

Topic: Having a problem with smart tips menu.  (Read 11463 times)

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  • Posts: 82
  • Edge
October 05, 2012, 12:41:17 am
I'm not seeing the smart tips drop-down menu.
I even have it set to View All The Time. In the Edit/ Options/ Smart Tip Options.

I find the Smart Tips very handy. How do I get it back?

  • Posts: 424
  • Triangle
    • Reiner`s Tilesets
October 05, 2012, 08:06:06 am
Do a View / Windows / Reset , and have a look if that helps.
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  • Posts: 82
  • Edge
October 05, 2012, 01:38:33 pm
Hi Tiles,

         No, that didn't help. It set everything back to default, the smart tip dialogue box was there.
But it was empty. So I restored my settings, with my backup users settings.

I wonder if I have a bug? This all started to happen when I updated VW, to Sep 30 2012.

  • Posts: 424
  • Triangle
    • Reiner`s Tilesets
October 05, 2012, 04:19:55 pm
Hm, you have to reset the windows when you install a new version that comes with changings in the windows layout. Not a bug, but software in development. Old settings cannot know about new panels. What has trapped me before was that you need to restart the software so that the new settings gets saved then. But i guess that`s what you did. And so my second guess goes towards a non reproduceable hiccup.

Just to be sure because it isn`t really clear, are you still in trouble?
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  • Posts: 82
  • Edge
October 07, 2012, 03:34:56 am
No, you're right. It's the new panels.
I didn't catch that at first. Actually, I think it's a good idea. Instead of having it drop down when you don't want it
Thank you, I didn't know about resetting the Windows.
I reset the Windows, and reinstall the update. The smart tip menu was there.
But when I reinstalled my user settings, they were gone again.
No problem, I'll just have to set them manually.

Thank you for your help!  :)

 PS. Tried to post this yesterday, but couldn't.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2012, 03:37:03 am by 3dwizzard »