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Topic: Nvil Vaquero's Config (Read 14246 times)
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Posts: 496
April 17, 2013, 01:42:03 am
Config Download:
NVil - Vaquero-User Settings - Feb 2015
Hey there!
It's been a while since someone posted his or her configuration for others to use. I decided to do this now, even though NVil is still developing rather fast.
I started out with Passerby's config, because I was used to Silo and Maya. So there are a whole lot of changes to the initial startup config. Also incorporated are the user windows made by Tiles.
This config
relies on
But I left the shipped radial menus untouched and created my own.
Here's a screenshot of the UI:
The base color scheme is made dark to be similar to newer Versions of Maya and Photoshop.
The Smarttips are visible to help you get started with this config.
There's a concept to the config, which core aspects I will try to point out now.
A S D F G - changes the component/subobject mode. If held down, they also temporarily activate snapping for the particular component
Q W E R - changes between selection, move, rotate, scale. If held down, they activate according streamline tools
If some keys are held down, they activate the streamline tool, but if they are tapped, they open up the visual tool.
Radial Menus:
ALT + Q/W/E/R opens radial menus that have commands and options that are relevant to those operations
There are 3 kinds of modelling radial menus: common shape, common topology, component special.
Common Shape - Here you can find commands and tools that alter the shape of an object, but not the topology, and are common to all component types.
Common Topology - Here you can find commands and tools that alter the topology of the mesh and are somehow common to all subobject types
Component Special - Here you have operations that are special for the the chosen component type
The radial menus can be kept open by just tapping the according hotkey, or they'll be only visible as long as the hotkey is pressed.
In general, if you choose a tool by hovering over the entry and letting go of the radial menu's hotkey, the streamline tool gets activated. The same is true if you tap to open the radial menu and then click on an entry.
But if you hold down the radial menu's hotkey, then click on and entry and let go of the hotkey, the visual tool opens. You can also open the visual tool, if there is one, by selecting an entry
really fast
, because it is then registered as tapped.
BTW: I have renamed some of the operations!
Now here are the hotkeys that are setup. The functions not listed are either in a radial menu or I thought I didn't require easy access to them.
Since I have a QWERTZ (german) keyboard layout, you might need to change some hotkeys or remap the keys in NVil, especially Y and Z.
--View Navigation Tools
[.] --Auxiliary Pan View
[,] --Auxiliary Rotate View
--Auxiliary Zoom View
[N3] --Back View
[Ctrl F] --Best Fit
[Shift Ctrl F] --Best Fit (All Views)
[F Ctrl Alt] --Best Fit All
[Alt Ctrl F Shift] --Best Fit All (All Views)
[N2] --Bottom View
[N0] --Custom View (Perspective)
[N7] --Cycle Camera Down/Up
[N9] --Cycle Camera Up/Down
[N1] --Front View
[N4] --Left View
[Alt] MMB --Pan View
[N5] --Perspective/Orthographic View
[N-] --Reset All Views
[N+] --Reset Camera Up-Vector
[N*] --Reset View
[N6] --Right View
[Alt] LMB --Rotate View
[Alt Shift F] --Selection Focusing
[N.] --Snap View (Orthographic)
[Ctrl] --Snap View On Rotating
[Shift] --Snap View On Rotating (Orthographic)
[Shift Alt] LMB --Spin View
[F11] --Toggle Full Screen
[N/] --Toggle View Rotate-Spin On/Off
[N8] --Top View
[Alt Shift] RMB --Window Zoom View
[Alt] RMB --Zoom View
--Common Shortcut Tools
[Esc] --Action Cancel Command
[Alt F4] --Close Application
[Caps] --Redirect Modifier
[Shift Ctrl Y] --Redo
[Y] --Repeat Last Command
[Shift H] --Toggle unselected object visibility
[Caps] --Toggle Visual Tool Suspended
[Ctrl Y] --Undo
--Modeling Options
[Caps] --Even/Proportional Slide Toggle Key
[G Ctrl] --Multi Selection
[Ctrl S Alt] --Soft Selection Enabled
[Shift] --Stepping Enabled Toggle Key
[Space] --StreamLine Tool Option Cycler
--Common Modeling Shortcut Tools
[Ctrl Space] --Clear Selection
[F2] --Clipboard Copy (obj)
[F3] --Clipboard Paste
[Shift C] --Collapse Subdivision
[-] --Dec/Inc Subdivision
[Ctrl Alt D] --Delete
[Delete] --Delete(Options)
[Ctrl D] --Duplicate
[Ctrl] MMB --Exclude Selection
[H] --Hide/Unhide
--Inc/Dec Subdivision
[Shift] MMB --Include Selection
[Ctrl I] --Inverse Selection
[Ctrl Shift O] --Merge Scene
[Ctrl N] --New Scene
[Ctrl O] --Open Scene
[Shift Alt Y] --Redo Subobject Selection
[Ctrl S] --Save Scene
[S Shift Ctrl] --Save Scene As
[Q] --Selection Mode
[B Shift] --Split
[Tab 1] --Subdivision1
[Tab 2] --Subdivision2
[Tab 3] --Subdivision3
[Tab 4] --Subdivision4
[ S] --Switch To Edge Mode
[G] --Switch To Mesh Mode
[F] --Switch To Object Mode
[D] --Switch To Polygon Mode
[A] --Switch To Vertex Mode
[Shift Ctrl] MMB --Toggle Selection
[Tab] --Toggle Subdivision
[F10] --Toggle Symmetry Plane Visible
[Alt Y] --Undo Subobject Selection
[Alt H] --Unhide/Hide
--Object Shortcut Tools
[M] --Combine
[Alt C] --Create Box
--Mesh Shortcut Tools
[M] --Combine
--Subobject Shortcut Tools
[Ctrl Shift M] --Collapse
[Ctrl] --Grow/Shrink Loop Selection
[Shift] --Grow/Shrink Ring Selection
[Ctrl Shift] --Grow/Shrink Selection
--Polygon Shortcut Tools
[B Ctrl] --Bridge
[ U] --UV Map
--Edge Shortcut Tools
[M Alt Ctrl] --Collapse Ring Edges
--SplineVertex Shortcut Tools
[Ctrl B] --Add
--Rendering Options
[Ctrl H] --Show Guide Lines
[X Alt] --Toggle Transparent/Solid
--Snapping Options
[ S ] --Enable Snapping To Edge Mid-Point Temporary
[G] --Enable Snapping To Grid Point Temporary
[F] --Enable Snapping To Object Temporary
[D] --Enable Snapping To Polygon Center Temporary
[A] --Enable Snapping To Vertex Temporary
--Manipulator Tools
[W] --Turn On Move-Manipulator
[E] --Turn On Rotation-Manipulator
[R] --Turn On Scale-Manipulator
--Workplane Tools
[F9 Ctrl] --Lock/Unlock Workplane
[F9] --Toggle Workplane Visibility
--StreamLine Engine Tools
[ B] --Bevel
[Ctrl B] --Bridge/BridgeHoles/CapHole
[T] --BrushTweak
[L] --Crease
[Shift F] --Create Polygon
[Shift F] --Create/Insert/Snap Vertex
[X] --Cut
[Z] --Extrude
[ I ] --Inset Polygon
[Ctrl W] --Local Move Polygon
[Shift E] --Local Rotate
[R Shift] --Local Scale
[Shift X] --Loop Cut/Slide Edges
[0] --MakeHolesFromVertices
[W] --Move
[Insert] --Object Pivot
[Shift Insert] --Object/Mesh Pivot
[E] --Rotate
[E Ctrl] --Rotation Snap Selection
[R] --Scale
[Q] --Selection Tools
[K] --Shell
[J] --Slide Selection
[Ctrl Alt] --SoftSelection Inc/Dec
[Shift W] --Tweak NormalMove
--Radial Menu
[Alt L] --Creases
[Alt B] --R: Bevel/Bridge Options
[Ctrl Shift] RMB --R: Common Shape
[Shift] RMB --R: Common Topology
[] RMB --R: Component Mode
[1] --R: Component Special
[Alt Z] --R: Extrude Options
[G Alt] --R: Guide Lines
[V] --R: Hot Windows
[^] --R: Loop Tools
[Q Alt] --R: Pivot
[Alt E] --R: Rotation
[R Alt] --R: Scaling
[Ctrl] RMB --R: Selection
[Shift Q] --R: Selection Mode
[Alt ^] --R: SubDivision
[N] --R: Symmetry Tools
[Alt W] --R: Transform
[Space] --R: View
[Shift Space] --R: Viewport
Config Download:
NVil - Vaquero-User Settings - Feb 2015
EDIT: Until I find a better permanent solution, temporary re-uploaded to above filehosters.
Last Edit: February 26, 2015, 05:39:09 pm by Vaquero
Posts: 546
April 24, 2013, 12:09:58 pm
Sticked, thanks for making good documentation for you config.
Posts: 1
August 09, 2013, 11:39:57 am
Hi, I was interested in your config, both links are not working for me. Can you set up a new link? Thanks.
Posts: 496
February 26, 2015, 08:51:31 pm
My newest configuration is back online with minor changes as new features were introduced. Now I used dropbox instead of ever vanishing filehosters.
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