

Topic: your shared config saves 'recent files' history  (Read 10486 times)

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September 16, 2012, 03:54:48 pm
Hey guys!
I just wanted to let you know: If you share your configs, you also share your recent file history!
I imported passerby's and/or storm's configurations and there is a lot of file history, that is not belonging to me. So if you don't want others to know what you're are working on, you should probably clean that up before sharing your config. To do that first close NVIL, otherwise it won't work because it seems that these settings are overwritten once you close the software. Go to your 'User Settings' folder (e.g. C:\Users\XXX\Documents\DigitalFossils\VoidWorld\User Settings) and open up the PreferenceSettings.xml or whatever you called it in any kind of editor. Search for the tag <RecentFiles> and delete the blocks you don't feel much like sharing with others. :) By blocks I mean the sections that look like this:
Code: [Select]
Save and close.

And thanks to everyone who is kind enough to share their configs!
« Last Edit: September 16, 2012, 03:56:35 pm by Vaquero »