

Topic: connectVert,RadialViewportMenu,SectionToPoly, findPoles  (Read 6959 times)

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November 19, 2015, 11:36:06 pm
1. pretty simple and usefull feature. just select two vert and run command it will be connect two vert through the edge. i can see in nvil using cut (interactive) but it would be nice if it just simple.

2. for radial menu options i think it need option for viewport menu. it could be usefull for create some object (cube,cylinder, spline etc) and not interfere the other. here's pic radial menu in maya when i run my marking menu (radial menu) in viewport. i use it often 

3. i found this is usefull for selection. i dont know what it called
basically you select select some edge and it would be convert to face. i made with maya but its really complicated.
select edge

and it should be convert like this

somebody post this similar selection in modo it called sectiontoPoly ( minute 0:00 - 1:58)

4. and the last is find poles

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November 21, 2015, 08:05:11 pm
2. What does viewport menu stand for?
4. You can use the math selection tool. View > Windows > Math Selection Window.

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November 22, 2015, 01:45:15 am
oh thx for the reply.
as you can see in nvil there radialmenu creation Option like splineVertexMenu, VertexMenu, EdgeMenu, PolygonMenu, MeshMenu, ObjectMenu etc.

2. the case is i want to activate my radial menu when i select nothing just hover at viewport (not in ObjectMenu MeshMenu or subObjectMenu). how can i do that? or maybe u have alternate way to do this.
here's my video.
for comparator with your radial menu system. someone made this plugin for maya called mmToKey. it can create a lot of posibbilites making own radial menu with a lot of combination. such as when ur select ur polygon/face and shift select spline/curve. heres the video
at 0:38 to 1:13

what your think?
anyway how can i align my object such as pivot to pivot? it will be usefull when boolean something and align object when its too far from another object.

4. Yeah this is what i want. a lot of options. AWESOME!

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November 23, 2015, 08:16:45 am
anyway how can i align my object such as pivot to pivot? it will be usefull when boolean something and align object when its too far from another object.

You can use move manipulator with object-snap on.

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November 27, 2015, 09:42:25 pm
Try this

  * Edit > Customize > Tools > Subobject Shortcut Tools > Polygon Boundary Select, This tool will pick the under cursor polygon and grow the selection from there until existing selection or geometry boundary is detected.
  * Subobject "Context Cut" command tool is improved. If only two subobjects of the same mesh are selected and they are separated by other geometries, a cut line will be produced to connect the two selected subobjects.
  * "Set As Viewport Menu" option is added to radial menu option. Edit > Customize > Radial Menus. If a radial menu is set as Viewport Menu, it will show up automatically when the mouse stay motionless for more than one second in the viewport provided it is in object mode.

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November 28, 2015, 03:15:12 am
aahh fresh from the oven. fast like always

context cut its pretty well done.
but polygon boundary select need some additional like adding selection to another polygon boundary.

im a little bit confuse with viewport menu that you make.
heres what i do
1. i create radial menu in object menu. lets say the key is S
2. i create another radial menu in object menu. and it have the same key (S).and i set this second radial menu to viewport menu.
3. when i in object mode and hold down S. it pop up the first radial menu but sometimes the second. and i have no idea when and why this second radial menu its pop up.

what i expected is when i hover my mouse and hold down S in viewport its pop up the second radial menu.

i think i found the main problem. in maya when u set radial menu in object menu and u select nothing the radial menu not pop up. but in nvil it always pop up whenever i select some object or not. maybe the solution is deactivate radial menu when u select nothing in object mode. so the viewport menu its easy to pop up.
heres the video

lets say i set radial menu like this

its kinda waste of radial menu right? i select nothing and it will keep pop out. what the object want to mirror? collapse ? and combine?


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December 01, 2015, 08:24:14 am
but polygon boundary select need some additional like adding selection to another polygon boundary.

Do you have any idea how this can be done?

Try this

The viewport menu will only pop up if no selection in scene.

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December 02, 2015, 05:59:12 am
thx Istonia for the update

how about making streamline tools

in the edge mode/vert mode
if the streamline tools is press it will show the preselection of each polygon boundary selection under the cursor
-left mouse button to selection one polygon boundary and then streamline tools close
-middle mouse button to selection more than one polygon boundary

in the polygons mode
-left mouse button will selection polygon without previous face selection
-middle mouse button will selection polygon with previous face selection

for the viewport menu i still have the problem. it keep pop out the first radial menu.
heres my video.
Or i did something wrong.

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December 02, 2015, 06:38:40 am
What is the purpose you set same hotkey to the two radial menus?

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December 03, 2015, 03:37:25 am
the main reason to have the same key is simplicity. better to have just one key and can do anything.

the viewport menu is usefull for making primitive object (go to object menu -> select nothing(hover at viewport) -> press the radial menu and make the primitive object). Or maybe we can change the layout such as modelling layout or UV layout or pop up some our custom toolbar.
such as in maya like this

ah i got the idea
how about adding viewport menu in radial menu creation option?

but when we adding this, the problem is the object menu. why is always keep pop out when select nothing. it should be work when we select the object (like ,box, sphere,etc).

object menu should pop out (when in object menu and select some object)
viewport menu should pop out(when in object menu and select nothing)
is the reason acceptable?

edit : in subobject mode the radial menu should work wheter select something or nothing selected
« Last Edit: December 03, 2015, 05:52:33 am by mogul »

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December 08, 2015, 09:16:08 am
I have done something about the hotkey issue but haven't got time to test it. So please check.

I would leave the viewport feature as is now. I don't see any advantage of it for using more than that. It can be very annoying if it keeps popping up when you don't need it.