

Topic: VoidWorld Update Mar 21A 2012  (Read 13799 times)

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  • Polygon
March 20, 2012, 09:10:25 pm
new update.

Summary of changes:

  * A bug is fixed which occured when assigning material While there are instances in the scene.


  • Posts: 546
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  • Polygon
March 21, 2012, 03:48:59 pm
the new scene explorer is a big improvement but is there any need for a group and a object tab?
Why not just 1 tree, have the tree root the scene, groups and ungrouped objects are parents of that.

this allows you to see everything at once, and allows for better interaction since you can simply click and drag to move things between groups.

when i have time, i could make little vid showcasing some of hte scene management features in maya or max+outliner 2.

  • Posts: 85
  • Edge
March 21, 2012, 04:42:50 pm
the new scene explorer is a big improvement but is there any need for a group and a object tab?
Why not just 1 tree, have the tree root the scene, groups and ungrouped objects are parents of that.

this allows you to see everything at once, and allows for better interaction since you can simply click and drag to move things between groups.

when i have time, i could make little vid showcasing some of hte scene management features in maya or max+outliner 2.

I agree. One scene explorer with various scopes (root, objects,selection, materials etc) should do the job.
And it would be easier later on if you plan to add animation/rigging and what not.
As it could allow simple drag and drop parenting.
Materials could be nested under the respective objects as well.

Sure, look at Softimage or Maya scene explorers, maybe you can get some ideas.

  • Posts: 546
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  • Polygon
March 21, 2012, 05:32:52 pm
agreed, also parenting objects together is useful for modeling too, right now if i say i wanted to rotate a selection of objects around a certain point like a axle, i would need to select it all and manually place a temporary pivot point for it all to rotate around, instead of just parenting it all to the one axle and have it;s origin used for the transformations pivot point.

and in maya groups exist as real objects that have a origin in the scene.

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  • Spline
March 21, 2012, 06:58:48 pm
For me such would absolutely be enough.
What are selections different than Groups inside Silo?
I personally would strongly advise to give up on the dual Concept Groups+Selections.
That's just redundant. Note that one can also have Subobjects be members in several Groups.

I also would not really need Materials inside such an Scene-Editor.
I am perfectly fine with Vw's super-basic Materials-Implementation
(I even wished the Material-Editor to be smaller and with less options).
Don't we all render elsewhere anyway?

  • Posts: 85
  • Edge
March 21, 2012, 07:24:09 pm
Agreed for materials.
I guess I got used to nesting of every object attribute,operator and parameter from Softimage.
You can click the material under object and tune it up, no need to search for it in the material editor. I was just talking about the concept and possible scope of scene explorer.
A window from which you can access everything in the scene, while you have the control of the scope (objects,all,cameras,materials,bones...whatever).
But, not so crucial to be that deep, for now.

I agree material manager and library could be could be simplified/ unified as well.
There are no advanced shader trees and materials ,so far, so it's not really necessary to be complex.

Groups could be separate objects in the scene explorer, like in Maya/ Softimage. Very handy indeed.
And while you can access the grouped objects inside the group ,
it would be good if you could access them in the list as well,
so you don't have to dig through groups to find it.