

Topic: VoidWorld Update Oct 12 2012  (Read 12450 times)

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October 11, 2012, 12:52:56 pm
new update.
Note: If the app failed to run, it is likely the msvcr71.dll is missing in your system.

Summary of changes:

  * 'Geometry > Common Commands n Tools > Collapse' tool is improved again. If in vertex mode and the last selected vertex is point selected, the welding result vertex's position will be set to the same as the last point selected vertex.
  * 'Edge Mode > Collapse Loop is removed. Because 'Geometry > Common Commands n Tools > Collapse' has been improved to have the ability to perform the same operation in edge mode.
  * Geometry > Common Commands n Tools > Weld(General). Main entry for all welding tools.


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October 12, 2012, 03:21:04 am
Hi IStonia,

  * 'Geometry > Common Commands n Tools > Collapse' tool is improved again. If in vertex mode and the last selected vertex is point selected, the welding result vertex's position will be set to the same as the last point selected vertex.

That is not a correct description of the function, or, it does not function as you describe.

For the collapse to work that way, all vertex selected would need to be connected by edge path. It is a similar problem as I have put forward before.

A simple example could be:- Create a Box with segments of at least 2 (on all axis). Select at least 3 corner vertex. Now attempt to collapse, it will do nothing. It is the same problem with "Weld".
 You would need to use "Weld to Nearest" multiple times.



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October 12, 2012, 04:00:04 am
A simple example could be:- Create a Box with segments of at least 2 (on all axis). Select at least 3 corner vertex. Now attempt to collapse, it will do nothing. It is the same problem with "Weld".
 You would need to use "Weld to Nearest" multiple times.

I did in the steps you described and I have all the three corner vertices welded into three vertices.
The last point selected vertex poistion constraint only applys to the last selected vertex's vertex group in which all selected vertices are adjacent to each other.

It is hard to use few words to present the function.

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October 12, 2012, 04:30:43 am
I did in the steps you described and I have all the three corner vertices welded into three vertices.
But the result of collapsing 3 vertex should be one vertex.
The last point selected vertex poistion constraint only applys to the last selected vertex's vertex group in which all selected vertices are adjacent to each other.
You are treating them similar to edge selections, which IMHO is not correct.

It is similar to the problem with "Weld".
If I select multiple vertex on an object/mesh and use "Weld > Ignore threshold" then ALL the selected vertex should weld together, regardless of their relationship to edges.

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October 12, 2012, 07:09:25 am
Is that result practical and usefull where closed vertices weld together? I though it's bad mesh so I intend to avoid it.

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October 12, 2012, 07:27:46 am
Is that result practical and usefull where closed vertices weld together?

Yes :)

I though it's bad mesh so I intend to avoid it.

Hm, that`s a decision of the artist. There are a thousand ways to create bad geometry. And you can`t protect the artist from every possible mistake. As it is now it is not expected behaviour. Which i would count higher than the danger to create bad geometry. That`s at least my opinion to it :)
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October 12, 2012, 07:48:29 am
Is that result practical and usefull where closed vertices weld together?
I see it as a logical outcome of a function to weld all vertex selected when ignoring threshold.

I though it's bad mesh so I intend to avoid it.
You give the option to "Target Weld" to "closed vertex". The "weld" > "Ignore Threshold" will weld 2 closed vertex(but not more selected at the same time) and you have the "Weld to nearest" which welds closed vertex but only welds them in pairs.
So it is not a case of you avoiding it, it is just you placing restrictions with a need for extra steps or to use different weld tools.

But of course, it is up to you. I rarely use the weld functions anyway.