

Topic: What's with those manipulator mode toggle functions?  (Read 6136 times)

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January 16, 2016, 11:49:33 am
I have Q, W, E, R keys mapped to Select, Move, Rotate and Scale.
In pre 2016-Jan-07 versions, when I pressed each of those keys even twice in a row, they stayed in a given manipulator mode. For example, when I pressed W twice or more in a row, it manipulator stayed in Move mode.
Now, when I press it twice, it keeps switching between "M-Move" and "No M" (No Manipulator?) which drives me crazy. Same for rotate and scale.
Select (Q) is different. It toggles between last used manipulator mode and Select itself.
Upon further investigation I noticed that those keys are now mapped to some new functions:
- Selection Mode$ (Q)
- Turn On/Off Move_Manipulator$ (W)
- Turn On/Off Rotation_Manipulator$ (E)
- Turn On/Off Scale Manipulator$ (R)
which are toggles. The thing is I don't want any toggles under those keys, but it looks like former functions are no longer available!
Is it possible to disable those toggles somehow? When I press W n-times in a row, I need the manipulator to remain in Move mode. Same with the other buttons. Just like it was before.

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January 16, 2016, 12:08:53 pm
IStonia created Restore (R_) tools they allows to turn on/off/restore tools.
Change your toggles($) to - R_Turn On move Manipulator, R_Turn On Scale Manipulator, etc...
Hope it helps, let me know if you have any problems.

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January 16, 2016, 12:13:23 pm
IStonia created Restore (R_) tools they allows to turn on/off/restore tools.
Change your toggles($) to - R_Turn On move Manipulator, R_Turn On Scale Manipulator, etc...
Hope it helps, let me know if you have any problems.
Thanks. I could use some help with this. How can I change a toggle to "Turn On" only?

Why is almost every tool with a $ suffix?

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January 16, 2016, 12:17:56 pm
$ suffix indicates that tool is Toggle and Have Check States for buttons.

How can I change a toggle to "Turn On" only?

Check tools in section Restore (R_...) here you will find all On/Off tools. For example in your case change shortcut (W)
- Turn On/Off Move_Manipulator$
- R_Turn On Move Manipulator

The same thing for all other tools.

Need more help let me know.


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January 16, 2016, 12:28:55 pm
It worked! Thank you!

So the "Self-Restore Tools" section contains old tools that were replaced with those ending with a $?

What was the reason behind this new feature? Is it documented somewhere?

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January 16, 2016, 12:36:37 pm
So the "Self-Restore Tools" section contains old tools that were replaced with those ending with a $?
Yes and no, there appears some new tools.
What was the reason behind this new feature? Is it documented somewhere?
The reason is that you some times need not only Toggles but also tools that just Enable or Disable something, for example manipulator.
We have a lot of New events in StreamLine tools so you can assign these new R_ tools to them. For example you can set to:
On Activated: R_Turn On Move Manipulator
On Exit: R_Restore Move Manipulator or R_Turn Off Move Manipulator
So you will have manipulator On only when you activate particular Tool.
This is the logic.

Is it documented somewhere?
I think no, because we created so many tools and workflows in last weeks.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2016, 12:59:42 pm by samardac »

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January 16, 2016, 12:44:44 pm
Ok, it makes sense. :)
Thanks for a good explanation.