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- I asked previously to make NVil to activate windows only when you click them works good but now you can scroll buttons only if you click its window, so can you pleas revert how it was before - window activates when you go with cursor other it.
- Now Pivot is not visible when you activate Manual Pivot and Object/Mesh Pivot SL tools.
- Has Selection$, when in subobject mode always return true, but it must return true only if something is selected.
- When you put into Composite tool tools that have UI(BG Image, Open Box Tool, etc.. ) NVil do not wait until this tool will be closed to perform next tool after it.For example if you run this tool it will Run Open Box Tool and at the same time show message, fix it pleas it must show message only after you close - Open Box Tool.
- Now Hard Edge color overide Freezed edges color, fix it pleas, Freezed color must be on top of Hard edge color.
- Make pleas Subset tool sticky.