

Topic: Bugs or features, questions  (Read 14019 times)

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March 05, 2013, 06:01:42 pm
Hello molebox,

1. steve, do you have this problem, with  disappearing of object?
Not now no. I used to have problems, but IStonia improved the display and I use "Set view Focusing point" and "Best Fit(All Views)"

If you have orthographic view(such as front), use the "Set View Focusing Point"(Ctrl+Alt+Shift+RMB) and click on the object in that view. With default clip planes, the object will not view clip,
(You may also be better to set the view focusing to a different hotkey, I use "X1"

2. I tried cut tool. How to cut on straight line? I tried to cut with SHift and Ctrl... :(
Which "Cut"?.
I think that only works with the streamline tool cut. Press(hold down)"C" to use cut, the shift/ctrl then work.

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March 06, 2013, 06:49:52 am
I think that only works with the streamline tool cut. Press(hold down)"C" to use cut, the shift/ctrl then work.

It is does not work.
If to press "C"+"Ctrl/Shift" and click of LMB on a edge and moving the cursor, then the line will not be straight. I need it 90 degree.

If to press "C"+"Ctrl/Shift" and drag the cursor(with pressed LMB) - then it will to cut in the middle.
Hm.. If only then to move this edge.

If to press "C"+"Ctrl/Shift" and press RMB, then i get Slice.

----------How i see it.--------
1. Press "C" -> click LMB on any edge -> Click LMB on other edge = cut
2. Press "C" -> click LMB on any edge -> +press SHift -> I see in realtime cut(straight line) -> Click LMB on other edge = cut on 90 degree
3. Press "C" -> click LMB on any edge -> +press Ctrl -> I see in realtime cut (stepping angle)Click LMB on other edge = cut on x degree (it depends on "stepping angle")
« Last Edit: March 06, 2013, 06:57:01 am by molebox »
Sorry for my bad english. Do not hesitate to ask if you do not understand me :-)

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March 06, 2013, 12:33:10 pm
Sorry, I thought that worked, I am getting too old.  ;D

Try "Polygon-> Slice"

You can select the polygons you want to cut. click on "Slice" enable (if needed) "Slice selected polygons"-> press "X+shift" and draw the line in view.

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March 06, 2013, 12:46:39 pm
Sorry, I thought that worked, I am getting too old.  ;D

Try "Polygon-> Slice"

You can select the polygons you want to cut. click on "Slice" enable (if needed) "Slice selected polygons"-> press "X+shift" and draw the line in view.

Thanks steve. I thought about it and realized that if you cut a straight line, and not slice, I'll get ngon =) Perhaps the best solution is to use in this case slice tool
Sorry for my bad english. Do not hesitate to ask if you do not understand me :-)

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March 07, 2013, 08:52:03 am
It does work now.