

Topic: Autodesk inventor Fusion free  (Read 32981 times)

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March 30, 2013, 06:01:15 pm
Just in case anyone is interested.
Autodesk inventor fusion is free.
I downloaded and started playing around with it.
Fusion has a somewhat steep learning curve for anyone that is new to modeling, but not to bad for those with some experience.
By the way I also learned extrude along a curve in NVIL this morning.
NVIL Rocks!

Here is the link  (650 mb)

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March 31, 2013, 08:08:56 am
Hi johnnybevo,

Autodesk inventor fusion is free.
I know/used Inventor, but have not used "Fusion". Is that the one that requires constant Internet access for it to function? (cloud based)

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March 31, 2013, 10:21:46 am
Just in case anyone is interested.
Autodesk inventor fusion is free.
I downloaded and started playing around with it.
Fusion has a somewhat steep learning curve for anyone that is new to modeling, but not to bad for those with some experience.
By the way I also learned extrude along a curve in NVIL this morning.
NVIL Rocks!

Here is the link  (650 mb)

Link seems to down. Keep getting an error message saying file cannot be found.

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March 31, 2013, 12:00:14 pm
Hi johnnybevo,

Autodesk inventor fusion is free.
I know/used Inventor, but have not used "Fusion". Is that the one that requires constant Internet access for it to function? (cloud based)

Fusion is not cloud based. I think that was Fusion 360.

Just in case anyone is interested.
Autodesk inventor fusion is free.
I downloaded and started playing around with it.
Fusion has a somewhat steep learning curve for anyone that is new to modeling, but not to bad for those with some experience.
By the way I also learned extrude along a curve in NVIL this morning.
NVIL Rocks!

Here is the link  (650 mb)

Link seems to down. Keep getting an error message saying file cannot be found.

It took me several times to get it downloaded. I had to wait and download it very early in the morning. It may have something to do with heavy server traffic.

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March 31, 2013, 12:05:26 pm
Here is a pic of something I did while figuring out how to use it. I tested out the export.
Exported .stl imported into Blender then exported out .obj

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March 31, 2013, 12:43:59 pm
I have read that it may stop working April 1st. I am still trying to find out if that means the download or the product.
 I will post the info. back here when I find out.
I hope it does not stop working I was learning a whole bunch and it gave much bunch of ideas for modeling in NVIL.

This is what I got from an Autodesk faq
. How long will Inventor Fusion Technology Preview run?
Once activated, Inventor Fusion Technology Preview will run until April 1, 2012. Your use
of Inventor Fusion is subject to the terms and conditions of Autodesk Labs and the
Inventor Fusion Technology Preview End User License Agreement accompanying the
download of the technology.
« Last Edit: March 31, 2013, 12:52:26 pm by johnnybevo »

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April 02, 2013, 07:46:26 pm
fusion worked for about 24 hours then the license expired.
It was fun and interesting while it lasted.

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April 05, 2013, 11:11:55 am
Hi johnnybevo,

fusion worked for about 24 hours then the license expired.
It was fun and interesting while it lasted.

Sound like you may of downloaded an old beta.
I did do some searching and found that "Fusion" did become "Fusion 360".

There was 123D (by Autodesk), that was out for free (beta testing). But that now appears to be becoming paid license. I did try 123D(Beta) about 18 months ago (beta 4) which although buggy was of some interest. Unfortunately with later releases, they removed various export options, then made it a need to create an account to download.
It appears that may be released as full paid for version soon, but it also appears that while offline you will only be able to save your projects as native "123D format". To save as other formats (.stl as example) you will need to let the programme log into your online account, upload the model, let Autodesk convert the model, then you can download it. I suppose it is one way to attempt stopping pirate versions of the programme, but not (IMHO) a good way for a paid for programme to work.

Here is a pic of something I did while figuring out how to use it.
Models like that are quick to make in CAD, but what was the mesh output like?

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April 05, 2013, 10:36:30 pm
I have downloaded the 123d beta 9. I am not sure how long it will work but it is fun to play with.
The output mesh was tris but it was very clean and would be easy to retopo.
I now have downloaded FreeCad and am spending a little time learning that and Nvil.
FreeCad is open source so maybe it will not go away.

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April 05, 2013, 10:50:51 pm
FreeCad is open source so maybe it will not go away.

I have looked at it briefly in the past. I should have another look to see how it as progressed.

I do have license for a number of different CAD/CAM systems that I use for work. I did at one time do all my hobby modeling with Rhino/MOI, but decided to try polygon modeling (we all make mistakes LOL).

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April 05, 2013, 11:17:50 pm
FreeCad is open source so maybe it will not go away.

I have looked at it briefly in the past. I should have another look to see how it as progressed.

I do have license for a number of different CAD/CAM systems that I use for work. I did at one time do all my hobby modeling with Rhino/MOI, but decided to try polygon modeling (we all make mistakes LOL).

I was wondering about MOI and thought about trying it.
I think MOI maybe affordable in the future, but Rhino is most likely out of reach.

The next thing on my list is a new GPU.
My budget is about tapped out, but in the next few weeks I should have about a 100 bucks. That depends if there are no more big issues with my current bathroom repairs.
We have been in a drought the last couple of years and it did some damage to the foundation of my house and caused some plumbing issues.

I am looking at the GTX 550 ti.

Any way I want to learn a few CAD things so I can retopo and use them for some of my future projects. Some things in CAD can be done much faster and afterwards can be used as a reference model. At least some of the more complex shapes may be faster using CAD. I know the retopo process my not always be easy.

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April 06, 2013, 12:32:54 am
Here is a test obj in NVIL exported from FreeCad

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April 06, 2013, 12:43:53 am
I do have license for a number of different CAD/CAM systems that I use for work. I did at one time do all my hobby modeling with Rhino/MOI, but decided to try polygon modeling (we all make mistakes LOL).
Steve, why do you call switching to polys a mistake? Both worlds, the engineering and entertainment are so different from each other, but they both offer a lot of possibilities.

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April 06, 2013, 11:43:51 am
I was wondering about MOI and thought about trying it.
I think MOI maybe affordable in the future, but Rhino is most likely out of reach.
MOI is OK, but does have a number of problems/issues.
If freecad does not fulfill your needs, you should probably start by having a look at Viacad 2D/3D it is $99 and has a much better geometry library than MOI.

I am looking at the GTX 550 ti.
Should be more than enough. On my home system, I am using a GTX460, and that easily runs the various CAD/Poly programmes I use on that setup.

Any way I want to learn a few CAD things so I can retopo and use them for some of my future projects. Some things in CAD can be done much faster and afterwards can be used as a reference model. At least some of the more complex shapes may be faster using CAD. I know the retopo process my not always be easy.
It does depend on the model. Time saved on building can sometimes easily be more than lost with retopo.(If retopo is actually needed)
Maybe we should have a comparison. A model built in CAD->export->retopo, then compare it with the workflow of the same model built directly in Poly?

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April 06, 2013, 01:58:09 pm
I will have a look at Viacad 2D/3D

About The CAD export retopo. I think the process will be a good thing to learn and maybe during that time it would give me a better idea of when it would be beneficial.
 I am going to have a look at the  GTX460.
Right now I have a 8400 gs.