

Topic: In a hard spot with mirror.  (Read 28528 times)

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September 06, 2012, 07:14:44 am
Hi 3dwizard,

I found a bit of time to have a play with clothify in poser. I made a quick dress(well, more like a barrel lol) with straps, and did not find any major problems. The dress had 70,000 polygons.
I did notice that the straps appear to not fall correctly on the shoulders, there is a gap/clearance. I may be missing a setting somewhere.

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September 06, 2012, 07:50:06 pm
Hi IStonia,

The straps geometry was it. Now it's only 806 polygons.
I messed up though, during the mirror process. I forgot to press Ctrl.+ W or Ctrl + Q.

But it gave me an idea. It kind of looked like a lingerie Nighty.
So I made it a transparency.

I was wondering what are the feelings toward posting something like this on the fourm?
It's not that bad, I've seen worse on TV. Most fourms require a nudity warning.

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September 06, 2012, 08:13:46 pm
Sorry Steve, I didn't realize this went to another page.

Wow, 70,000 polygons.
It must've been all that beveling and subdividing I did.

This time I took a different approach.
I used one of the polygons that I started to retopo, and cut it into three.
Then I did the same thing on the back. And bridge them together.

Now I got that string look I was shooting for.

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September 08, 2012, 02:44:48 am
Hi 3dwizzard,

It must've been all that beveling....................
What are you beveling? Are you adding thickness to the dress?

This time I took a different approach.......Now I got that string look I was shooting for.

It is good to experiment.
I cannot really help much with character cloths, it is not something I have been involved with.
I do intend to build some sci-fi armor for a character, but still going through the tools in Nvil and looking more at blenders rigging.

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September 11, 2012, 08:41:08 pm
Hi Steve,

What are you beveling? Are you adding thickness to the dress?

Something like that. I was trying to get the straps to look more round.

It is good to experiment.

Curiosity is really in my nature. I know I should stick to protocol,
but once I get an idea in my head. I just got to try it.

but still going through the tools in Nvil and looking more at blenders rigging.

Never did any rigging. I used to use Blender though, until I went to 2.5.
It changed too much for me, and I didn't feel like relearning it all.

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September 11, 2012, 09:05:16 pm
Hi 3dwizzard,

Something like that. I was trying to get the straps to look more round.
Adding thickness is not something I believe you should do for poser clothes (although I know little concerning that, as I have only just stated looking into poser/cloths/clothify). I believe you should be constructing from a single sided mesh, with folds at the edges of the mesh to make it look like there is thickness (but make sure there are no non-manifold edges (edges with more than 2 connected polygons))
I will check to see correct methods, and we can learn the process together, if you want to?.

To Add:-
Checking in poser: Objects being converted to cloth must have single-sided, connected polygons without caps.
Currently experimenting LOL.
Got it working correctly after experimenting (more like playing around) with the dynamic groups in the cloth room.

Curiosity is really in my nature. I know I should stick to protocol,
but once I get an idea in my head. I just got to try it.
Nothing at all bad about experimenting, that is how I learn, and why it can take me a while to learn a new application, because I like to experiment with each tool to see what it is supposed to do, but also what I can make it do.

Never did any rigging. I used to use Blender though, until I went to 2.5.
It changed too much for me, and I didn't feel like relearning it all.
I have done some rigging/IK in the past, albeit limited.
I did look at blender versions before 2.5, but could never get into the need for all the shortcut keys, which is amusing considering I have not thrown Nvil away due to the need for shortcut keys LOL. I am getting into blender now since 2.5X, although slowly, there is a lot to learn, but do not really like its modeling tools. I was comfortable with wings3d, but got distracted by Nvil and got a little hooked with this modeler.
« Last Edit: September 11, 2012, 11:18:35 pm by steve »

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September 13, 2012, 04:52:41 pm
Hi steve,

Adding thickness is not something I believe you should do for poser clothes (although I know little concerning that, as I have only just stated looking into poser/cloths/clothify)

I'm new at it myself, and from what I'm seeing I believe you're right. Especially when it comes to clothifing.

(but make sure there are no non-manifold edges (edges with more than 2 connected polygons))

That's interesting, I never heard of non-manifold edges. I'm assuming that would be on the vertical ends.??
Or is that the meaning for a single sided polygons.

I will check to see correct methods, and we can learn the process together, if you want to?.

Yes, I would like that very much.

Got it working correctly after experimenting (more like playing around) with the dynamic groups in the cloth room.

I never even gave a thought about dynamic groups. There goes those ideas.

I was comfortable with wings3d, but got distracted by Nvil and got a little hooked with this modeler.

I was also comfortable with Wings3d, but I needed to step up to something more advanced. VW fit nicely.
I also like how customizable the interface is.

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September 13, 2012, 05:28:53 pm
Hi 3dwizzard,

That's interesting, I never heard of non-manifold edges. I'm assuming that would be on the vertical ends.??
Or is that the meaning for a single sided polygons.
It is on any of the edges.
For example, if you have a cube(made of quads), there are 6 faces, each face with 4 edges, and each edge as only 2 polygons attached. That would be called "manifold"
With wing3d, which is intended to created solid models (not open surfaces), that can be classed as a manifold modeler.

When referring to "Non-manifold" in poly modeling, it would be when you have a single edge that connects more that 2 polygons, for example in the pic, it shows 3 polygons connected together on one edge. Some poly modelers do not react well to that.

I will check to see correct methods, and we can learn the process together, if you want to?.

Yes, I would like that very much.

I will put together my findings/methods into a post to show where I am up to. Although I am still in early experimentation lol.

I never even gave a thought about dynamic groups.
They certainly help, as you can change how different parts of the cloths react, such as how buttons do not bend etc.
It is better to create the groups in Nvil, be it either with the sub-object group tool, or using different materials. They can then be easily added to the pre-defined groups in Poser.

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September 14, 2012, 07:07:18 pm
Now I know what they mean by a non-manifold edges. Thank you!  ;D

I will put together my findings/methods into a post to show where I am up to. Although I am still in early experimentation lol.

It probably would be best if you started a new post.
This one is getting long.

It is better to create the groups in Nvil, be it either with the sub-object group tool, or using different materials. They can then be easily added to the pre-defined groups in Poser.

I used to create material groups, in Wings3d. Nvil still eludes me, how to make material groups.

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September 15, 2012, 01:39:34 am
Hi 3dwizzard,

It probably would be best if you started a new post.
This one is getting long.
I have been creating some simple clothes, such as vests, just experimenting with construction methods, then seeing how they react in poser cloth (clothify). I have this weekend free, so will play more, and make a post during this weekend.

I used to create material groups, in Wings3d. Nvil still eludes me, how to make material groups.
I originally thought I would be able to use the polygon groups from Nvil for the poser dynamic groups, but the material groups are needed.

You can set material groups up as you do in Wings3d, by selecting the polygons, then applying a new material to that selection.

A sphere, and I want to apply 2 material (polygon) groups.

Select the polygons for first group, on the right hand side of screen, you will see the "Materials" tab. Click the tab to open the materials window.

In the "materials-> Scene materials", right click in any of the top material windows, the drop down menu will show, select "New"

A new material will be placed in one of those material windows, with it selected, you can change its name, change diffuse color, load a 2d texture etc.

You then right click on the material you want to add to the polygon selection, and select "Assign to object or Polygon selection".

The new material will be placed on selection

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September 15, 2012, 10:16:37 pm
Assign to object or Polygon selection. I must've looked at that at least 20 times, and never made the connection.  :-[

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September 18, 2012, 02:15:34 am
Had some time this weekend, made one with the straps.

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September 19, 2012, 03:17:38 pm
Hi 3dwizzard,

Sorry, I got somewhat distracted with some modeling, but it looks like you have managed to get there with the straps.


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September 24, 2012, 12:44:09 am
Sorry Steve, I got distracted myself.

My daughter recently had her baby, and I haven't been online much.
Just saw him for the first time today.
It's kind of hard to think of myself as a grandpa. But I must admit, I am a proud grandpa.  ;D

Getting back to Nvil, I like the idea of folding edges for thickness:

I believe you should be constructing from a single sided mesh, with folds at the edges of the mesh to make it look like there is thickness

Would a primitive be considered a single sided mesh?
I start off with a low poly cylinder. But I'm not sure if that is a single sided mesh.

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September 24, 2012, 06:38:23 am
Hi 3dwizzard,

It's kind of hard to think of myself as a grandpa. But I must admit, I am a proud grandpa.  ;D
Congratulations to you and your daughter/family.

Getting back to Nvil, I like the idea of folding edges for thickness:
There are various ways of doing that. I will post a quick example.

Would a primitive be considered a single sided mesh?
I start off with a low poly cylinder. But I'm not sure if that is a single sided mesh.
Yes, they are single sided.