

Topic: gddr5 vs ddr3 gpu  (Read 15838 times)

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April 09, 2013, 01:09:01 am
I need a little help choosing a gpu.
My pc only has 300w psu
The best gpu I can find to run is the geforce gt 630, one has gddr5 and several options for ddr3.
I know the gddr5 is faster, but is 20 usd more.
This is an nvidia card I have had bad luck in the past with ATI.
Please give some feedback.
My current budget is 100 usd or less.

PS this is an upgrade from a 8400gs

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April 09, 2013, 01:40:43 am
you actully might be better off sticking with a older card, since the 630, isn't all that good, maybe try a 9800, if you really want to go for the gtx 6xx series try a 650 or higher. im running a 660ti and fucking love the thing, havent found a game yet i can max out. and it works great for everything else i throw at it.

Though more information would help, like what is your primary use for the card, and also what cpu do you have, since you dont want to get something so powerful the rest of the computer bottlenecks it.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2013, 01:42:15 am by Passerby »

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April 09, 2013, 02:15:07 am
Here is the link to my specs.
Yes it is a walmart special.
300w is the min. for the gt 630.

IF you would take a look a the specs and tell me what you think, it would be great.
I am not really have issues running anything just wanted a little more speed.
The integrated gpu is the 6150 SE. I had the 8400gs as a spare and istalled it.

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April 09, 2013, 02:17:04 am
link didnt post right so here it is for others peoples reference

really is hard to say, the gtx630 will be a improvement over what you already have, but is still pretty behind if you want to push udk or any modern games at it. but with anythign better both your cpu and psu cant keep up.

will a 9800gtx work on your system. older card but has a little more power than the gtx630. only problem is that it dosnt support dx11 features.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2013, 02:20:18 am by Passerby »

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April 09, 2013, 02:23:54 am
link didnt post right so here it is for others peoples reference

really is hard to say, the gtx630 will be a improvement over what you already have, but is still pretty behind if you want to push udk or any modern games at it. but with anythign better both your cpu and psu cant keep up.

will a 9800gtx work on your system. older card but has a little more power than the gtx630. only problem is that it dosnt support dx11 features.

I am not a gamer so anything better would be great. I will check out 9800.
is that a gt or gtx or what?

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April 09, 2013, 02:25:25 am
believe there are 2 versions the gt and the gtx, gtx being a little stronger and more power hungry.

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April 09, 2013, 02:28:43 am
looks like the 9800 needs 400w.

Man that sucks.
I may have to save a while and get a better psu.
Guess I will keep looking and see what i can find that will not smoke my system.

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April 09, 2013, 02:38:45 am
well since you don't work with games, game engines or real time renderers I think a 630 would do any ways, since most 3d apps hit the CPU a lot harder than the gpu, and that includes apps like Nvil, and zbrush

what do you mostly use the gpu for?
« Last Edit: April 09, 2013, 02:42:11 am by Passerby »

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April 09, 2013, 10:57:12 pm
I use the gpu mostly for screen recording and rendering Blender Cycles. I for sure want to get into UDK or unreal.
I usually just delete my models, but I want get them into a game engine to see if they are game worthy.
Strange, but even though I am not a gamer I love Game art.
3d started out as a hobby, but now I am addicted.
Once upon a time I played age of empires all the time, then got into empire earth.
I happen to get into 3d while studying web design, that was 7 years ago. At first it was an on and off thing, now I cant stop.
 I have painted and sketched all my life, now add 3d to that. I am almost 50 years old and feel like a teenager chasing after that elusive muscle car. "just gotta have it"

Wow, I got off topic.
So any certain brand of psu I should stay away from?
How hard or easy is the Psu to change out?
I think I will shop for at least 500w.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2013, 11:20:54 pm by johnnybevo »