

Topic: Complete Iconset for Nvil inside  (Read 28330 times)

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    • Reiner`s Tilesets
November 04, 2012, 10:13:16 am
Initially i just wanted to make a few icons for the most important tools and my own needs when the new User Toolbars gots introduced. Then i made a few more icons, and got carried away. Wich i quickly regret. Geez, that was a hell lots of buttons. I thought it will never end.

But i usually finish what i start. And it was fun to invent the icons. And so i have finished a complete iconset for all through the User Toolbars available buttons now. The complete Customize Tools list. 554 icons so far. Including two selfmade streamline tools. Took me around 4 weeks now when i calculate right. When did the User Toolbars come out?

Each icon is available with different background colours black, blue and green. Plus greyed out. And one set is the pure icons without background colour in case you want to use your own custom button background or you prefer the raw look.

The size for this buttons is 32x32. Which fits good to my 1920 screen and my doddery fingers. I didn`t wanted to go any bigger. Making the set smaller to fit lower resolutions shouldn`t be a problem with Gimp and Davids Batch Processor. No guarantee that the quality still is ok for all buttons then though. There`s some fragile stuff ...

Some icons may not really fit to the tools i made them for. There are still lots of tools where i am completely unsure how they are meant and work (i should really start to use Nvil instead of making buttons and requesting features, heh) And i struggled with the tools names too, as usual. But at least every tool has an icon now. I hope it is of use for some :)
iStonia, you can include the set into Nvil when you want. In case you don`t want to include it i thought of making it public at my page so that everybody can make use of the icons. But you have the first call since this set is made for Nvil in the first place.

This file here is the zipfile with all icons. 4.44 Mb:

This file here is the xml file that contains the User Toolbars as shown in the shot. Maybe a starting point since you can drag buttons between the user toolbars. (Hm, a few more toolbars would be nice :D ). The tools are just iconized though, not connected yet. And also without closer description. 870 Kb:

And a shot to show what it`s about :)

What follows now is the hard work of creating useful toolbars that makes sense, give the icons useful descriptions, and connect them with the tools.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2012, 09:08:21 am by Tiles »
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November 04, 2012, 10:38:20 am
554 icons so far.


I don't think it's a good idea to include it into the release as it takes loading time and some people may not use it at all and some people may only use a small portion.

Once you finish it, you can create a new thread in the Help section and I will pin it.

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    • Reiner`s Tilesets
November 04, 2012, 10:45:06 am
The button set itself is finished and feature complete from what i can say. It`s just the toolbars that i need to finish and create now.

With include i didn`t mean to put them into the main UI. Just deliver the buttons too so that the users can make their own toolbars with them. But alright, then i will make the set publicware. Even better. The offer stands though. You can still deliver the buttons with Nvil when you want :)

I do have one question about the loading times. Would it help to reduce the loading times to make the icons as gif? They are currently PNG. And i don`t know how Nvil handles the stuff internal.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2012, 10:48:37 am by Tiles »
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November 04, 2012, 07:27:35 pm
I do have one question about the loading times. Would it help to reduce the loading times to make the icons as gif? They are currently PNG. And i don`t know how Nvil handles the stuff internal.

I downloaded your setting file and test it on my machine. It seems the loading time for the icons are so little that I can't tell the difference. So just keep it as PNG.

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    • Reiner`s Tilesets
November 04, 2012, 07:32:39 pm
Thanks :)
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November 04, 2012, 08:06:14 pm
I checked the 'Snapping Options' group and found it can be improved.

  -Those 'Enable To XXX Temporary' commands only works with hotkeys, so they are not suitable to set as buttons tools.
  -You can map checked icons to snapping buttons. For example, vertex snapping button, black icon as main icon and blue icon as checked icon. link the vertex snapping button LMB to 'Snapping Options > Vertex', link MMB to 'Snapping options > Toggle Vertex', link RMB to ' Snapping Options > Toggle All Snappings'. This way, you can reduce the number of buttons and also can tell whether a snapping is on or off from the button's appearing icon.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2012, 08:11:11 pm by IStonia »

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November 05, 2012, 09:20:51 am
Thanks for the suggestions. I will definitely take them into account :)

As told, the cleanup what button makes sense and needs to be in the toolbar is something that comes next. And i will surely also incorporate highlighting and checked. That`s why there is also a blue and a green icon set. Up to this point i was only looking to finish the icon set at all. For all tools that could be acessed and grabbed from the User Toolbars. This included stuff like the "temporary" buttons, even when it doesn`t make sense. Those tools can be accessed through the User toolbar, so i made an icon for it.

To create all possible icons was one part of the task. Now everybody has already something to toy around when he wants. Next let`s create the toolbars with it. That`s a separate task. And may minimum need another four weeks. Maybe even more when i think at all modes and to make the buttons appear and disappear by that*. We will see. It`s done when it`s done :)

*I think of an alternative way of greyed out buttons instead of disappearing buttons. This may cost more space, and is setupwise a bit of a challenge, but i dislike hidden icons and menu items. When the button is grey then you know that you are in the wrong mode, that the tool is not available from here. But when the button is not visible then you don`t even know that the tool is there. And by added and removed buttons the whole look and layout of the toolbar changes. Which makes the useage of the toolbars harder because the buttons are always at another position then. That`s maybe worth an alternative setup.

The design doc looks like this:

- Create icon set - CHECK

- Connect all tools to its functionality.
- Write useful tooltips.
- Have a look at the functionality, incorporate stuff like toggling, and remove buttons that doesn`t make sense.
- Incorporate visibility or greyed out buttons, dependand of the mode. Double task in case i decide to do both, disappearing buttons and greyed out buttons as an alternative way.

This is another milestone since i plan to provide a basic set with all available icons and tools where others can extend from by drag and drop. Better said two now. One with disappearing buttons, one with buttons that turns grey when in wrong mode. So that everybody can build his very own toolbars by drag n drop. What follows then is again a completely different task. Creating production ready custom toolbars.

- Create useful toolbars with the reduced toolset that you really need for production. Makes no sense to throw a toolbar to death with buttons that you just use once or twice a year. That`s stuff for the menu. This one most probably means that i try to mimic the Smart tips and the visual tools, and extend from there then.
- And final step is polishing then. There`s always something missing or to improve.

All is already planned. Lots of work ahead :)

May i ask at this point if it is possible to extend the numbers of User Toolbars to let`s say ten? Or in best case to a user defined number of toolbars that can be set in the preferences? Four may be a bit short since the whole set already eats up one toolbar. Two gets eaten by Smart tip and Visual tools. One for the stuff at the top. And then there`s no toolbar left for custom tools :)
« Last Edit: November 05, 2012, 09:23:04 am by Tiles »
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November 05, 2012, 10:52:59 am
*I think of an alternative way of greyed out buttons instead of disappearing buttons.

Do you mean grey out the whole button group since currently visibility is controlled at group level?

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    • Reiner`s Tilesets
November 05, 2012, 12:06:16 pm
Well. I have thought of greyed out single buttons, not whole groups. But since just whole groups can be turned on or off i simply plan to create for example three groups for edit mode that contains all tools for modeling. Be it edge, vertice or face mode. And then i display in the face mode the buttons that are disfunctional in this mode as a grey button instead of not displaying them. Same for the other two edit modes. And then make this groups visible dependand of the current mode. I hope this description makes sense to you :)

It would be of course handy when i could do that at the button level. But is not really necessary, and would most probably make things at all ends lots more complicated. Show Hide at the group level is enough. No need for a change :)
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  • Vertex
November 05, 2012, 04:39:21 pm
WOW! Thanks for taking the time to create these Tiles! Fantastic job! They look great. One question... do you have them in raw photoshop format? I was just wondering how easy it would be to tweak the coloring a bit.
Once again, great job man!

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    • Reiner`s Tilesets
November 05, 2012, 05:39:40 pm
You`re welcome :)

The images are not available as raw, sorry. They are in PNG. Even the original renderings in oversize are PNG.

What kind of colouring do you want to modify? The icons themselves or the background colour?

Recolouring of the background colour is a simple job of replacing the background button image with the one that contains your needed colour. That`s why i have included the raw icons and the background images too. I`ve even made a little tool to automate this job. Can be found here:

Tweaking the colour of the icons is a one by one job though, using software like Gimp or Photoshop. There you can of course manipulate the single colour channels until the icons fits your needs.

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November 05, 2012, 09:10:17 pm
Yeah, I was thinking the icons themselves. Not that the colors you have chosen are bad at all. I would just like to make them match a color theme for example. I was thinking the Blue, Orange and Grey from the Nvil logo (along with a few other complimentary colors if need be). Only with your permission of course. I know how to do hue-shifting and such inside Photoshop. I was just wondering if you had them in layers. PNGs with alpha will be fine though.
Thanks Tiles! Again, great job!

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    • Reiner`s Tilesets
November 06, 2012, 07:57:32 am
You can modify the icons in every way you want. They are completely free :)
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    • Reiner`s Tilesets
November 10, 2012, 06:25:26 pm
Just wanted to say that i`ve updated the iconset. I have added the missing buttons for the usertools 5-10 in the set now too. Those tools gots introduced with the last update. There was also another icon missing, i can`t remember which one. And there was a set with wrong file format in one of the colours. *.bmp instead of *.png. That`s a question of missing transparency then.
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November 11, 2012, 01:43:21 am
Is the icon for 'Torus" tool correct?