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News and Updates / Nvil Update Jul 14 2024
« Last post by IStonia on July 14, 2024, 03:33:34 am »
New Update

--Prerequisites : If the application failed to launch and SlimDX is not installed, download/install the CORRECT version(64 or 86(32-bit)) of end user runtime(for slimDX),
--For installing to run in Linux :

Nvil Kick-Start

Draw Mesh Kick-Start

Summary of changes:

* A bug in retopo reference z offset rendering is fixed.
* KeyStroke presentation is improved. It now works on the whole UI.

News and Updates / Nvil Update Jul 09 2024
« Last post by IStonia on July 09, 2024, 12:16:45 pm »
New Update

--Prerequisites : If the application failed to launch and SlimDX is not installed, download/install the CORRECT version(64 or 86(32-bit)) of end user runtime(for slimDX),
--For installing to run in Linux :

Nvil Kick-Start

Draw Mesh Kick-Start

Summary of changes:

* Object mode > Geometry > Create > Boolean Stack. It is a visual tool that can perform boolean and chamfer operations at the same time. Suitable for both low and high resolution hard surface modeling.
* A new streamline basic tool, Edge Loop Cleanup. Merge close by vertices within selected edge loop to form even spacing along the loop. Can be used for boolean cleanup.
* Geometry > Common Commands n Tools > Hard Edges Control > Object Subd Auto Crease. Toggle selected object's subd auto crease option flag. This option allows the program to crease subdivided object's edges base on edge angles if their subd crease values have not been set manually.
* Hot Tools Gadget feature is added. It provides a fast way for tool accessing without having to go through deep UI customization. It can be accessed through the right click context menu in Tool Search window.
* Viewport > 2D Pin/Zoom/Spin Enabled.
* Viewport > Copy/Paste Viewport Settings.
* Some bug fixings.


Boolean Stack

Fixings After Boolean Operation 1

Fixings After Boolean Operation 2

Auto Subd Crease

Hot Tool Gadget

Numerical Input On The Fly

2D Pan/Zoom/Spin
Yes this is great, I can tap in and out again with [Shift]  :)
NVILL Discussion / Re: Viewport ortho/perspective rotation snapping in WIP build
« Last post by IStonia on May 14, 2024, 02:24:42 am »
I changed that behavior so after view snapping the view won't be rotated away from its previous position.
You need to release and press mouse button the tap Shift again in your case.
I believe the view-port rotation snapping may have broke in between the current/distributed/official steam build and the Work In Progress builds.

What I mean is when you hold [ALT] + Left Mouse Button to rotate the view, then Press [SHIFT] to snap to the closest orthographic view, it doesn't seem to snap back out again when pressing [SHIFT] a second time, where-as it does on the current released/distributed steam version.

Just an FYI before updating/distributing to steam.
Feature Requests / Re: Movement by number/precise
« Last post by Mike_Hocksworth on May 14, 2024, 01:50:21 am »
This is really good.

Thank you for the hard work you do  :)
Feature Requests / Re: Movement by number/precise
« Last post by Mike_Hocksworth on May 13, 2024, 04:25:39 am »
Thanks for the reply Steve,
I think of the two options, the first is perhaps the closest.

Ideally, clicking the move manipulator head and typing would be a big win for me. Even if there was a hotkey to enable the numerical typing.
Something like, Press and Hold on move manipulator arrow head, tap [TAB] key, let go of mouse, type a movement amount and [Enter].

I see quite a few CAD applications that allow pressing tab to quickly switch between the different measurements (say length and angle) and switched from mouse movement to precise.
NVILL Discussion / Re: Interface is out-of-whack NVil -Mar 12 2024
« Last post by chikega on May 10, 2024, 09:06:03 pm »
That did the trick. Thank you so much! :) I'm running at 3840 x 2160 (150% Scaling) on two of my PC Desktops and 1920 x 1080 on a laptop.
For those that also have the Steam version, will want to go to:
Code: [Select]
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\NvilThe NVil icon that Steam produces on the Desktop is an alias to this directory.
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