

Topic: screen recording software  (Read 44803 times)

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March 18, 2013, 07:47:07 pm
johnnybevo, i dont understand this phrase:
scan and scan again for any cooties that might be lurnking in the .exe

it in a figurative sense? The link to the setup is on the official site.

p.s. I will try to write to TechSmith.
Sorry for my bad english. Do not hesitate to ask if you do not understand me :-)

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March 19, 2013, 01:20:22 am
scan and scan again for any cooties that might be lurking in the .exe

By this i mean you should scan this application with your antivirus.
Anything I download I always check for virus, with my antivirus software and then I scan with two other malware programs(even if it seems legitimate ). Every thing gets scanned at least 3 times.
 Maybe I am paranoid but it is best to always be safe.

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March 19, 2013, 01:49:52 am
I don't have antivirus ~5 years. Once every two months, I check my computer by free Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool (one of the best).

My a few rules:
1. I use great firewall+ HIPS - Comodo.

2. My favorite browser - Opera with disabled Java plugin, Flash (on demand).

3. HandyCache - it is using as anti-banner

4. Adobe Reader, I replaced by the SumatraPDF

HIPS - monitor a programs and asks permission for certain actions.

p.s. It is true there must have experience to work on the computer without antivirus.

sorry for offtop.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2013, 07:56:16 am by molebox »
Sorry for my bad english. Do not hesitate to ask if you do not understand me :-)

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March 19, 2013, 11:53:18 pm
I don't have antivirus ~5 years. Once every two months, I check my computer by free Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool (one of the best).

My a few rules:
1. I use great firewall+ HIPS - Comodo.

2. My favorite browser - Opera with disabled Java plugin, Flash (on demand).

3. HandyCache - it is using as anti-banner

4. Adobe Reader, I replaced by the SumatraPDF

HIPS - monitor a programs and asks permission for certain actions.

p.s. It is true there must have experience to work on the computer without antivirus.

sorry for offtop.

That is very brave.

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March 20, 2013, 12:15:03 am
That is very brave.

I just do not insert in PC foreign usb-flash. Opera has a little vulnerable as due to the low popularity of the little investigating hackers.

Remove from browser a next plugins: Adobe Reader, Java (not javascript!)  --> more security
Sorry for my bad english. Do not hesitate to ask if you do not understand me :-)

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  • Polygon
March 21, 2013, 06:43:04 pm
I have been looking at OBS (Open Broadcast Software). It is an open source project.

It is a bit heavy on the CPU on my setup, but it is encoding directly to MP4 @30 fps on HD1080.

I have not seen it cause issue with NVIL and the capture quality is quite good from testing.

  • Posts: 82
  • Edge
March 23, 2013, 12:33:30 am
Does anyone know a good, free recording software to take videos while using NVil? I tried CamStudio now for a while, but it slows down my system to a point where NVil isn't responsive anymore. The quality also isn't that good (lines appear dotted, banding etc., but might have to do with the codec).
I don't have any money to spend on such software.

You might want to try the x264 codec.

It's open source.     

It's probably the hottest codec out there right now. In 2010, Warner Brothers used x264 codec for encodeing Blu-rays.

Now that this codec is in CamStudio, I'm impressed.

I tried the lossless codec and it is much better now! Thanks a lot. Although the playback is still lagging when the camera was rotated.
I record at full HD, the longest I recorded was about 15 minutes. But for now I just want to record rather short clips (< 1 min) in high quality to show off various functions and workflow inside NVil, in order to mash it up to a trailer afterwards.

I've been trying to do the same thing for the last couple months.
 Short and sweet demonstrations.They make a small file size.
Plus, I don't record audio, so the file size is even smaller.

Myself, I find accents throw me off. I concentrate on more of what the speaker is trying to say.
And that throws me off.
I'm using the layouts, for more of an indication type video.

Here is an example:Â

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  • Polygon
March 23, 2013, 02:36:34 am
HI 3dwizzard,

You might want to try the x264 codec.
For real-time capture, it can take a lot of CPU power. But yes, great codec for quality/file size

Myself, I find accents throw me off. I concentrate on more of what the speaker is trying to say.
And that throws me off.     
I am currently trying to create some videos, to try and help users. I know I am not going to voice over them myself, as who wants to hear an old fart with a strange English accent lol.
I have been looking at some computer generated voices (Text to speech), which are quite good (they have come a long was since Microsoft Sam). But still, I have to think about non-English users. So I may revert back to adding simple call-outs/notations.

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March 23, 2013, 03:49:02 am
HI 3dwizzard,

You might want to try the x264 codec.
For real-time capture, it can take a lot of CPU power. But yes, great codec for quality/file size

Myself, I find accents throw me off. I concentrate on more of what the speaker is trying to say.
And that throws me off.     
I am currently trying to create some videos, to try and help users. I know I am not going to voice over them myself, as who wants to hear an old fart with a strange English accent lol.
I have been looking at some computer generated voices (Text to speech), which are quite good (they have come a long was since Microsoft Sam). But still, I have to think about non-English users. So I may revert back to adding simple call-outs/notations.
Yup, I've mentioned this codec before. Best one out there, but like Steve said - not suitable for real time recording. Lagarith, HuffYUV, FICV, Lecturnity seem to do a better job here. No frame losses and low CPU load are their advantage. Of course nothing stops anyone from converting material recorded by those codecs to x264 and I think it's even highly recommended. The crunching abilities of x264 are unbelievable!

Steve, no no please - no voice synthesisers. They're horrifying and repulsing, no matter how good they are (Ivona). Not to mention they immediately make the video feel like it was made by a kid. Just go with your voice please. English English, being the proper English is a joy to hear, especially for a foreigner like me. :)
And to fight a stage fright, I always keep saying to my friends: "relax your bacon, take a deep breath and all will be well". :D

as who wants to hear an old fart with a strange English accent lol.
I think you might be surprised. ;)

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March 23, 2013, 06:30:02 am

I am currently trying to create some videos, to try and help users. I know I am not going to voice over them myself, as who wants to hear an old fart with a strange English accent lol.

But still, I have to think about non-English users. So I may revert back to adding simple call-outs/notations.

for example, i fully don't  understand the english at the hearing. I see a few variants:
1. Voice + don't to use hotkeys
2. Voice + to use a program which shows pressed keys (or to hold pressed keys, because NVil also show it)
3. Voice + to add callouts/notes with pressed keys
voice - to understanded English at the hearing.

p.s. one well-known MSU Video Group tested 15 lossless codecs 2007 year.

1. In Video Capture and Video Editing Area the overall clear winner is Lagarith.
2. In Maximum Compression area the overall winner is YULS.
3. The most balanced and flexible codec is FFV1: relatively good
speed and high compression for various presets.
Seventh MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 Video Codecs Comparison
in 2006-2012 year the leader was x264 as wrote 3dwizzard. But speed don't tested, only the quality =(

about speed a GPU codecs and x264 -
« Last Edit: March 23, 2013, 07:43:41 am by molebox »
Sorry for my bad english. Do not hesitate to ask if you do not understand me :-)

  • Posts: 82
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March 23, 2013, 08:10:52 pm
Hi steve,

For real-time capture, it can take a lot of CPU power. But yes, great codec for quality/file size

I didn't know it was so CPU intensive. I have a Intel i7 processor. I don't see any bottlenecks or latency problems.
Also, I tried to keep it real short. I think the longest video I've captured with x264, was somewhere around 11 minutes.
I deleted that one because, I thought it was too long.

I am currently trying to create some videos, to try and help users. I know I am not going to voice over them myself, as who wants to hear an old fart with a strange English accent lol..

Those are some videos I'd like to see. I'd really like to see your workflow. Your attention to detail is so meticulous.
Just looking at the structure of your models, you can really see how organized they are.

As far as your English accent, Yeah, to me it would be strange. But, if I'm not mistaking. Proper English is the most accepted language globally.
Or is that Spanish? I'm not really sure about that. One of them is first and, one of them is second.

Accent do throw me off. But on the same hand, a lot of people would be thrown off by my accent.
Not to mention my speech impediment. That would be like listening to Donald Duck give a lecture on the Big Bang theory. lol

I have been looking at some computer generated voices (Text to speech), which are quite good (they have come a long was since Microsoft Sam). But still, I have to think about non-English users. So I may revert back to adding simple call-outs/notations.

MP3 message

  • Posts: 82
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March 23, 2013, 08:21:43 pm
The divshare site is real slow these days.

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  • Polygon
March 24, 2013, 02:13:14 am
really makes most sense to just capture raw lossless, since it dosnt hit hte cpu that hard, than re-encode later.

only problem this approach can introduce is your hard drives not being able to keep up, which is why wehn you do this use the hard drive that your OS isn't on.

i just use camtasia studio, and have had no problems and i have recored things where i got NVIL, maya, photoshop and udk going at once.

  • Posts: 82
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March 24, 2013, 05:49:34 pm
Hi Passerby,

really makes most sense to just capture raw lossless, since it dosnt hit hte cpu that hard, than re-encode later.

I used to do that. At the end, the results are nice. But when you start working with raw material like AVI uncompressed,
it can be a nightmare editing. It's been a long time, but if I recall right. 44 seconds of AVI uncompressed is over a gigabyte.
If you want to do editing like that, you're going to need a powerhouse:

A system like this would easily cost $15-$25,000
Granted, this kind of system is for working on a production type movie. But when you're working with raw footage,
you need a powerhouse to deal with large file sizes.

When I was editing raw footage. The computer would seem like it was frozen. I would have to look in task manager,
under the performance tab. Just to see if it was still running. Then I would walk away, and let the computer do its thing.

That was on a single core processor back in the early 2000. I haven't done any editing like that in a long time.
I told a video editing group I was doing that, and they laughed at me. Everybody said, I was crazy for working with files that big.
I have to admit though, the end result was nice.

i just use camtasia studio, and have had no problems and i have recored things where i got NVIL, maya, photoshop and udk going at once.

From what I understand, camtasia studio is the best out there. I guess that's why the Fortune 500 companies use it.
But if I'm not mistaking, it retails for $300 and up. I'll figure something else out.

Maybe this Lagarith codec, will show some good results.

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  • Triangle
March 25, 2013, 02:15:23 pm
Thanks for all the replies! I am not home for a few weeks, but when I get back, I will try some of your suggestions. For later editing of the footage I want to try Lightworks ( I was looking for a free alternative to Adobe's After Effects, but could only come up with Wax (, but the UI looks terribly outdated, so I haven't tried it yet. I did quickly play around with Autodesks Composite 2013, but it wasn't pleasant to work with. I couldn't figure out the simplest things, like masking, and there are almost no tutorials. In case of necessity I have to use some 3d package and render things out, but it would be less comfortable than having a software dedicated for tasks like making titles and intros.

I am no english native speaker, so I refrain from using my voice. And I totally fail at recording something and speaking at the same time! :D But if I watch tutorials I find it a lot easier to hear what someone is saying while looking at what he or she does, rather than having to part my visual attention between a textbox and what is going on on the screen. You can get a lot more information across with audio than with on screen text. But some short, supporting notes are always welcome.