

Topic: VoidWorld Update september 19 2011  (Read 13729 times)

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September 19, 2011, 06:29:56 am
new update.

Summary of changes:

  * Radial menus can be activated by mouse buttons alone.
  * Radial menus and streamline tools can share the same set of hotkeys. But they should use different mouse buttons.
  * Edit > Options > Radial Menu Options > Sticky Enabled.
  * Edit > Cutomize Tools > Subobject Shourtcut Tools > Island Select. The program will select the highlighted subobject and grow the selection from there. Existing selection will serve as boundary to limit the selection growing.
  * Misc Tools > Hide Unselected.
  * A new column is added into "Object List View" in "SceneExplorer". If the object is hdden, "H" will present. If object's mesh or subobjects hidden, "h" will present.
  * Two more basic streamline tools. Edge_DoubleLoop_Cut/Slide, Edge_Loop_Cut/Slide_FixedLength(UseLastValue).
  * Another attemp to improve rendering performance by multithreading. ghib, polyxo, 3dtoons, please do a test for this again.

« Last Edit: September 19, 2011, 11:52:40 pm by Passerby »

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September 19, 2011, 11:24:08 am
Thanks for the update, im really loving the doable loop tool, thanks for working on that suggestion.

later today i will try loading up a heavier model that i know VW had problems with before and i will let you know if it runs any better.

though if your still working on multi-threading my comp isnt the best to test on since it is olny a duel core.

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September 20, 2011, 03:40:54 pm
Yes, great update!

I'm sorry to report no changes in Wire on SubD performance. My system here at work has 16 threads, I started with choosing 15 threads, and the performance was actually worse. I worked my way down to two processors, and the draw performance was actually better.

Just to clarify, when I say performance, what I mean is, I take an 8000 poly character, subdivide it to lvl 2, then turn on "Shaded + Wireframe". When I do that, and try to spin the camera, it skips and jumps like crazy, even with 15 processors grinding on it.

I could ask other programmer friends of mine if they have any ideas if you'd like.

Good luck moving forward!

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September 21, 2011, 10:17:39 am
3DToons: Thanks for the testing!

I am still working on the multi threading issue. As I can see now, at 2 cores it works, but more than that it gets worse. I think I may have found the solution. You can test that in the next update.
Have you test the sep-21 update yet?

I will write you an email regarding the hlep from other programers.

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September 21, 2011, 10:15:50 pm
Hi guys
me again, (yeah I know the idiot from Australia :)

In the update there is this this item
* Two more basic streamline tools. Edge_DoubleLoop_Cut/Slide, Edge_Loop_Cut/Slide_FixedLength(UseLastValue).
I can't find it anywhere, I have spent over 10 minutes going through the different edit menu,s and can't find it anywhere,
can someone guide me in the right direction ?

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September 21, 2011, 10:32:54 pm
those aren't full tools on there own they have to be manually added to a streamline tool.

go to

edit>customize streamline tools.

than select Loop Cut/Slide Edges and click set beside one of the mouse buttons and select "Edge_DoubleLopp_Cut/Slide.

hope this helps if not i can take some screenshots for you.

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September 22, 2011, 10:42:13 am
Thanks passerby, something else I have learned,  I mapped it to the RMB.
Now one last question (sorry)   what actually does it do?
I select and edge
Hit the S key, I then get a sliding edge as I assume I am supposed to.
Click the RMB and it leaves the edge where I clicked, when I move the mouse there is a new edge which slides with the mouse until I click a button.
is that right ?

The reason I ask is that it mentions a double edge, and my minds eye saw that when you select it 2 lines appear at the same time.

Thanks again

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September 22, 2011, 10:47:10 am
you don't need to select a edge first to use any of the edge loop cut tools unless you want to limit the loop.

so hold down your key for the streamline tool, put the cursor over a edge, than hold RMB and drag.

what the tool does is drag out 2 edge loops at once from the center of the edge you started them on, which is very good for making sets of fast support edges for subd modeling.

i got my loopcut/tool setup to cut a edge loop at the cursors position with lmb, cut a loop in the center of the edge the cursor is on with mmb and to do the doable loop with rmb.

edit: if you want any help with things i can pretty easily do some screen captures showing how something works and what uses it may have.

my keys would be different but i can just calling things out by there name as i use them or you could watch the top right of the view-port to see the commands popup.
« Last Edit: September 22, 2011, 11:56:52 am by Passerby »

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September 22, 2011, 11:57:36 am
Thanks mate,
Silly me I had it mapped to the LMB not the RMB, and it works a treat,

Now to play with it

thanks again