

Topic: screen recording software  (Read 44800 times)

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  • Triangle
March 13, 2013, 05:31:18 pm
Does anyone know a good, free recording software to take videos while using NVil? I tried CamStudio now for a while, but it slows down my system to a point where NVil isn't responsive anymore. The quality also isn't that good (lines appear dotted, banding etc., but might have to do with the codec).
I don't have any money to spend on such software.

  • Posts: 496
  • Triangle
March 13, 2013, 05:34:46 pm
What I am asking for is, if anyone has experience with other software. I know how to search for it in the internet.

  • Posts: 496
  • Triangle
March 13, 2013, 05:41:16 pm
I may test several myself to see which fits these special needs. Just found out, that since windows 7 there's a built in recording software: PSR.exe forget about that.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2013, 05:44:48 pm by Vaquero »

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March 13, 2013, 05:57:42 pm
I have used Camstudio many times, have not seen an issue. Have just checked again and all OK.

How long are you recording for, and what screen resolution?

For capture quality, are you using the "CamStudio Lossless Codec v1.5", which I find works great on my setup. The download of the codec is on the main camstudio web-page (just under the application download)

  • Posts: 496
  • Triangle
March 13, 2013, 06:24:16 pm
I tried the lossless codec and it is much better now! Thanks a lot. Although the playback is still lagging when the camera was rotated.
I record at full HD, the longest I recorded was about 15 minutes. But for now I just want to record rather short clips (< 1 min) in high quality to show off various functions and workflow inside NVil, in order to mash it up to a trailer afterwards.

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March 13, 2013, 06:45:31 pm
Try changing the folder for the temp capture file:- Camstudio-> "Options-> Program Options-> Directory for Recording" -> Use user specified directory". I place mine on a second internal HD.

You can also increase the frame rate capture, I use 25 milliseconds (you can change it:- Options-> Video options" and use the scroll bar at the bottom of that window to adjust the "Capture Frames every" value)
I use that setting, and I am set-up on an older 1st gen quad core (q6600) and it works fine.

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  • Spline
March 14, 2013, 06:39:29 am
I tries a few programs:

1. Wink - debugmode*com
pros: free, it has editor, support notes/text/arrow/etc
cons: last version was in 2007 yo, recorded only in exe,swf =(

2. UVScreenCamera - uvsoftium*com
pros: it has free version, editor, support notes/text/arrow/etc, show mouse's clicks and keyboard keys pressing. It has cute pencil to underline, but only in editor.
cons: recorded only in exe, uvf(spec.format,has free player for it)
Commercial has realtime pencil(Drawing on the screen during recording.), support flv, swf,gif,avi  - 50$ =(

3. CamStudio
pros: free, recorded in avi. There are a converter to swf, autopan - i do not tested.
cons: not has editor, crash on a few point the menu.

AVI - big size,normal quality
SWF - better quality than avi , small size
UVF - quality is the same as the swf, smallest size

i also tries flashback express - support avi, notes, but! When i ask support "why i cannot to remove notes or edit it" then they wrote me: free version doesnot support notes - it is bug =) They will remove support the notes for free version.
without support removing/editing notes -  using notes -> solid Hemorrhoids  ;D
« Last Edit: March 14, 2013, 11:40:10 am by molebox »
Sorry for my bad english. Do not hesitate to ask if you do not understand me :-)

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March 16, 2013, 03:37:10 am
I'm surprised nobody mentioned Mirillis Action! here.
This is the best HD screen capture software I'm aware of, capable of recording full HD with sound @60 fps. It utilizes a proprietary multi-core FICV codec. All this for a mere €24.95 or $29.95.
It's only drawback being the Windows Aero that is required for desktop HD recording and I bet some of you guys, like me, like to use custom themes that are non-Aero, but it won't work with Mirillis. You will have to switch back to Aero ones.

As a side note: if your postproduction program is unable to open files encoded with FICV, you can use VirtualDub x64 and x265vfw to convert it to lossless x264 file and open it afterwards. Or you can simply explode them in VirtualDub into image files and save audio track separately.

To zoom in and out and to paint over your screen in real time, you might want to use ZoomIt:

Also, two things worth nothing when using Action!:
1. If your monitor's native resolution is 16:10, don't use the integrated YouTube export. Open it up in VirtualDub, save as x264 lossless and either convert it again to lossy x264 to decrease its size or upload it directly to YouTube. The integrated YouTube export allows only for exporting of 16:9 or other (apart of 16:10) aspect ratios, so you want to avoid it if you don't want to loose the crispiness of the video. If you upload a 16:10 video to YouTube (like 1920x1200 for example) you can play it using the "Original" resolution option.
2. Again, if your monitor's native resolution is 16:10 and you want to record a video of a different aspect ratio, like 1080p or 720p, I highly recommend the small application called "sizer" ( It allows for a quick change of window resolution to fit the desired one. It's available as a portable application too, if you don't want undesired entries in your OS registry.

My last experience (before Action!) was with Debut Video Capture that is now on sale (the price dropped temporarily from $60 to $39.95 for a pro version), but I've never met an program that would cause so many trouble like Debut did to my computer. I've experienced some BSODs (just google Debut BSOD). The lossless HuffYUV codec works well though in lower resolutions (720p). Also, it's capable of using external codecs like lossless Lagarith, which is good. But Action! is faster anyway, so why pay more?
Also, it binds itself with some file extensions you don't want it to be bound with.

Examples of Mirillis Action! recordings: - obsolete video (after the release of 3D Coat V4 Beta13a which implements export depth along Y) recorded in 1920x1200@20fps (with almost no CPU usage from Action! on my 3930K/32GB and GTX660/3GB VRAM), so you'll get the crispiest image if your monitor's native resolution is 1920x1200 or more and if you set the video resolution to Original. No audio in this video though. - very CPU resource demanding war-game recorded in 1920x1200@30fps. Yup, realistic war simulators are one of my hidden hobbies. ::)

And Camtasia is like what? $282? What a ridiculous price.

« Last Edit: March 16, 2013, 04:10:16 am by rubberDuck »

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March 16, 2013, 08:03:55 am
Hi, rubberDuck

You wiil try UVScreenCamera or Wink (i don't know what with support Win7). I think, what for record the desktop Mirillis not better software. I read a features of the Mirillis - it is software is more suitable for recording games.

It is don't have editor(i knew about video editor :) ), notes, popup etc.
But if to record only video+voice then maybe, maybe..

p.s. Thanks for ZoomIt, never heard of her. I always using Autoruns, FileMon,RegMon and other a great applcations from ex-sysinternals.

« Last Edit: March 16, 2013, 08:08:10 am by molebox »
Sorry for my bad english. Do not hesitate to ask if you do not understand me :-)

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March 16, 2013, 01:04:42 pm
I always using Autoruns, FileMon,RegMon and other a great applcations from ex-sysinternals.

They made Filemon + Regmon into "Process Monitor"

"Process Monitor" + "Process Explorer" = Excellent

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March 16, 2013, 01:42:45 pm
They made Filemon + Regmon into "Process Monitor"
Yes, but for quickly monitoring I like to use Filemon + Regmon =)
« Last Edit: March 16, 2013, 02:46:58 pm by molebox »
Sorry for my bad english. Do not hesitate to ask if you do not understand me :-)

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March 17, 2013, 02:12:47 am
You wiil try UVScreenCamera or Wink (i don't know what with support Win7). I think, what for record the desktop Mirillis not better software. I read a features of the Mirillis - it is software is more suitable for recording games.
Not really. It's actually perfect for recording desktop. You can easily knock out a 60 fps film at full HD resolution without slowdowns even while working on a heavy scene at the same time. I recorded the first of the linked videos at 20 fps only because I wanted to get a relatively small file as a result that would be fast to upload to YouTube and rapidly converted by it.

It is don't have editor(i knew about video editor :) ), notes, popup etc.
But if to record only video+voice then maybe, maybe..
This is true, yes. Mirillis doesn't have any annotations editor, so you'd have to import your video into your favourite 3rd party compositing/video editing program or, if you're uploading to YouTube, make them there.

p.s. Thanks for ZoomIt, never heard of her. I always using Autoruns, FileMon,RegMon and other a great applcations from ex-sysinternals.
I agree, I find programs made by Sysinternals one of the best system utilities one can get for Windows.

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  • Edge
March 17, 2013, 04:50:11 pm
I have been using Camtasia 3 for a long time never saw any reason to upgrade.
I got version 3 when it was being given away for free. You may be able to find it out there somewhere I just dont know where.
 I have never had any issues with it.

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March 17, 2013, 08:42:13 pm
Hi, johnnybevo

I found the link to Camtasia 3 but a Registration link dont work ..

I also found the key. 8) Wondering if it would be considered piracy?
Sorry for my bad english. Do not hesitate to ask if you do not understand me :-)

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March 18, 2013, 06:40:14 pm
Hi, johnnybevo

I found the link to Camtasia 3 but a Registration link dont work ..

I also found the key. 8) Wondering if it would be considered piracy?

I don't know if it would or not that is the version they gave away for free, but it was several years ago.
When they were giving it away, i did email them to make sure that it was really free and the reply was yes. You could always email them and ask, but if it is being given away on someones blog, i think it would be questionable. The only way to know is to contact techsmith.
 This is only my opinion but I would think that they could careless about version 3 anymore, but if someone were giving away whatever the current or a more recent version away, then I would stay away from that.
 This is only my opinion and if you decide to use it, I would contact techsmith for sure and scan and scan again for any cooties that might be lurnking in the .exe
I am in no way saying use unless you find out for sure it is ok.