

Topic: Free vs. Purchase Comparison  (Read 7044 times)

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October 05, 2014, 12:20:08 am
I've been looking at Nvil for about a year and a half.  Having already put money into another 3D modeling program that I am starting to regret, I'm wary about putting money into something else.  I've searched, but can't find a comparison between the free version of Nvil (Jan 2013) and the current Nvil.  It would be nice to see what kinds of upgrades are available to us if we decide to purchase the program.  Anybody know if this comparison already exists and where I can find it?

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October 05, 2014, 05:54:53 pm
Free version does not export more then 1000 polygons.  That is the only differance.

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October 05, 2014, 08:44:35 pm
Free version does not export more then 1000 polygons.  That is the only differance.
Hello Mason. Ajf412 asks about differences between the free VoidWorld Jan13 2013 version:,1320.0.html and the current version of NVil. As far as I know, Jan13 version doesn't have a polycount limit.

Ajf412, there are a lot of features and bugfixing the current version of NVil has when compared to Jan13 2013 version. Just browse through this forum:,2.0.html and whatever you find between the VoidWorld Update Jan 15 2013 and the current Sep 23 2014 version is not in the free version - including 64-bit version. Generally speaking, topics found in the linked forum are one big changelog.
« Last Edit: October 05, 2014, 08:57:50 pm by rubberDuck »