the top, there are the options to "Import" and "export" the settings.

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November 27, 2012, 02:37:48 pm
Thanks Steve!!

This kind works, but I bet maybe there are a faster alternative to do that (maybe I have to setup a streamline tool).
...I'm really to start to fall in love with nvil, I like the blend between silo and 3ds max, and the fast approach of doing things...

A question related switching from 3ds max:

-Select backfaces or ignore backfaces during selection (i can't find the option).


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November 27, 2012, 02:52:35 pm
Hi amph,

This kind works, but I bet maybe there are a faster alternative to do that (maybe I have to setup a streamline tool).
I would possibly be able to help better if I know exactly what you wanted to do.

-Select backfaces or ignore backfaces during selection (i can't find the option).
Which selection method?

If for example you where using the "Marquee selection", you can LMB+drag out to select only front/camera facing. If you use MMB+drag, that will raycast select and select also the back facing.
Another example is paint selection. you can use MMB to paint select the front/camera facing, or use caps-lock+MMB to raycast paint select which selects both front and back.

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November 27, 2012, 03:27:10 pm
This kind works, but I bet maybe there are a faster alternative to do that (maybe I have to setup a streamline tool).

If I was correct in the "edge-loop + hard edge" for what you where looking for, then here is a quick example:-

You will see from the pic, I have created a new "Steamline tool" (Edit -> Customize -> Streamline tools")

I select new, and in the popup, select "Edge tool" (I named it as seen). I made a temp hokey "N4" (which is number pad 4)
In the right you will see I added for the LMB "Edge_Loop_cut/slide_MaintainCurvature#". I also added for the RMB "Edge_Chamfer_Refine#"

When I then press/hold down the numberpad "4", it will enable that streamline tool. I move the cursor over an edge, place the edge_loop where I want to create it, and LMB(which creates the edge_loop.), I then RMB and drag to create the hard_edges(extra edge loops parallel to the edge_loop). Release the hotkey

Does that help at all?
« Last Edit: November 27, 2012, 03:30:04 pm by steve »

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November 27, 2012, 05:45:13 pm
Thanks Steve!!

I found something that works more or less like the edge connect tool from 3ds max: Edge connect in manually select, proportional___use input position and you will have a equal space on each side for place the loops.

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November 27, 2012, 05:55:18 pm
..................and you will have a equal space on each side for place the loops.

You can use either the "Visual tools -> Loop Insert" or the hotkey "S" to enable loop Insert, then use the MMB to insert the edge_loop at mid_point of edge ring.

You could also select the edge_ring, then press "C"(cut)
« Last Edit: November 27, 2012, 05:57:59 pm by steve »

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November 27, 2012, 06:24:09 pm
First, congratulations to the developers, this soft is amazing!!!
I'm a  3ds max user, and I want to switch to nvil, just because i can model faster, and it feels so comfy!

Many thanks! amph. That is very encouraging.

- How can I achieve the edge connect lke 3ds max (with slide and pinch settings) ??

This may help, Edit > Help > Contents > Tutorials > Modeling Samples > Setup A StreamLine Tool.

-How can I load other users settings, like STORM's  silo setup???
All the app setting files reside in folder
C:\Users\UserName\Documents\DigitalFossils\VoidWorld\User Settings

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November 27, 2012, 10:18:43 pm
also i would warn you about the configs someone of them are quite OLD now that are posted, im hopefully going to get time to put my updated one up, with some documentation on what i changed.

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November 27, 2012, 10:22:31 pm
Thanks Istonia!
This is what i was looking for, it works like 3ds Max edge connect, but without the need to select a ring first......OMG, this software is fucking amazing, every time that I discover a new feature, I'm really happy to be a nvil user.
And I'm just scratching the surface!!

Congratulations!!!! :)

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November 28, 2012, 12:05:09 am
also glade your enjoying the software, i still would never try and use it as a replacement, for maya/max, but it used for all but the simplest modeling for me now.

also once you get into tweaking your own streamline tools, and creating new ones, that is when a lot of power shines through.

here is a simple but powerful change.

after setting that now when using the loopcut with rmb it places too loops at once and adjusts the pinch value. super useful for placing support loops, for subd work.

also other tip, if you tap the mouse button for a streamline instead of hold it, it will use the same values as the last time the tool was activated.