

Topic: Action Cancel Command  (Read 16350 times)

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October 02, 2012, 05:14:26 pm

I have just recently disabled the "Default RMB Activation Enabled" for "Radial menu".(I do not use it).
For some reason now, if I have an object selected that was at some time uniformly scaled, on a RMB the object re-scales back to what it was. So I was at first wondering if I have disabled the radial menu correctly?
I then re-enabled the "Default RMB Activation Enabled" and noticed that, if again I select an object that at some time as been uniformly scaled, RMB for Radial menu, then select[from radial menu] "Action Cancel Command", again the object reverts to previous scale.

I cannot understand this behavior, is it a bug?


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October 02, 2012, 11:18:49 pm
Edit > Preference > General > RMB action cancel enabled.

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October 02, 2012, 11:48:42 pm
Edit > Preference > General > RMB action cancel enabled.

I am curious as to why that preference is enabled by default, and also the RMB by default activates the "Radial menu"?

After I have disabled the option:- Edit-> Options-> Radial Menu options-> Default RMB Activation Enabled", why does the RMB not actually cancel a command? Instead, as I put forward above, if I have an object selected that I have uniformally scaled, the RMB reverts it back to the size it was before the scale.

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October 03, 2012, 12:15:59 am
I am curious as to why that preference is enabled by default, and also the RMB by default activates the "Radial menu"?

When people asked for a new feature I usually put it as default.

After I have disabled the option:- Edit-> Options-> Radial Menu options-> Default RMB Activation Enabled", why does the RMB not actually cancel a command? Instead, as I put forward above, if I have an object selected that I have uniformally scaled, the RMB reverts it back to the size it was before the scale.

The two options are two different things. One is to disable the action, the other one is just to prevent the default radial menu popup so user can use rmb for other things like view navigation.

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October 03, 2012, 12:24:33 am
The two options are two different things. One is to disable the action,
I am not sure how many different ways I can word it. "It does not work"!!!!

the other one is just to prevent the default radial menu popup so user can use rmb for other things like view navigation.
Or maybe "Cancel action"? if it allowed it.

Have you actually checked the "RMB: action cancel" function?

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October 03, 2012, 12:41:35 am
Easy checks for you to make.

1: Create a box. Uniformally scale it. Press escape(current default for "Action cancel Command") and the box will revert to previous size.

2: With default setting. Click on "Box"(do not create the box), right click for "Radial menu" select "Action Cancel Command", the "Command:Box" will be canceled.

3: Disable "Edit > Options > Radial Menu Options > Default RMB Activation Enabled."
Create a box and uniformally scale it. Click on "Box"(do not create the box), then RMB. The command will not be canceled and the created box will revert to its previous size.

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October 03, 2012, 12:59:06 am

I am confused. I don't know what the problem is. Please explain what is the current result and what is your expected result.

1: Create a box. Uniformally scale it. Press escape(current default for "Action cancel Command") and the box will revert to previous size.

Is this a probbem?

2: With default setting. Click on "Box"(do not create the box), right click for "Radial menu" select "Action Cancel Command", the "Command:Box" will be canceled.

Is this a problem tool?

3: Disable "Edit > Options > Radial Menu Options > Default RMB Activation Enabled."
Create a box and uniformally scale it. Click on "Box"(do not create the box), then RMB. The command will not be canceled and the created box will revert to its previous size.

What is the reason you disable "Edit > Options > Radial Menu Options > Default RMB Activation Enabled." for in this operation. I checked that, the box always reverts back to previous size on RMB regardless "Edit > Options > Radial Menu Options > Default RMB Activation Enabled." is on or off.

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October 03, 2012, 01:14:40 am

I am confused. I don't know what the problem is. Please explain what is the current result and what is your expected result.

1: Create a box. Uniformally scale it. Press escape(current default for "Action cancel Command") and the box will revert to previous size.

Is this a probbem?

Yes, it can be.
Performing "Action cancel command" should not be reverting the scale of an object. It did not do that is earlier versions of NVIL, and do not understand any logic with it doing so now.

2: With default setting. Click on "Box"(do not create the box), right click for "Radial menu" select "Action Cancel Command", the "Command:Box" will be canceled.

Is this a problem tool?
No, that is not the problem, just an example of what I expect when using the "Action cancel command"

3: Disable "Edit > Options > Radial Menu Options > Default RMB Activation Enabled."
Create a box and uniformally scale it. Click on "Box"(do not create the box), then RMB. The command will not be canceled and the created box will revert to its previous size.

What is the reason you disable "Edit > Options > Radial Menu Options > Default RMB Activation Enabled." for in this operation. I checked that, the box always reverts back to previous size on RMB regardless "Edit > Options > Radial Menu Options > Default RMB Activation Enabled." is on or off.
I do not want to use the "Radial Menu", I want to use the RMB for "Action Cancel Command", which it is supposed to be set for by default.
But instead, it does not cancel the the current command and can revert a selected objects scale.

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October 13, 2012, 04:12:51 pm

I am confused. I don't know what the problem is. Please explain what is the current result and what is your expected result.

1: Create a box. Uniformally scale it. Press escape(current default for "Action cancel Command") and the box will revert to previous size.

Is this a probbem?

Yes, it can be.
Performing "Action cancel command" should not be reverting the scale of an object. It did not do that is earlier versions of NVIL, and do not understand any logic with it doing so now.

Why it can be a problem? Imagine you are scaling down an object just want to see objects behind it briefly but you don't want to keep that scale. You just right click or hit Escape key to let the object go back to the original size rather than performing an undo.

3: Disable "Edit > Options > Radial Menu Options > Default RMB Activation Enabled."
Create a box and uniformally scale it. Click on "Box"(do not create the box), then RMB. The command will not be canceled and the created box will revert to its previous size.

What is the reason you disable "Edit > Options > Radial Menu Options > Default RMB Activation Enabled." for in this operation. I checked that, the box always reverts back to previous size on RMB regardless "Edit > Options > Radial Menu Options > Default RMB Activation Enabled." is on or off.
I do not want to use the "Radial Menu", I want to use the RMB for "Action Cancel Command", which it is supposed to be set for by default.
But instead, it does not cancel the the current command and can revert a selected objects scale.

The behaviour of 'RMB action cancel' is a little bit different from Escape and radial menu's action cancel. It dones not close a tool, it only cancel the current action performed by mouse draging. Because some actions are performed by RMB, so Escape key is used as an alternative. That's an additional feature for Escape tool besides its Close Tool feature.
'RMB action cancel' does not conflict with 'RMB Radial Menu Activation'. When an action is being performed by dragging a mouse button, there is no way the Radial menu can be activated.

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October 13, 2012, 05:50:28 pm
Why it can be a problem? Imagine you are scaling down an object just want to see objects behind it briefly but you don't want to keep that scale. You just right click or hit Escape key to let the object go back to the original size rather than performing an undo.

Why would you scale an object to see behind it? There are easier ways, for example, to simply hide the object.
If I uniformly scale an object, then perform various other operations on that object, why, when later I reselect that object, should pressing escape(action cancel) scale the object back down to its size before the uniform scale? How is that helpful or logical in any way?
Another example:-
I create a new scene, add a box and uniformly scale it. Save the scene. Open the scene, select the cube, press esc(action cancel) and the cube reverts back to its size before the uniformly scale was made. You find that helpful?
Last example for now:-
Create a box, uniformly scale it, start to create a second box, but before finishing the second box, press esc to cancel that action, the action is canceled, but the first box also scales back down to its previous size. I do not find that helpful in any way what so ever.

The behaviour of 'RMB action cancel' is a little bit different from Escape and radial menu's action cancel. It dones not close a tool, it only cancel the current action performed by mouse draging. Because some actions are performed by RMB, so Escape key is used as an alternative. That's an additional feature for Escape tool besides its Close Tool feature.
'RMB action cancel' does not conflict with 'RMB Radial Menu Activation'. When an action is being performed by dragging a mouse button, there is no way the Radial menu can be activated.
This is the first software I have ever used that can make a simple "Cancel command" so over complicated by adding other functions to it.

If you want a function that resizes an object back to it original scale, then add one, but make it function fully/correctly and do not hide it in a "Cancel" command that will only confuse and probably cause issue some time later.

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October 13, 2012, 06:35:58 pm
I have been going through previous builds to find where this "Behavior" was added, which was:-
Update:- AUG 11 2012.

The only ref that is related is:-
"* Geometry > Common Commands n Tools > Freeze Object Scale."

I can only presume(as no mention anywhere), that with adding a function to "Freeze scale" also infers that the original scale is stored, but do not see a tool to "Revert to original scale". So I again presume, that adding a function to revert to its original scale was added to the "Action cancel command", however, it is still not logical.

If an original scale is stored, then that is a specific size. So either uniform or non-uniform scale should be reverted if a function is reverting to original scale, but it does not function in that way. Only the last uniform scale is reverted, which is not necessarily reverting to it original scale.

You need to remove the "revert uniform scale" function from the "Action cancel" and create a specific tool for that function, and that the function works correctly/logically.

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October 13, 2012, 10:48:06 pm
You need to remove the "revert uniform scale" function from the "Action cancel" and create a specific tool for that function, and that the function works correctly/logically.

'RMB action cancel' is a general purpose command. It acts on any current active action being performed by mouse button dragging, extrude/chamfer/slide/tweak/move/rotate/scale/etc. It acts on viewport. It also acts on axis label draggings in 'Maniuplation'/Manipulation Input' window. That is a feature suggested by someone long time ago as it is a feature in Max. Why should I just remove "revert uniform scale" from it.

There seems I may have misunderstood your points and I think I may have found what it is.
I created a box. Change its idividual scale to (2, 1, 1) or (2, 2, 2) or what ever rather than (1, 1, 1). Now, I am not doing anything, hands off mouse and keyboard. If I just hit 'Escape' key, nothing should happen. But in fact, the box's scale is set to (1, 1, 1) as soon as I hit 'Escape' key. This is a bug. I hope this is the one you've been talking about.

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October 13, 2012, 11:25:53 pm
This is a bug. I hope this is the one you've been talking about.


Thank you.

 + Fixed in latest update, thank you very much   :)
« Last Edit: October 14, 2012, 01:22:20 am by steve »