

Topic: NVIL future versions  (Read 7848 times)

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September 14, 2016, 11:42:14 pm
Hi Istonia,

For a few months i'm using a trial version of your excellent software (NVil-Jul-29-16),
in order to decide whether to buy or not.

With this in mind I have some questions I would like to ask you.

1) I'm trying also your very new Rocket3F.
It seems an interesting product but for the moment it misses too many functions
compared to NVIL.
The launch of this new product will stop the developing of NVIL ?
Will you keep NVIL under active development in the near future ?

2) It seems that on this web site and on YouTube also, there aren't a lot of tutorial of your product.
Where i could find complete tutorials and user manual ? (NVIL is powerful but not so easy...)
I've watched many video tutorials made by Samardac,
but they concern the use of NVIL combined with "Samardac Config".
I must admit that "Samardac Config" gives a very good streamlined workflow, but it misses some
tools that are availables only with the standard UI of NVIL.

3) With this forum, do you supply a direct support and help for your customers ?
I hope you don't mind if ask you this, because, on August 05 2016, i posted a technical question
regarding NVIL (the post is,2992.0.html)
and I never received any answer...

Have a nice day.

- Marco (mkdm)

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September 16, 2016, 08:43:16 am
1) Nvil development will not stop. Nvil and Rocket share the same code.
2) Your are right, there are not much tutorials for Nvil and most of the time people have to figure out themselves.
3) I had read your post. Please check with the latest update version and see if cpu usage is improved.

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September 16, 2016, 11:35:20 pm
Hi Istonia,

I'm glad to read your reply!

> 3) I had read your post. Please check with the latest update version and see if cpu usage is improved.

I downloaded your latest version NVil-Sep-14-16 and seems that CPU usage looks somewhat better :)

That is, while having a very low-poly object loaded into the viewport, and being in "Object" mode
and simply pan/zoom/rotate the viewport, the CPU usage is about 6-10%.
With the previous version (NVil-Jul-29-16) the CPU usage was always at 14-20%.

Then a good improvement in that area. Thanks.

But, with that said, when i do anything else, other then pan/view/rotate the vieport, like select faces,
going to vertex mode, doing inset/extrude/etc..., even with very simple object, the CPU usage grow up to 20%.
And the CPU remains in that state until i do not stop the interaction with the viewport.

I hope that you will resole this issue.

I currently use many other 3d packages (Rhino, Wings3D, Silo, Metasequoia...) and i don't get this
strange behavior.

One last thing.

Considering that Nvil and Rocket3F share the same code, could you please transfer the Viewport improvements from NVIL to Rocket3F. I ask this because also Rocket3F present the same bad behavior (high CPU usage).

Thanks a lot and have a nice day.

- Marco (mkdm)

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September 17, 2016, 12:21:18 am

But, with that said, when i do anything else, other then pan/view/rotate the vieport, like select faces,
going to vertex mode, doing inset/extrude/etc..., even with very simple object, the CPU usage grow up to 20%.
And the CPU remains in that state until i do not stop the interaction with the viewport.

I hope that you will resole this issue.

I currently use many other 3d packages (Rhino, Wings3D, Silo, Metasequoia...) and i don't get this
strange behavior.

You should check againt another 3D application that use DirectX for viewport (not openGL)

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    • White-creatures
September 17, 2016, 06:47:54 am

After trying to customize Maya 2016 to behave more like Nvil, for a few hours, since Maya has added quite some new tools over the years, I found that nope, it's not gonna work..

Nvil is still the best, I am so glad Nvil is going to be continue developed :)

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September 17, 2016, 09:07:28 am
Hi Steve and Istonia,

> "You should check againt another 3D application that use DirectX for viewport (not openGL)"

I already use some other packages with Direct3D (9 and 11) like Metasequioa 4 and 3DCoat,
and i do not have any high CPU usage issue while playing with viewport or simply select or move/rotate objects.

It seems like NVIL doesn't fit very well in 64Bit system.

I don't know.

The fact is that it's a very pity that NVIL has this behavior, 'cause i see that it's a very powerful modeler,
but this high CPU usage with its viewport is very annoing and does not fully convince me for a
possible purchase of the product.

I hope that Istonia will improve NVIL in the viewport area.

Nice day.

- Marco (mkdm)

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September 17, 2016, 10:44:03 am
Can you check the latest update version and see if it is improved?

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September 17, 2016, 01:35:51 pm
Hi Istonia,

And thanks a lot for your prompt reply.

I downloaded your latest NVIL update NVil-Sep-17-16 and i played sometimes with it, while comparing to the  previous update NVil-Sep-14-16.

Well...i must say that it seems to go in right direction now, because it presents a significant improvements in the viewport.

That is :

1) I see better performances when simply pan/more/roate viewport whith objects, while the selection mode is
"Object"or "Edgeds" or "faces"

2) I see better performance while simply i'm doing nothing with NVIL but its window is open and it is the current active window (previous versions also in this case caused high CPU usage)

3) I don't see any improvements when selection mode is in "vertex" mode.
In that case, for example, having and object with 130.000 vertex (not so much) and roate/pan/zoom viewport,
the cpu jump to 25,27,30%. It goes down only when i stop playing with viewport.

I repeat, this update of NVil-Sep-17-16 seems to go in the right direction.

I hope you will continue to improve it (for example when in vertex mode).

Thank you very much and nice day.

I will continue to test your very powerful and promising softwares (NVIL and Rocket3F) :)

P.s. As i asked in Rocket3F forum, could you please give this vieport improvements also to Rocket3F ?
Because Rocket3F really suffers in that area.


- Marco (mkdm)

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September 18, 2016, 07:40:34 am
I couldn't find a way to improve it in vertex mode.

Regarding to the column object bug you mentioned in Rocket forum, try this and see if fixed.

All the improvements will be available in the next Rocket update version.

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September 18, 2016, 11:38:38 am
Hi Istonia,

and thank you very much for your support. Much appreciated :)

I downloaded your latest update of NVIL (NVil-Sep-18-16).

> "I couldn't find a way to improve it in vertex mode."

Anyway thanks for your effort. I'm confident that you will find a good solution.

> "All the improvements will be available in the next Rocket update version."

This is really a very good new to know!

> "Regarding to the column object bug you mentioned in Rocket forum, try this and see if fixed."

I tried to load the same object with this last update but unfortunately nothing changed.
The Ngon obj files present the same issue.

Here's the links to the file i'm testing :

1) Column object NGON version :
And this is a screen capture of NVIL :

2) Column object Quad+tris version :

P.S. Could you please show me how in NVIL is it possible to set edge thickness, in order to see them
more easily in my hi-res monitor.
And is it possible for you, considering that NVIL uses Direct3D, to apply antialiasing to the edges display
(without affeccting viewport performances. I have NVIDIA quadro card)
Or is possible to have the possibility to set on/off antialiasing ?

Thank you very much again and have a nice day!

- Marco (mkdm)

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September 19, 2016, 09:22:41 am
I check your files and can't see any problem. Is it possible you can show it in a video so I can follow?

It is not possible to change edge thickness.
It is not possible to set antialiasing inside NVil. But you can set it in your graphic card settings.

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September 19, 2016, 10:18:09 am
Hi Istonia,

> "I check your files and can't see any problem. Is it possible you can show it in a video so I can follow?"

I will do it as soon as possible.

> "It is not possible to change edge thickness."

Ok. I hope it will be feasible in the next future versions :)

> "It is not possible to set antialiasing inside NVil. But you can set it in your graphic card settings."

Ok, I will try and I'll let you know.

Nice day,

- Marco (mkdm)

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September 19, 2016, 10:50:16 am
Hi Istonia,

> "It is not possible to set antialiasing inside NVil. But you can set it in your graphic card settings."

I'm using an antialiasing of "8xMS" on my Nvidia Quadro K3100M 4GB and it seems that all is ok.
That is, i don't see any performance deterioration for the moment.

I will continue to test...

Nice day,

- Marco (mkdm)

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September 20, 2016, 09:31:34 am
> "It is not possible to change edge thickness."

Ok. I hope it will be feasible in the next future versions :)

- Marco (mkdm)

It is not possible at all due to DirectX limitation.

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September 20, 2016, 10:24:25 am
Hi istonia,

I just purchased a new license of NVIL.

> "It is not possible at all due to DirectX limitation."


For what I'm seeing of NVIL, while testing it, IMHO it has all the fundamental tools that I need
in order to create easily and quickly Poly/SDS models.

For the moment, I think that the unique area of the software that is in need of further improvements,
is the viewport rendering and reactivity.
The newest version of NVIL, NVil-Sep-18-16, is greatly improved compared to NVil-Sep-14-16 and NVil-Jul-29-16,
but my CPU still jumps to 15-20% when rotate/pan/view models with just about 100.000-150.000 faces.
And for my needs 150.000 faces aren't so much...

Too much cpu usage compared to other Direct3D software (Metasequoia, 3DCoat, Silo) just to name a few.

My config is : Laptop Clevo i7 4790K 4.4Ghz, 32Gb Ram, Nvidia Quadro K3100M 4Gb 768 cuda cores.

I'm confident that you will improve NVIL in that area to make it really a big and modern modeler :)

Thanks anyway.

- Marco (mkdm)