

Topic: Introducing myself  (Read 4132 times)

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January 25, 2014, 05:14:23 pm

Hi, my name is Mason and just got into Nvil over the holiday and am really psyched about its potential. I use Maya for polymodeling  but love learning new software and I am really enjoying Nvil.  It has pretty much all of the tools I normally use but it has the unique ability to really customize to my taste, so I hope to spend more time getting comfortable with it and arranging the UI to my preferances.   From my experience, majority of users dont share this motivation and just want to hit the ball running with as little a learning curve as possible.

So before i start spamming with questions, is there a wiki available or in progress and can I contribute?  Kun mentioned a dire need for in depth tutorials donated by the community, but I have noticed quite a bit available on the forums so should these tutorials be organized? 

It seems Kun is hoping for the community to help push Nvil a bit because he simply swamped with development.

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January 26, 2014, 01:39:44 pm
there is no wiki currently, but the help files in nvil are decent.

sometime when I'm not so busy I will try to setup a wiki.

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January 27, 2014, 06:07:21 pm
Hello Mason.
A very nice demo reel.
I remember the insect part from 3D Coat forum ( :) Good show!

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January 28, 2014, 12:02:29 pm
Hi Mason, welcome to the forums.  I agree with RubberDuck - really impressive demo reel!  It sounds like your desire for personalised tools combined w/ a background in Autodesk software gels closely with a number of the more active posters here, myself included.  I look forward to reading about your experiences with NVIL.  Aside from the more universal poly modelling tools, much of what I've learned about working with the unique aspects of NVIL has come from reading these forums, so I agree that a collaborative wiki could be very useful, especially to newcomers.

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January 28, 2014, 08:08:28 pm
Thanx for the positive feedback guys!

It does feel nice to be involved early on a relatively unknown app.  At the moment I have a really comfortable layout biult off of the icons and buttons provided on these forums.  It helps having an icon based menu to really experiment in the early stages and get the vernacular down for the different tools instead of digging through drop down menus.  I enjoy this more then anything, but there needs to be a release version that provides this already for newcomers.  I will continue refining this for myself before I make it public.

I even got the make holes composite tool working,  sculpt brushes available...and now I am looking for a way we can share composite tools?

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January 29, 2014, 01:13:43 am
I find the composite tool already quite powerful, but I hope to see even more features to this in the future (after the number 1 priority: UV Mapping). At the moment I believe you could go to "%AppData%\DigitalFossils\NVil\User Settings\" and copy the CompositeToolsSettings.xml, but you can't share single tools and add them to your existing ones. It would be nice to have something for that and being able to import and export multiple tools at once.