

Topic: NVil under the hood - Questions  (Read 3341 times)

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  • Posts: 496
  • Triangle
March 27, 2014, 04:45:48 pm
Hey there!
So I read a lot of times, that Nvil is written in C# using the .NET framework and relying on it. And often times I can read directly or inbetween the lines, that this might not have been the best choice.
So now I'm curious: Why IS Nvil written in C# and using .NET? What are the advantages?
What are the disadvantages of other languages or why were they not used?
For example: Blender is written in C++, Wings3D in Erlang, all major players support a python API.
I'm not saying NVil should be rewritten in another language, because from what I can tell, the development goes back to 2007, am I right?
Is the mundane answer just "Because it's what I've known at the time?"

This shall not become another "NVil is slow"-thread, but about giving insights and satisfying curiosity. I welcome any other questions about what's going on under the hood, and hopefully IStonia or someone else can shed some light on these.

I have basic programming skills (started in '97 with Turbo Pascal then Delphi 3+4, used some scripting languages over the years and did a project in UnrealScript, I recently started learning C++ syntax, since the UE4 got out), but the current landscape is a bit confusing to me.

I checked the licence of NVil that comes with the help file and it doesn't prohibit decompiling, so I did just that to take a look under the hood, because I wanted to understand more about the technical side and why there are some bugs. Needless to say, it is huge.

So go ahead, talk nerdy to me! ;)

  • Posts: 496
  • Triangle
March 27, 2014, 04:49:01 pm
I'm also curious about where NVil comes from. I read the old Polycount forum posts to find out how this all started and why, because when looking at the source, sometimes I had the feeling it should have become or started as a game engine or something. Meshes are skins of characters, those pesky bones and so on.

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March 27, 2014, 10:29:48 pm
I am curious as well, if not only to help moderbize tye UI.  I am curious if the user community can help develop toils.

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  • Vertex
April 11, 2014, 09:11:17 am
yes lookin from the dll shipped with the app its possibly using c# and managed directX..c# is good for making tools, but for performance critical app, it had to carefully crafted for that issues although never can be compared with the c++ in term of speed the margin isn't very big.

this App is good in term of implementation of concept of speed modelling (remind me of blender) -IMO