

Topic: character parts done with nvil  (Read 8716 times)

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August 15, 2017, 07:47:16 pm
Finished character , most modeling parts are done with nvil, exept of soft cloth and body.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2017, 08:14:25 pm by Woolfy »

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August 15, 2017, 08:04:54 pm
Nicely done Woolfy!  :D
That's one badass Viking. :)

What I'm curious about is if you SubD-modelled base shapes of those parts in NVil, retopologized them or both?

When it comes to constructive critique, the only thing I noticed is that at the bottom edge of the torn loincloth some fragments of the leather seem to float in the air. But this might be just because of the threshold of the cutout.

PS. Textured in...?

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August 15, 2017, 08:48:04 pm
Thanks :),

- modeled midpoly (subD)in nvil, then saved them out as "highpoly" for bake in Substance Painter. Used a lot of edge crease feature.

- took the same midpoly but sub 0 and used them as a base for lowpoly with some rework and snapping

- uv in silo

- Texturing in Substance Painter

To the flying fragments. Yes im still of fixing skinning. Need to fix it there, thanks for tip..

« Last Edit: August 16, 2017, 09:12:28 am by Woolfy »

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August 15, 2017, 09:50:47 pm
Thanks for the info and another great render. It's always a candy for the eyes to see such nice organic stuff. :)
Wow, Silo? Darn, it has been a long, long time since I last used it. Especially for UVs. Have you, by any chance, given 3D Coat a try in this department? It has some of the best UV tools out there and a real kickass proprietary unwrapping algorithm (Global Uniform) which in most cases returns much better results than LSCM which Silo uses (and even ABF++). You won't see much UV distortion in a mesh unwrapped with it. Not saying that there is any in your model, of course. :)

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August 15, 2017, 10:20:18 pm
Yes i used it for a while, i know thats realy great tool. Maybe i will try it again because nvil has a bridge to it. One thing i have to figure out there, how to easily hide mesh parts for seams setting. Thats always prevent me to throw silo into bin^^ because in silo seams marking and base uv unwrap just speedy.

My pipe right now looks like this:
I create seams in silo, then i trow it to zbrush , run uvmaster with existing seams, export back to silo an fix and pack uv islands by hand. Sometimes i pack in 3dsmax since it has good packer.

By the way is it possible to set uv seams in nvil? Then run unwrap in coat?
« Last Edit: August 15, 2017, 10:32:23 pm by Woolfy »

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August 16, 2017, 05:25:14 pm
There's a Hide tool available in both UV and Retopo rooms that allows for hiding faces that you find obscuring your view and denying access to certain parts of your model. Turning off visibility of Paint Objects (or Retopo Groups, if you're unwrapping in Retopo Room) also comes in handy.

Regarding speediness, in 3D Coat you just mark a single edge, loop or path and that's it - they become a UV seam. Packing is also pretty good, however depending on UV settings, you might need to run it a couple of times to find an optimal result.

By the way is it possible to set uv seams in nvil? Then run unwrap in coat?
Yep it's totally possible. And the Applink speeds up the process a lot.

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August 16, 2017, 11:10:28 pm
Thanks for the info. Would be cool to test this workflow too..

In the moment i cant see seams on the object. I see there is a color that i can set in "preferences" for uv seams,  but i cant see it on the object somehow.
Do you know how to set seams in nvil? There is no tool i can find for...

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August 17, 2017, 05:25:18 am
Help > Contents > Modeling > Polygon Section > Texture UV Map > UV Unfold > Edit Seams.

  • Posts: 194
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August 17, 2017, 12:11:06 pm
Thanks a lot for info Istonia..

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August 23, 2017, 10:53:32 pm
I like it.
Excellent work.