

Topic: Circle Spline  (Read 9064 times)

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July 17, 2013, 09:08:06 am
How do you create a circle spline?
I have looked in the Spline tab, but I only see a checkbox for Line list and Create Methods (By clicking, By dragging).

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July 17, 2013, 10:10:13 am
Easiest way is to create the circle spline from circular geometry.
For example. Create a "N-polygon", select all the outer edges, then "create closed spline"

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July 17, 2013, 10:18:35 am
Awesome! Thank you very much Steve.

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July 17, 2013, 10:22:32 am
You are welcome.

You can always save the "circle spline" to the "Object library", to save having to create it again.

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July 21, 2013, 11:18:18 pm
Hey Steve, I saw how to save a created object to the object library in the help file, but I cant figure it out exactly, could you possibly post an image of where the option is?

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July 22, 2013, 12:08:59 am
Hi mvolpa,

You first need to setup folders in the object library.

1: Go to "File-> Open Object Library"

2: In the popup window (model management) RMB (right mouse button click) in the blank window. Select "New Studio Folder"

3: Re-name the new "Studio Folder" if required.
RMB on new studio folder, from the options, select "New Project Folder"

4: Re-name new project folder if required.
RMB on project folder, and select "New Group Folder"

You can setup/use as many project/group folders as you want/need.

Once that is done. Exit from the object library.

5: To add an object to library, first select the object and then "File-> Save to Object Library"

6: Select the "Group" you want to add the object to, then click "Save"

7: When you want to load a save object, "File-> Open Object Library", select the object from the folder and click "Select"

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September 12, 2013, 12:45:24 pm
In what directory does NVil store library objects?

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September 12, 2013, 01:06:02 pm
Hi rubberDuck,

They are stored in the Nvil config directories.
By default, on win7 64, they are placed in:-
\Users \ {user name} \ Appdata \ Roaming \ DigitalFossils \ NVil \ Media \ Animation Data \ Characters Data Sets\

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September 12, 2013, 01:12:22 pm
Ah, there they are. But they are saved in some weird SRM format. Why aren't they stored in OBJ or DAE formats so we can read them with other programs?

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September 17, 2013, 04:07:19 am
Hi rubberDuck,

Ah, there they are. But they are saved in some weird SRM format. Why aren't they stored in OBJ or DAE formats so we can read them with other programs?

I had never checked or even thought about it.

I had a quick look. It appears they are being stored via "Xfilemanager" which goes through DirectX.Direct3D.
So possibly the better way for Nvil to store the models? Possibly more reliable, better then .obj or DAE? (Nvil can also save splines in the object library, not sure as to how those could be saved as .obj or DAE)
Maybe easier to use that system than having to build/create one that may need to store various model formats?

If needed, you can export the saved models directly from the "Object Library". Simply open the object library, RMB on the object and select "Export to", which allows exporting the model to various formats. (export is limited to meshes)

« Last Edit: September 17, 2013, 04:15:33 am by steve »