

Topic: New Tool Test "Draw Mesh"  (Read 65797 times)

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September 17, 2017, 08:38:29 am
You can create splines with the spline tools then when the Draw Mesh tool is active, Caps-Lock+RMB drag to import the visible splines.

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September 17, 2017, 08:47:25 am
You can create splines with the spline tools then when the Draw Mesh tool is active, Caps-Lock+RMB drag to import the visible splines.

That does not appear to work in the latest release (in new default config)

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September 17, 2017, 08:53:43 am

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September 17, 2017, 09:01:22 am
There is also a possible issue. When creating mesh, you build part of the mesh. You exit tool to create splines to add. You restart draw mesh, use cap-lock+rmb+drag to convert splines to mesh lines, but that will also bring in the lines drawn in last session. It can then cause co-planer polygons to be created if you do not delete the lines imported from last session.

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September 17, 2017, 09:04:51 am
They are separate imports. Caps-Lock+RMB-verticalDrag = import from scene. Caps-Lock+RMB-horizontalDrag= import last session splines.

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September 17, 2017, 09:09:26 am

Its great the funcitionality is there but I'm getting strange results.
CAPS Lock + RMB and dragging up and down on the screen is working for me Ok.

Do the splines need to be retopo onto the base mesh first ?
If so I don't know how to do that. I end up with quite a wobbly spline when retopo its verts onto the base mesh.

It would be better if Draw Mesh projected the splines onto the base mesh.

« Last Edit: September 17, 2017, 09:14:20 am by kevjon »

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September 17, 2017, 09:16:49 am
Are you working in retopo mode? You can use the TransForm tool, either check it in the UI or use hotkey LMB down and hold the line then tap Alt key. Once in TransForm mode, you can move/rotate/scale the spline, check the tooltip. When you finish the transform action by releasing LMB, the spline will be projected onto the reference object.

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September 17, 2017, 10:58:55 am
I turned on retopo mode
Selected all the vertices of the spline
Then used the transform tool to move them ever so slightly so they project on the surface. I couldn't see any difference tapping the Alt key. What does that do ?

The spline projected Ok but doesn't have enough vertices so weaves in an out of the base mesh.

Then when I use patch I get strange results.

I've sent sample files in the mail for you to trial.

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September 17, 2017, 11:31:22 am
Hi Kevin, you did it in the incorrect way. It should be done inside Draw Mesh tool.

Base on you file, do this.

1. Open the Draw Mesh tool.
2. Caps-Lock + RMB-Drag vertically to import the two splines.
3. Open the Draw Mesh interface if it is not visible by tapping Home key. Check the "Transform" option.
4. Make sure you have Retopo mode enabled.
5. LMB drag your spline slightly then release LMB. Now you should have a nice projected spline.

The Alt key is a hotkey for "Transform" operation. It is an alternative way if you don't want to use the interface. Have you read the tooltip?

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September 17, 2017, 12:13:13 pm
Thanks Istonia

I get it now !

I didn't realise you meant the transform inside draw mesh. I was using the normal move transform on the verts of the spline.

I'm still getting a bad result on the rear end of the aircraft but much improved over my earlier attempts. Try it on the sample I sent to you in the mail.

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September 17, 2017, 12:30:36 pm
I think it might be a better way to use Cut, Bridge and Extrude tools Draw Mesh provides for your plane model. Because most of it is cylinder shape.

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September 18, 2017, 06:47:20 am
Try this

Two more features, Refine and copy inside Transform tool.

5-- REFINE. To refine a line, one level subdivision, press RMB at the line then tap Alt+Caps-Lock key. It only works in retopo mode. The refined line will be projected onto the reference object.
8-- TRANSFORM. To transform a line, LMB down at the line then tap Alt to capture it then drag. Rotate: Shift+Ctrl. Circularize: Caps-Lock. Scale: Shift/Ctrl/Caps-Lock. Snap to symmetry plane : Space. To create a copy of the captured line, Alt+Space. The copy must be then transformed to different location or shape before mouse button is released, otherwise it will be discarded.


I'm still getting a bad result on the rear end of the aircraft but much improved over my earlier attempts. Try it on the sample I sent to you in the mail.

You can use the new Refine tool to fix it.

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September 18, 2017, 09:12:05 am

Two more features, Refine and copy inside Transform tool.

I'm still getting a bad result on the rear end of the aircraft but much improved over my earlier attempts. Try it on the sample I sent to you in the mail.

You can use the new Refine tool to fix it.

Works beautifully now, refine is a great addition for projecting splines !

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September 18, 2017, 11:02:03 am
Kevin, can you try to use the Draw Mesh tool in non-retopo mode when you make models from background images? In non-retopo mode, if you draw a line which goes through snapping points or across other existing lines, the program will know how to put the line in camera depth.

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September 18, 2017, 09:32:36 pm
So far I have recorded three hours of video material (I'm halfway through retopo process, object-wise. No audio - mind you). Do you guys want this as multiple (probably more than 25) video clips or as a one huge and long, long, and even longer video?

This huge, consolidated video takes (obviously) a long time to set up in Fusion properly (trimming, transitions, alignment, etc.), and by a magnitude longer to render (on my six-core). Especially with a slight time acceleration of 1.5x or 2x which I intended to apply on the final video to shorten its length.

If you guys are can promise me that you will sit in your sofas with a pack of beer, and watch some random guy retopologizing a snail for five hours, I'll do the long video. Otherwise, you'll gonna get a series of short videos, one for each object that constitutes this one-tooth mollusk. ;D
« Last Edit: September 18, 2017, 10:42:34 pm by rubberDuck »