

Topic: Copying or extracting edges  (Read 9060 times)

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    • 3ddmd
September 12, 2013, 05:51:56 pm
Is it possible to extract an edge from an object? In Silo, I could select an edge, copy and paste it. I could then use the edge as 'spline' to sweep a profile to create, say, piping on clothing or on a mask.

« Last Edit: September 12, 2013, 05:55:18 pm by chikega »

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September 12, 2013, 06:18:33 pm
I think I've read somewhere here that you cannot do it. Edges in NVil cannot exist on their own unfortunately. And I hope they could, because it is very handy.

You can use "Edge Shortcut Tools->Create Open Spline" or "Create Closed Spline" to create a spline out of the edge(s). You can then use it as a guide for snapping or as a construction curve. However this creates a smooth curve, not linear, so you'd have to select all curve points and "Toggle Spline Type" to convert it. I don't know if it's possible to create a linear curve with these tools.

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September 13, 2013, 01:31:35 am
Hi chikega,

That looks very much like Scorpius from Farscape.

(As put forward by rubberDuck, you will need to use the "Create spline" tool.)

  • Posts: 56
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    • 3ddmd
September 13, 2013, 03:41:35 am
Yes, steve, it's Scorpius. I started this model a few years back in Silo and was looking to finish it in NVil if I can. I'll test out the create spline tool and report back. This one is before I started modeling the piping on the mask:

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September 13, 2013, 03:58:13 am
Hi chikega,

That looks really very good, I like it. Please update with some new pics as you progress.

For the spline:-
Select the edges-> Geometry-> Create Closed Spline OR Create Opened Spline.
(in object selection mode)Select the spline, change to Vertex selection mode and "Geometry-> Spline Commands n Tools-> Toggle Spline Type" (so that it makes the spline a "Line list", rather than a smoothed spline)
You can then use the "Geometry-> Create-> Slide" and enable the "Tube" option to create a tube around the spline.

  • Posts: 56
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    • 3ddmd
September 13, 2013, 03:39:50 pm
Thank you steve. That technique worked out really well. Is it possible to use another shape as the profile? I used a rectangular profile for Scorpius' piping.

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September 13, 2013, 04:39:45 pm
Hi chikega,

Is it possible to use another shape as the profile? I used a rectangular profile for Scorpius' piping.

Yes of course.

What I will suggest first, is to setup a snap_align function(if you have not done so already), so you can easily align the profile to the path.
There is a function already set in the streamline tools you can use, it just does not have a hotkey set by default.
Go to Edit-> Customize-> Steamline Tools", look down the Built-in tools and you will find "Rotation Snap Selection".

Select it, then at the top of that window, click on "Set Hotkey" and you can set an hotkey for that function.

(I will presume you have already created the spline for the path)

Next create the profile. The easiest way is to use the "Spline" tool from the visual tools (or "Geometry-> Create-> Create Spline")
In the create spline options, enable "Line list" and draw the rectangle for the profile.

Enable "Vertex" snapping.

With the new profile selected, press the hotkey for the "Rotation Snap Selection" (that will bring up the instant help (if you have not disabled it)) and show you the options.

With the hotkey still pressed, RMB on start of spline path. That will align the profile to the path.

Change to vertex selection mode and start the "Slide" tool. Press(hold down) "P"(path) and select the spline path.

  • Posts: 56
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    • 3ddmd
September 14, 2013, 03:55:31 am
I had a polgyonal rectangular profile, but that didn't work. So I drew another one using the Create Spline and that worked. Thank you so much steve. By the way, how did you learn how to use nVil? You appear to know more than what's documented. :)

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September 14, 2013, 04:46:18 am
Hi chikega,

I had a polgyonal rectangular profile, but that didn't work.
You can "Extrude" a polygon along a spline. (Extrude= "Visual Tools" OR "Geometry-> Extrude")

Create the polygon rectangle, and align it to the start of the spline path(as above). In polygon mode, select the rectangle and use "Extrude". In the extrude options, select "Snap to Spline" then MMB(Middle mouse button) on the spline path(that will make the polygon extrude(Sweep) along the full length of the spline).
NOTE:-If you LMB on the spline path(with "Snap to spline" enabled), that will just make straight extrusion up to the point on the spline you select(click point)

By the way, how did you learn how to use nVil?
Bit by bit, playing around with the tools/functions a lot.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2013, 05:03:04 am by steve »

  • Posts: 56
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    • 3ddmd
September 14, 2013, 04:00:11 pm
Thank you again for pointing that out. But I'm having trouble finding the Extrude Options?

EDIT: Nevermind, I found it. I was clicking on the Extrude button in the Smart Tips panel instead of in the Visual Tools panel.

You've been an exceptionally great help :)
« Last Edit: September 14, 2013, 08:54:24 pm by chikega »