

Topic: screen recording software  (Read 44802 times)

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March 25, 2013, 03:15:11 pm
but could only come up with Wax (, but the UI looks terribly outdated, so I haven't tried it yet.

The author Wax also created Wink. With help the Wink i recorded a few short video (bug-report/questions). Very good the program! But i dont try for recording long-time video.
Sorry for my bad english. Do not hesitate to ask if you do not understand me :-)

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March 26, 2013, 11:44:24 pm
Yes, Steve I want to hear your voice.
We have been posting back and forth a while now, here not so long, but we spent some time posting about Hexagon a while.

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March 27, 2013, 12:05:35 am
Yes, Steve I want to hear your voice.
Highly unlikely.

We have been posting back and forth a while now, here not so long, but we spent some time posting about Hexagon a while.
I think about 6 years with Hexagon, still no bug fixes LOL
At last I found a replacement.

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March 27, 2013, 12:13:35 am
Yes, Steve I want to hear your voice.
Highly unlikely.

We have been posting back and forth a while now, here not so long, but we spent some time posting about Hexagon a while.
I think about 6 years with Hexagon, still no bug fixes LOL
At last I found a replacement.

Only more bugs for Hexagon LOL
6 years, Has it been that long?
No doubt NVIL is a great replacement.

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March 27, 2013, 01:16:19 am
6 years, Has it been that long?
Maybe a bit longer?

Hexagon was really the first poly modeler I fully learned. I had always used nurbs(solidworks/Rhino etc) up until then. It was mainly due to Hexagon having all the curves/surface tools that I was used to.
I did then try wings3d, which I did take time to learn and used for quite a while until someone (I think at DAZ forums) mentioned voidworld(NVIL).

No doubt NVIL is a great replacement.
When I first looked at NVIL, I though probably not, but time spent with it and finding all the tools/functions, well, here I am. :)

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March 27, 2013, 01:26:09 am
I feel very comfortable in this forum and with the future of this software.
As far software goes I dont know if there is anything I have not tried.
Blender, Wings, Max, Maya, Modo, Hexagon, lightwave.
I have XSI, but only use it for nurbs and dont use nurbs that often because their is not that much instruction for nurbs.
Anyway I think I will stay with NVIl and mess around with Blender from time to time. I am always exploring new software, NVIL will be my primary for modeling.

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March 27, 2013, 02:02:44 am
Anyway I think I will stay with NVIl and mess around with Blender from time to time.

I am always using Blender. It is just I have never taken the time to learn its modeling capabilities. I use cycles and the physics in Blender quite a lot.(well, more like playing around a lot).

By the way, just to get back on topic, LOL.
I decided to purchase Mirillis Action for desktop/screen recording. Many thanks to rubberDuck for posting the link/info about the application.

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March 27, 2013, 09:53:37 am
I just use different packages for different parts of my workflow. tend to use Nvil for building the high poly, and low poly or base meshes for zbrush. than I move it all to Maya, for my uv's, and setting up my cage. Than do my bakes in xnormal. Also will use Maya for my scene management and final export to the game engine or really any task I can easily automate like generating convex hulls for collision meshes, or creating lods, as well as doing all my riging and animation there. (the python support in Maya makes things like that ultra fast and easy)

And for some pieces for environment work I will use Maya over Nvil for modeling if I am needing to do a lot of lofting with curves, or am makeing heavy use of deformers. But for most modelling both low poly and subd I do prefer Nvil ans work faster with it.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2013, 09:55:15 am by Passerby »

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March 27, 2013, 04:43:45 pm
Anyway I think I will stay with NVIl and mess around with Blender from time to time.

I am always using Blender. It is just I have never taken the time to learn its modeling capabilities. I use cycles and the physics in Blender quite a lot.(well, more like playing around a lot).

By the way, just to get back on topic, LOL.
I decided to purchase Mirillis Action for desktop/screen recording. Many thanks to rubberDuck for posting the link/info about the application.

Steve let me know how  Mirillis Action works out. How good the video quality is and file size. ease of use.

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March 27, 2013, 09:17:40 pm
I  happen found HyperCam. I remember it is was very a popular program. Now, HyperCam is free. Only show a banners, but you can to disallow it by firewall.

a straight link:
Don't install toolbar, uncheck it.

p.s. Why nobody dont want to try ActivePresenter? I wrote about the program.,1114.15.html
Sorry for my bad english. Do not hesitate to ask if you do not understand me :-)

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March 28, 2013, 04:45:47 am
Hi johnnybevo,

Steve let me know how  Mirillis Action works out. How good the video quality is and file size. ease of use.

The quality is great. Very easy to use. The output filesize depends on capture resolution FPS etc and what codec used (it either uses FICV or MP4). If you use FICV, you can then convert it (in Mirillis) to output to MP4 using different profiles/quality.
What I really like, is it uses no CPU on my setup during HD1080 screen real time(30 fps) capture. It uses Cuda(GPU).  If you have one of the later CPU, it will use quick sync.
I have not checked to see what resources it is using of the GPU, I have felt no need, as it does not interfere with applications.
You should have a look at the 30 day trial version. It is fully functional, it just places a "Captured by..." at the top of the screen.

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March 28, 2013, 11:26:11 pm
Hi johnnybevo,

Steve let me know how  Mirillis Action works out. How good the video quality is and file size. ease of use.

The quality is great. Very easy to use. The output filesize depends on capture resolution FPS etc and what codec used (it either uses FICV or MP4). If you use FICV, you can then convert it (in Mirillis) to output to MP4 using different profiles/quality.
What I really like, is it uses no CPU on my setup during HD1080 screen real time(30 fps) capture. It uses Cuda(GPU).  If you have one of the later CPU, it will use quick sync.
I have not checked to see what resources it is using of the GPU, I have felt no need, as it does not interfere with applications.
You should have a look at the 30 day trial version. It is fully functional, it just places a "Captured by..." at the top of the screen.

I have the website bookmarked. I will take a look and maybe take it for test drive next week.

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March 11, 2014, 11:09:24 am
I use Microsoft's Expression Encoder, which has been free for a while.

If you want to see samples of screen captures for tutorials, see my youtube channel on PD Howler at

I capture with Expression Encoder, then encode it to WMV at 6000 Mbps (xbos 720p option amongst Device formats), then assemble that WMV into PowerDirector from Cyberlink to add stuff. Great workflow. Expression Encoder also has some editing capabilities, like trimming or cutting parts of the clip, adding other clips in sequence etc... I think too, but I never had a need to really explore.

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March 31, 2014, 07:58:34 pm
I tried the Expression Encoder, but I was not too happy about it. You can't select a codec and have to re-render the output in another app. But it didn't effect performance. Ok, I set the recording to 5 FPS, because I wanted to make a time lapse.

After I converted the video to 1080p WMV, it did play back in normal speed, not faster as I would have expecteed. I tried correcting this using lightworks, which again requires re-rendering and downsample to 720p in the free version. But lightworks couldn't handle the file size on my system and got real slow. Maybe I'd overdone it by recording 5 hours footage, but file size was around 2GB.

I will try Hypercam which molebox suggested. I had seen that you can independently set the recording speed and the playback speed, as well choose a codec.

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April 01, 2014, 01:32:41 am
With the uncrompessed lossless format (and Hypercam) the file size explodes within seconds of recording. So I tried the x264 thingy. The file size is really small, which is good. Does anyone know good settings for the encoder? I'll try to use that one. But I've also seen that there's a H265 successor, but I didn't find binaries (