

Topic: VoidWorld Update May 15 2012  (Read 14039 times)

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May 15, 2012, 10:13:06 am
new update.

Summary of changes:

  * Subdivision performance improved, 50%.
  * Clip planes can be adjusted manually. Edit > Preference > Clip Plane.
  * File > Clipboard > Copy/Paste. This can be used to transfer models between other apps.
  * Dimension Snap option is added to instance creation.


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May 15, 2012, 10:51:25 am
How does the Clipboard work, i was assuming just made a obj somewhere, where it put the selected model, and let you pickup stuff left from other apps with 1 click, but i haven't been able to find it where that file is.

looked in vw's settings directory, and it;s main application directory.

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May 15, 2012, 11:09:57 am
The obj file is saved in  ...\Media\Animation Data\Base Data Sets\SoundTemp. This folder will be cleared by the app after it is closed.

The idea is suggested by polyxo and he said he can create scripts in Rhino to do the same thing.

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May 15, 2012, 11:15:54 am
The obj file is saved in  ...\Media\Animation Data\Base Data Sets\SoundTemp. This folder will be cleared by the app after it is closed.

The idea is suggested by polyxo and he said he can create scripts in Rhino to do the same thing.

thanks, ya it was a idea i was going to suggest, i can write scripts for maya, to work with it, which will give me a nice 1 click workflow for either end, to get things in and out fast.

i also own copies of 3ds max, and blender so i could prolly write scripts for those to work with it later, on.

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May 15, 2012, 11:57:41 am
after working with this for a while, and trying to streamline things, i noticed something kinda weird with vw's obj import, this this tool or just a normal open scene.

it doesn't import the name of the mesh, anything i import via obj just gets named Mesh_xx.

if it would import with the proper name, it would make this feature much more versatile, since i could set the scripts up on maya's end to replace the object when sending things back to maya with the clipboard feature.

could also script my way out of  some of the shortcomings of the obj formate too if vw held on to the names on objects it imports. Such as having it keep my pivot point from the old maya object, and have it export things out of maya centered on the world grid.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2012, 12:07:41 pm by Passerby »

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May 15, 2012, 02:04:06 pm
Instance array works great. Thank You

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May 15, 2012, 10:22:16 pm
passerby: I think the problem lies in the .obj file exported from maya. The object name could be missing. You can export a simple box from vw and maya to obj files and compare the object name in both files. Also, there is no pivot information in obj file format definition.

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May 15, 2012, 11:01:49 pm
ya your correct kun, did a little bit more testing, and it is how both maya and max write that object name.

anything i export from max or maya to vw gets named mesh instead of it's proper name, but both of those apps are fine, and can import that obj and get the proper name from it.

also importing a cube from VW into maya gives me the proper name as well.

the interesting thing i found was importing the cube from maya into blender, blender differentiates between object data and mesh data, and in blender the object data showed just mesh for a name, but the mesh data showed the proper object name i set in maya.

here is a zip file containing the 32x32x32 unit cube from both nvil and maya.

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May 16, 2012, 12:44:07 am
I guess blender uses the polygon grouping infromations in the obj file. In vw, Edit > Options > File Format Options > obj > Divide into Objects by Polgyon Groups.

Now, when import obj. There are three ways to get the object name.
  * object name in file.
  * Polygon group name, if there is only one group.
  * file name.

Since 'object name' is missing in file exported out of maya. There are only two options left. Using polygon group name might not be reliable. Can you check the file name that maya uses to copy to clipboard?

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May 16, 2012, 12:08:52 pm
ya thanks, i looked into it even more, and if Divide Objects by polygon selections is on, and export more than 1 object to a obj from maya, nvil does reads the group names, and gets the correct naming.

so i could prolly get away with having my export script for working with the clipboard, check to see if the selection to be exported is greater than 1 object, and if it's only 1 have it add "o + $objectname" to the obj file.

the only reason i care so much about the object names, is because im trying to make my scripts in maya work around the obj formate not storing pivots.

since i don't use nvil for laying out my scenes, i made my export script center the object to be exported to the worlds 0, 0, 0 by it's pivot, export than move it back to it's original location.

the reason why names are so important to me for this is because my script for importing stuff from the clipboard, will import it back into maya with a prefix, find the existing object with the same name minus the prefix, and replace that object with the newly imported object, and delete the newly imported object.

so more or less using the world 0, 0, 0 of the obj scene as the pivot.