

Topic: New user where to begin?  (Read 20208 times)

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February 08, 2025, 09:25:15 pm
Is there a button for the rotation snap selection?

The tool is set by default. You just need to add a shortcut/hotkey.

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February 26, 2025, 11:23:22 am

still at it here.

Is there a way that when you move e section that the remaining section will behave like the one indicated with the arrow? move.jpg

the get the result move2.jpg?

2 ways I did this is
- move the rotation tool to the edge rotate rotate the whole section then rotate the other half the same way.
-move the selection set a guide line and the match the remaining pieces to the guideline.

is there a faster way to do it?


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February 26, 2025, 07:52:59 pm
One way is to select the 4 short edge loops (see pic):-
Geometry -> Straighten edges
Geometry -> Common Commands n Tools -> Space Loops

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February 26, 2025, 10:41:19 pm
nice and fast.

why use the Geometry -> Common Commands n Tools -> Space Loops???

since the straighten edges already accomplish it?

Is there something like that like select faces and straighten as well?

also how would I neatly align the red lines to the green above

« Last Edit: February 27, 2025, 12:50:47 am by Noobnvil »

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February 27, 2025, 03:43:17 am
"Space Loops" does not straighten, it evenly spaces the edge loops.

For faces, use flatten. There was a "flatten to 3 points" added (streamline basic tool) which is probably the quickest.

(see pic) 1. create guide line object on top edge
2. move guide line to bottom left vertex
3. create guide line on right hand edge
4. move bottom right vertex up to guide line intersection
you then select bottom 3 edges and "straighten edges"
select those 9 polygon faces and "Space Loop"

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February 27, 2025, 10:54:27 am

still at it here.

Is there a way that when you move e section that the remaining section will behave like the one indicated with the arrow? move.jpg

the get the result move2.jpg?

2 ways I did this is
- move the rotation tool to the edge rotate rotate the whole section then rotate the other half the same way.
-move the selection set a guide line and the match the remaining pieces to the guideline.

is there a faster way to do it?


Looks like you had a similar question before.

Thank you for the videos
exactly what I needed.

few more things...before practice some more this week...
1.How would I recall a fuction that I previously used? let say I used the cut function then hit escape to get out but I need to use it again? In Moi you hit the right mouse button it will recall the last used command.

2.If I rotate a complete face of an item...and then move a few points/edges.
How do I align them all back to match the angled face?

1. Edit > Repeat Last Command. Not every command is repeatable. The repeatable last command name is display at bottom-left of the viewport.

2. Geometry Aligning Trick,

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February 27, 2025, 10:56:34 am
nice and fast.

why use the Geometry -> Common Commands n Tools -> Space Loops???

since the straighten edges already accomplish it?

Is there something like that like select faces and straighten as well?

also how would I neatly align the red lines to the green above


Try this,

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March 01, 2025, 01:52:35 am
Hello the edge align is a good addition.
On the rotation snap it works but when I try it on my model it seems to turn it?rotationmiss.jpg

how would you match the red selection to the guidelines?
I found flatten option (so I would flatten the grey and red part) and then rotate it to the desired angle or .....extrude, cut the rebuild?
are these the best way?flat.jpg

and the final.jpg is what I was trying to model all along...
my question if you look at how I did this how can it be done better?faster or more efficiently?
on the 2 arcs below is there a better way of doing it? boolean maybe?

my initial thought was to export it and then boolean the arcs in Moi3d.

The only thing I still would like to do is the add a few buttons to the ui for the guidelines and align options something I use almost dialy when using Vcarve and Moi3d.

I now can move on to my next model.

« Last Edit: March 01, 2025, 01:57:41 am by Noobnvil »

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March 01, 2025, 12:49:58 pm
If you can make some short videos that would help us to understand what you are trying to do.
It is just too hard to get what you mean by these pictures.

You can create your user buttons for your tools and options. It is not practical for the program to provide all the buttons you need. If you are not sure how to do it, have a look at this video at 12:33,

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March 02, 2025, 05:35:23 pm
I need to figure out how to screen capture.
On the button question I was thinking of only 4 buttons for the items i use more often like the edge align,guideline, straighten etc.

I am getting the hang of this but there are still things I could not figure out I have tried for 3 hours on this already trying to fix but I cant....
- On the loopcut.jpg let say I have added 3 loopcuts how would I add an additional loopcut with the same distance as the previous 3 the blue distance should match the distance of the green ones.
-On the wheelwellhow.jpg after boolean a cilinder in the box how would I add a kind of offset so I can extrude it like the one I did in Moi3d.
-On the subdmess.jpg when I subd my model I does make a mess where I performed a boolean what is the way of avoiding this of fixing it.

Hopefully this would be my last question for this month lol so I can move on and practice some more....getting there. Tnx!

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March 02, 2025, 05:40:22 pm
On the rotation snap it works but when I try it on my model it seems to turn it?

As I put forward earlier, using rotation snap on polygons can cause issue due to orientation of manipulator.
A simple example:-
pic_01. rotation snap polygon on right to polygon on left.
pic_02. result, not as wanted.
pic_03. shows manipulator orientation (on polygon to be target), with X facing -Z and Z facing to +Y
pic_04. shows manipulator orientation (on polygon to be set), with X facing +Y and Z facing +Z
So when snap rotation is used, the polygon will rotate 90deg anti-clockwise giving the result shown in pic_2
« Last Edit: March 02, 2025, 05:44:50 pm by steve »

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March 03, 2025, 08:22:30 am
You have to create your own buttons.

Create Edge Loops With Specified Distance

Fixings After Boolean Operation 1

Fixings After Boolean Operation 2

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March 03, 2025, 06:03:03 pm
Thanks Steve and Istonia.

I would have not figured those thing out by myself.
Everyday I try to model a few small things to get better.

Question here I searched for an array tool to circular array an item around a cylinder...I searched the help file and the forum and nothing.....Is the array tool in Nvil called the pose tool?


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March 03, 2025, 07:21:04 pm
What can you find if you use "circle" as key word in "Tool Search Window"?

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March 04, 2025, 07:13:59 am
Question here I searched for an array tool to circular array an item around a cylinder...I searched the help file and the forum and nothing.....

Geometry -> Create -> Instance ->Create Instance (Circle)
Geometry -> Create -> Instance ->Create Instance (Advanced)

You could also create a circle spline and use:-
Geometry -> Create -> Instance ->Create Instance (Spline or Advanced)
Geometry -> Spline Commands n Tools -> Snap (to see that command, you will need to have a spline selected and in vertex selection mode)