

Topic: Exporting Hierarchy  (Read 4554 times)

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December 30, 2017, 08:26:57 am

Maybe I am missing something, but what is the point of have an hierarchy that cannot be exported?

 I was under the impression when the hierarchy was implimented that it would be a simple case of creating a folder(root) and adding objects to that root which can then be exported as .dae (or fbx), which after importing into another app would then show the root with a drop down[menu] showing the components. But no.

The only way I can currenty achieve that is to combine the objects, then export.
Now that may sound a simple solution, but not really. To organise correctly, when creating the components of an object, the components are renamed. Before(or after) combining the components, there is a need to rename the mesh (so you still have the names of the components). Then before exporting, there is a need to rename the bones (which can only be done via the visual tools window, that I usually have closed). So I have to rename an object 3 times, which is a pain when there can be hundreds of components (that make up several objects) in final scene.

Please tell me I am missing something and that the Hierarchy system is for more that just internal use (eye candy).

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January 05, 2018, 09:17:31 am
Try this

Edit > Options > File Format Options > fbx > Map scene hierarchy to Fbx hierarchy/Map Fbx hierarchy to scene hierarchy.

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January 05, 2018, 01:42:04 pm
Hi IStonia,

Hierarchy appears to be exporting correctly. Excellent. Many thanks.

One current issue, is that the material names are not being exported. Could you please check when you have time.

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January 05, 2018, 02:24:45 pm
Hi IStonia,

Just noticed another issue.

When unhiding an object from within the "Hierarchy" window, the object is being auto-selected, but the object is not highlighted in the viewport or the hierarchy window as being selected. The only way to deselect the object, is to select it in the hierarchy window, then clear the selection in viewport. (I have auto-select unhidden disabled).

Please check when you have time.

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January 06, 2018, 12:27:13 pm

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January 06, 2018, 05:58:59 pm
Looking good. Many thanks.