

Topic: Draw Mesh Tool in combination with custom hotkeys  (Read 6007 times)

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  • Posts: 194
  • Spline
February 08, 2018, 12:56:07 pm

I learn to use the use Drawing Mesh tool again using this cool tutorial from rubberDuck here:

at 7:26 he says with "shift" you can draw horizontal/vertical lines

if i press "shift" it closes the tool and i loose the whole drawing.I cant use shift in some other drawing situations too.

Could it be some hotkey assignments, that i have on my shift key, that cause this problem?
I have assigned to the "shift" key following actions:

View Navigation Tools > Snap View On Rotating (Orthographic)
Modeling Options > Stepping Enabled Toggle Key
Streamline Engine Tools > Tweak2 ( custom tool see screenshot)

that are hotkeys that i want to keep , they working perfect in my workflow, but maybe it conflict
with DrawMesh tool that i would also like to use. Dont know what to do..Thanks for help in advance...
« Last Edit: February 08, 2018, 03:49:07 pm by Woolfy »

  • Posts: 194
  • Spline
February 08, 2018, 01:11:30 pm
Also the combination of Caps-Look+Space+keep LMB for closing line dont want to work. Maybe for the same reason...

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February 08, 2018, 08:38:01 pm
Most of the local hotkeys in "Draw Mesh" work in this way, they are only needed when one of the mouse button is being depressed which prevents the hotkey from activating other commands or tools outside of "Draw Mesh" tool.
If the hotkey does not work in this way and triggers other commands or tools, try using the "Draw Mesh" tool ui instead of hotkeys.

If you close the "Draw Mesh" tool by accident, you can retrieve your drawings by clicking the "Import Last Used" button in the "Draw Mesh" tool UI after reopen the "Draw Mesh" tool.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2018, 05:21:44 am by IStonia »

  • Posts: 194
  • Spline
February 09, 2018, 10:06:23 am
Thanks a lot for the info Istonia!

Would like to use hotkeys, but i use Draw Mesh not so often like modelling, so i will do some actions with UI tool (already helps a lot).

Is it maybe possible to complete disable "custom" hotkeys when Drawmesh tool is activated?
And use only hotkeys of Drawmesh? Some of the hotkeys seems already be deactivated like switching to vertex, polygon etc modes.

And one thing: If for example i want to close the line i press RMB on the line and press CapsLook +Space right? In the theory, if i hold RMB down my custom hotkeys must be disabled right? Nevertheless it doesnt work(line is still open). Only if i use UI, it works nice.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2018, 10:14:57 am by Woolfy »

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February 09, 2018, 11:08:52 am
Is it maybe possible to complete disable "custom" hotkeys when Drawmesh tool is activated?
And use only hotkeys of Drawmesh? Some of the hotkeys seems already be deactivated like switching to vertex, polygon etc modes.

Not a good idea. There can be cases when you need to switch between "Draw Mesh" tool and other tools often.

And one thing: If for example i want to close the line i press RMB on the line and press CapsLook +Space right? In the theory, if i hold RMB down my custom hotkeys must be disabled right? Nevertheless it doesnt work(line is still open). Only if i use UI, it works nice.

Did you press down Caps-Lock key first?

Have you change the hotkey of this tool, Edit > Customize > Tools > Common Shortcut Tools > Redirect Modifier, to other key? Its default key is Caps-Lock.
Have you Change the hotkey of this tool, Edit > Customize > Tools > Modeling Options > StreamLine Tool Option Cycler, to other key. Its default key is Space.
If not a must, you should not change the hotkey of these two tools. If you have, for example, changed the "Redirect Modifier" hotkey to "Tab", the closing hotkey should be Tab+Sapce. Whenever you see "Caps-Lock" key in a tool's tooltip, you should see it as "Tab" key.

  • Posts: 194
  • Spline
February 10, 2018, 06:45:21 pm
Have you Change the hotkey of this tool, Edit > Customize > Tools > Modeling Options > StreamLine Tool Option Cycler, to other key. Its default key is Space.

That was exactly this. I had no Space hotkey assigned to this action. Now closing works nice!

Thanks a lot!!!

I also figured out why Drawmesh closes, because of the "Tweak2" streamline tool (i mentioned in the first post) on the "shift" key assigned.I will use the Drawmesh UI in this situations..