

Topic: Windows Language Bar Can Cause Hotkey Troubles on Non-US Keyboard (Resolved)  (Read 6231 times)

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July 13, 2013, 12:35:15 pm
This post is really just a little note to any future users who might make their way to these forums in search for an answer to their hotkey troubles on non-US keyboards.  I use a typical layout U.K. keyboard and I've been having loads of frustrations over seemingly random remapping and/or unbinding of my hotkeys in NVil, as well as having simply "unassignable" keys, etc.  Well, after running into my latest kerfuffle with this issue in NVil, I popped over to photoshop to make a diagram to accompany a bug report/help request I was going to submit, and then realised that my keyboard layout in Photoshop had suddenly changed as well... and then a light bulb went off in my head.  My keyboard layout HAD changed (to US layout), and something had triggered it through a combination of keys in NVil.  It turns out, this was all due to the Windows 7 "Language Bar" (down near the system tray in the bottom right corner, or accessible through Control Panel > Region and Language).  Within this "Region and Language" control panel, under the "Advanced" tab, the windows default hotkey for switching between input languages was set to "Alt-Shift", for crying out loud (of all the hotkey combinations they could've chosen, honestly).  Obviously, I use "Alt-Shift" in numerous combinations throughout my NVil hotkey setup, and many other applications.  I simply unassigned the hotkey for input language switching, as well as right-clicked on the Language Bar and deselected "Auto Adjust" (whatever that does).  My photoshop hotkeys are back to normal, and I'm going to assume all is well now in NVil as well (will reply if it doesn't).  Hope this comes in useful!
« Last Edit: July 13, 2013, 12:38:08 pm by JTenebrous »