

Topic: Zoom/Pan Camera  (Read 5188 times)

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September 24, 2021, 06:53:44 pm
Hello guys,

First before anything, I am totally amazed by topology tool, really good job !

I am wondering if NVIL got a Zoom/Pan Option that give you the possibility to zoom in the camera point of view without changing the perspective.

It's hard to explain but when you see it, you instantly understand.
Here is where you can find the option in Maya:

And here in Houdini

This is great when you don't want your camera to move at all BUT you need to zoom in one part of the image to be more precise. And with your topology tool it would be totally awesome.

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September 24, 2021, 10:58:46 pm
Hope fully this is the tool you are looking for.

1. Open this window, View > Windows > Tool Search Window.

2. Type in and search this tool, "Window Zoom View".

3. MMB click the "View Navigation Tools > Window Zoom View" tool in the search result list. The "Customize Tools" window will show up with the "Window Zoom View" tool selected.

4. Set a hotkey like "M" and mouse button like "LMB" to the tool.

5. Click "Apply" button to close the "Customize Tools" window.

6. Now press down "M" key and use LMB drag out a rectangle in the scene. The view will zoom out/in depending on whether the rectangle is dragged out from left or right.

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September 25, 2021, 04:11:16 am
Also try this new version

This option has been added
* View > Window Zoom View Enabled. Change the normal zoom view operation to window zoom operation if this option is on. Drag a rectangle to define zoom area. Drag to right for zoom in. Drag to left for zoom out.

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September 27, 2021, 09:36:19 am
Hello, and thanks a lot for the first reply !

So yes it works but, it's very hard to navigate.
For example, let's say I want to zoom in this cylinder and keep this perspective:

If I don't do a rectangle at the right place, it will change my point of view, here is an example:

In this example I am not aligned with the line anymore, because the window I created wasn't perfectly aligend with the center of the screen

Do you think it would be possible to replace the normal zoom/pan and not change the perspective at all ?

Thanks again for the very fast reply

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September 28, 2021, 10:00:06 am
I am afraid it is not possible. We won't be able to make that feature.