

Topic: UV Deform  (Read 6175 times)

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April 09, 2013, 03:20:47 pm
Hello  :)

I though I would bring up the tool/function "Mesh-> UV Deform" as I have not seen it mentioned yet.

I think most would of heard of the term "Shrink Wrap". In the programmes I have used before, that refers to surface alignment along vertex normals or view. With UV Deform this take that a step further.

Basically, you have a model(A shape) and you take a mesh and deform it to that shape using its UVs

Here is a very quick basic example.

Let say I want to place a (Breathing type) mask on the face of a character. I have the Head model for the shape(it is UV mapped). I have a 2d image of the UV map(most use them for taking into a paint programme to paint over). I then create a 2d plane(a single quad is enough), UV map it, and place the 2d image on that plane.

I then create a mesh over the 2d image (I made a simple mesh and made it transparent. It is important to make sure the vertex of the mesh is over a UV position on the image. The lines on the image represent the UVs on the head)

I then use UV Deform to deform the mesh to the Head.

As I said, only a very basic example. But I though to bring up and highlight this tool/function.

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April 17, 2013, 04:05:30 am
I haven't entirely tested NVIL, but is this a feature / function in NVIL ? Would love to see a video demonstration if possible please. Thank you.