

Topic: Selection.  (Read 11996 times)

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February 07, 2016, 02:16:42 pm
So it is toggle selection. Right?
No it is not toggle selection it works with the same principile like Contextual Paint Selection. I gave you more examples of how it have to works.

Contextual Marquee Selection (Red is Marquee Selection, Selection from Left to Right Window Selection):

From This:

We will have this:

From This:

We will have this:

From This:

We will have this:

From This:

We will have this:

Conception of Context Selection expect that you use it always with Clear Selection tool. So this 2 tools Context Selection and Clear Selection works in ligament.  So other ways to Clear Selection is optional.
And our Marquee have to work this way:

From This (Marquee Selection started but nothing selected):

We will have this (Nothing changed, NVil do nothing):

From This:

We will have this:

Let me know if you need more information.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2016, 05:52:28 pm by samardac »

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February 07, 2016, 02:40:42 pm
I do not want to bother you, if you tired from that request about contextual selection leave it.
I want that we have harmony in development :)
« Last Edit: February 07, 2016, 05:53:06 pm by samardac »

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February 07, 2016, 09:39:47 pm

I do not want to bother you, if you tired from that request about contextual selection leave it.
I want that we have harmony in development :)

That's ok. The contextual selection can be a very useful tool if you can make all the selections out of it.

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February 08, 2016, 07:23:50 am
Works very well! Thank you!

Some little bugs:

1. You can not make edge ring selection without Selection Key (Double MMB). You can make loop but can not Ring.

2. When you have Multy Selection Enabled and Start Selection Vertexes appear. Cjeck This videp:

3. When you make Marquee Selection already selected subobjects deasaper than apear again. Check this video:

« Last Edit: February 09, 2016, 09:01:41 am by samardac »

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February 08, 2016, 07:55:23 am
4. I just tested all stuff and find that it is not very convenient to use LMB+RMB to select objects from subobject in Contextual Selection mode because it everytime include selected object to selection.

Can you pleas Make LMB+RMB to select objects from subobject mode works as Replace Selectcion when you in Contextual Selection mode.

5. If you select polygons without selection keys just by clicking on them vertexes appears and already selected polygons turn into edges selection and when you releas mouse everything is ok, check this video:

The partialy same thing with edges but only when multy selection is ON. When you select edges without selection keys just by clicking on them vertexes appears.

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February 08, 2016, 08:30:02 am

1. You can not make edge ring selection without Selection Key (Double MMB). You can make loop but can not Ring.

Can you show this bug in a video?

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February 08, 2016, 08:32:52 am
Yes, this is it:

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February 08, 2016, 08:42:54 am
It works fine on me. Can you send me your config?

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February 08, 2016, 08:45:01 am
Check Mail. Contextual Selection - Space.

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February 09, 2016, 07:04:11 am
Hay IStonia, I experiment yesterday all day and think all night about Contextual Selection and want to share with you some thoughts.

I discovered that there are 3 types of Contextual Selection.

Type A.
Behavior of selection will be depend from object/subobject that is under cursor at moment when you start Selection. I think Paint Selection works this way now and Marquee Selection worked this way when you introduce it for the first time.
This type of selection have some serious weaknesses:
Paint selection - you can not start select from empty space, you always have to start selection from something to take information from object/subobject under cursor at moment when you start selection. It is especially very unconvenient when you try to select objects or edges and vertexes. Now it works unpredictable in that cases I mean no general rule it do not work with subobjects and some how works with objects.
Marquee Selection - you can not start select from empty space, you always have to start selection from something to take information from object/subobject under cursor at moment when you start selection.
Also it is absolutely not good if you use Windows Selection Style because it will derive information from object/subobject under cursor but first selected object/subobject may be differ. For example you use Marquee Selection in Window Style and you want to deselect some already selected polygons. You started from not selected polygon so selection will perform Include Selection so no way to deselect your polygons.

Type B.
In this type of selection NVil dynamically derive information from selected objects/subobjects. So if selected object/Subobject are already selected they will be excluded from selection and if they are not selected they will be included into selection. This is how now works Marquee Selection.
This type of selection also have some weaknesses -  it can confuse you very fast!
But I think it would be greate to have SL tool thet will create contextual selection Type B and call it something like - Marquee Invert selected.

Type C.
In this type of selection NVil will derive information from first selected object/subobject.
So if first selected object/subobject is already selected NVil will perform Exclude Selection. If first selected object/subobjects is not seelcted NVil will perform Include selection.
For example you started Paint Selection from empty space, till you select first object/suboject NVil do not know what operation it will perform - Include or Exclude. As soon as you select first object NVil derive information from it so if it is already selected NVil will start to perform Exclude selection, if it is not selected NVil will start to perform Include Selection.
There is no problem with Paint selection and Lasso selection to identify first selected object/subobject but with Rectangle selection there is one nuance, it can select at once more than one object/subobject and NVil have to decide witch one is first selected to derive information from it.
The solution of this problem is very simple - first selected will be that one that is the closest to the start point of Rectangle Selection. Or may be NVil have another algorythm to discover witch object was first selected inside rectangle.
Can not find any weaknesses, just advantages, you can start select from empty space and use it with Window Style Selection.

I'm sure we have to to make all our Contextual selection to work as Type C, because only in this way we will get full control of our contextual selection.

Let me know if you need more information or screens.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2016, 02:15:28 pm by samardac »

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February 09, 2016, 07:40:47 am
Some Images to show you how Type C works.

From this selection:

We will get this:

From this selection:

We will get this:

From this selection:

We will get this:

From this selection:

We will get this:

« Last Edit: February 10, 2016, 02:15:19 pm by samardac »

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February 09, 2016, 08:50:38 am
There was no "No Action Event" in "Tweak Move" tool. Now it is added so you should be able to do ring select.

Haven't got time to read your new thoughts.

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February 09, 2016, 09:04:28 am
« Last Edit: February 09, 2016, 09:07:16 am by samardac »

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February 10, 2016, 02:13:37 pm
The further we go with Contextual selection, the more unexpected difficulties and complications arise, so lets stop it where we are now, it works may be not perfect but it is enough for now.
Thank you! :)
« Last Edit: February 10, 2016, 05:19:51 pm by samardac »

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February 11, 2016, 07:06:51 am

"Contextual Marquee Selection Mode" is introduced. When starting or during marquee selection, if "Contextual Selection" hotkey is pressed, "Contextual Marquee Selection Mode" will be set.
Once "Contextual Marquee Selection Mode" is set, it will stay on until the selection operation is finished even if the "Contextual Selection" hotkey is released. So now if you want to do Include selection, keep "Contextual Selection" hotkey pressed. If you want to do exclude selection, release that hotkey.