

Topic: Comments on Menu-Changes  (Read 10954 times)

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April 23, 2012, 02:52:07 pm
Hi IStonia,
sorry I could not give Feedback as I am busy with many other things.
Concerning Creasing I still have many questions and still think one could improve its usefulness.
However - it seems to me that you still have many other fish to fry. Thank you very much for what you've done so far!

One other thing makes me post today: I don't think that the recent radical changes in the Menus should stay that way. Now Menus are very non-standard and fail to see the reason. Of course if you ask 10 people how they think it should be you get 10 answers but I think it was a better before re-arrangement. Just very briefly the two things which bug me most:
  • Manipulation should be further to the right (to the right from View)
  • Geometry should be to the right of Edit