

Topic: Arrays  (Read 25070 times)

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June 27, 2016, 09:50:10 am
In my config spline in vertex mode have to have Blue color. So to set this blue color I need it. Because selection color and normal color are differ.
Or may be there is another way to achive it and I miss something?

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June 27, 2016, 09:54:30 am
Are you saying in vertex mode, currently, selected and unselected spline have the same color?

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June 27, 2016, 10:02:53 am
Are you saying in vertex mode, currently, selected and unselected spline have the same color?
Curently things looks like this:
We have 2 basic colors for Spline:
- Normal State(when Spline is not selected)
- Selected (When Spline is selected) This color is the same for all mods when spline is selected. So if you select spline in Object Mode or if you select spline in vertex mode it have the same color.

I request to split this Selected color on 2 colors one for vertex mode and one for other mods. So we will be able to control how selected Spline will look in Vertex mode and in all other mods.
Let me know if you need more information.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2016, 10:04:58 am by samardac »

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June 27, 2016, 10:28:17 am
Why do you want the selected spline to have different color in vertex mode?

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June 27, 2016, 10:33:43 am
For example now, my config use Red color for selected stuf like edges, polygons etc.
So to continue this logic selected spline also have to have Red color.

But when you go into vertex mode selected spline have to have Blue color and Red vertexes.
this  is why I asked for this.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2016, 11:07:41 am by samardac »

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June 27, 2016, 11:07:49 am
About spline vertexes, they have to be shown only when selected spline is in vertex mode.
It will help identify if spline is in vertex mode or not, now it is imposible looking at spline to know it.
So we will have vertexes visible and different spline color for vertex mode, it will allow us clearly see that spline is in vertex modeor not.

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June 28, 2016, 09:24:09 am

- Can you pleas make selected Spline to show points only in Vertex Mode?

View > Display > Show Spline Points In Vertex Mode Only.

- Now we have Spline Color - Selected. Can we also have spline color in vertex mode?

Edit > Preference > Colors > Spline Colors > Selected2. It is the selected spline's color in vertex mode.

- Can you pleas make show special Vertex only on Spline Start? now there are 2 special vertexes on start and on End so it is very hard to understand were is start and were is end because of them. Having it only on start will make everything clear.

Done. But only for opened spline.

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June 28, 2016, 09:38:05 am
Works really greate!
I just made video to show how it works:

Some little asking.
Now when you activate Generic Tools - Spline, cursor do not changed and after you start to clik this cross appears:

Can you pleas make this cross to apears as soon as you activate tool.
We need it for 2 reasons, first is that you can place first spline point using snap and second it gives us better reprezentation that tool is activated.

And make it pleas to remember Last used mode (Smooth/Sharp) when you restart NVil.

« Last Edit: June 28, 2016, 12:57:16 pm by samardac »

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June 30, 2016, 09:05:04 am


Your have this tool assigned to Caps Lock key
Composite Tools >> Enable/Disable Manipulator for Set Pivot Tools - 01

That can cause unexpected behavior because Caps Lock key is used as a special hotkey both in commands and sl tools.

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June 30, 2016, 09:15:11 am
I disabled that shortcut. I thought I disable it already, there also was button for this I removed that button but forget to remove hotkey. Thanks for notice this.

I have already started to work on site.
I will prepare new request about Circular Array on next days.

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July 02, 2016, 07:29:58 am
Hay, Circular Array.

It have to work exactly like previous tool it have to use Manipulator to set center point of array. It will create array around that point and Y axis of manipulator.
It have to have 3 options:
1. Ammount
2. Radius (will change radius of circle)
3. Angle (will be used to create not full circle but for example only 90 or 45 degree of it.)

Some notes, we can make it ordinary window to use commands or RMB to close it or there is some reason to use array type window?
Add pleas some function to use Ctrl+Scroll to change Ammount in all these new tools.

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July 04, 2016, 11:41:28 am
Edit > Customize > Tools > Object Shortcut Tools > Create Instance (Circle).

Some notes, we can make it ordinary window to use commands or RMB to close it or there is some reason to use array type window?

I don't know what you mean.

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July 04, 2016, 12:05:38 pm
Tool is really nice!!!

Can you pleas exaplain me the principle of Manipulator here, what happens when you rotate it?


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July 04, 2016, 12:16:30 pm
What it does is

1. Move the instance object along x axis to the distance of radius.
2. Rotate the object around y axis to the instance assigned angle.

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July 05, 2016, 12:19:50 am
Lets a bit improve this tool like this:
Can you make created array to be treated as one object so we can use move/rotate tools to manipulate it.
And when you enable Manual Pivot Tool, it will allows us to set Refference Center position/orientation (like we have now in Instance (Spline) tool).
So we will get full control of this type of array!