

Topic: Samardac Config (The Best for New Users,  (Read 44248 times)

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April 26, 2015, 12:16:43 pm
Hi Andrei

I watched you video on the workplane so am familiar with all those options.

The option that is missing is to rotate the workplane. In this way you can align your views better with the polygons when they are on a weird orientation.

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April 26, 2015, 12:28:34 pm
Kevin, looks like there is no such a function in NVil. What is is wired orientation?

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April 26, 2015, 01:36:44 pm
Kevin, looks like there is no such a function in NVil.

Workplane Tools >> Workplane

When workplane is locked, enable "Workplane Tools >> Workplane" to use manipulator to move/rotate workplane (snapping can be used)

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April 26, 2015, 01:43:23 pm
Where is it?
Workplane Tools >> Workplane

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April 26, 2015, 01:49:48 pm
Edit >> customize >> Tools --> Workplane tools >> workplane

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April 26, 2015, 01:57:46 pm
Thank you, just read help about it, I never know that there is also workplane list :)
So many stuff NVil has :D

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April 26, 2015, 03:50:58 pm
Hay, I'm very glad to present you 2.5 version!
There are some big updates here. And looks like NVil now is the best for the Hard edge work. Also now going from Hard edge to SubD is few clicks deal, it is simple like never before! Check tutorials.


--- Now thanks to IStonia, Crease commands and Harden/Soften edge commands was combined and Now it called - Sharpen.

In SubD mode it will Crease edges in Hard Edge mode it will Soften/Harden edges.


LMB - Modify Sharpness.  (Drag to the left/right to modify)
RMB - Clear Sharpness.
MMB - Select Sharpened Edges.

These commands was optimized, for example now Select Sharpened Edges command can be run in any mods(Object, edges, etc..)

After you Clear Sharpness in Hard edge mode, Autosmooth will perform automatically so you will see result automatically.

--- There is new command - Polish and it includs AutoSmooth and Optimize, shortcut is RMB (Finally I found good command for RMB  :)).
Notice! Do not use it on object with a lot of polygons, it can go too long.
Also now it works only in  Subobject mode.
Check tool tip for more information(Tools Section)

I decided to remove shortcut - Alt, because it can slow down Navigating with big objects.

- Threshold of weld option of Optimize tool was increased so now if you run it, it will weld not only veretecies that lay in the same place but also that ones that lay close to each-other. It have to simplify work.

--- Hard Edge window was removed, because no need in it any more.


---- After a long Experimenting and work process I decided to make Manipulator small and use it only for Monitoring Pivot Position/Orientation.
So there is no need any more to show/hide it. It always ON. It is too small, and tolerance was set to the smallest so it will not interfere you to select something under it.
Now there is new button - TRANS. that will show/hide Manipulator. Also it contain big Tool Tip with Help about transforming.


--- Duplicate(LMB), Split(MMB) and Combine(RMB) now set to shortcut F. Now we have this shortcut free and it will allow us to avoid Bug with shortcut of previous Combine Command (Shift+D)

--- Boolean now have Shortcut - (Ctrl+1)

--- Shaded, Sharp options was removed from Shading option. There is no need in them any more.


Visit: for more information


NVil, Sharpen, Polish.

NVil, Pivot Update (Version 2.5)

NVil, Hard Edge to SubD (1 minute work)
« Last Edit: April 26, 2015, 04:00:43 pm by samardac »

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April 26, 2015, 04:33:29 pm
forget to say you will need no less then this version:

  • Posts: 514
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April 27, 2015, 08:31:47 am
Thanks Andrei (and Istonia) for your work on hard edges.
It'll be really good to have this work consistently in Nvil.

The videos & config are great for explaining how it works.

The manipulator implementation is going to take some getting used to but once you do looks like it will really speed up the workflow. I did find it a pain before trying to select verts that were under the manipulator, it just wouldn't do it.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2015, 08:41:00 am by kevjon »

  • Posts: 514
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April 27, 2015, 09:28:01 am
Kevin, looks like there is no such a function in NVil.

Workplane Tools >> Workplane

When workplane is locked, enable "Workplane Tools >> Workplane" to use manipulator to move/rotate workplane (snapping can be used)

Thanks Steve, I've added a button for this to Adrei's interface. It works well. I would use this tools a lot.

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April 27, 2015, 10:00:39 am
The manipulator implementation is going to take some getting used to but once you do looks like it will really speed up the workflow. I did find it a pain before trying to select verts that were under the manipulator, it just wouldn't do it.
The things is that working with shortcuts instead of manipulator have absolutely the same functionality.
I is absolutely like dragging Manipulator but without manipulator :)
Now I can not analyse how advanced it is, because work this way for a long time. But I think as you say you have to get use to it. So that is why I keep buttons for manipulator but made them smaller and I made Manipulator twice smaller than original, so you still can use it. It is for better transition from manipulator to shortcuts.

  • Posts: 514
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April 27, 2015, 10:41:56 am
Hi Andrei

I've playing with Move, scale, rotate commands for the past half hour without manipulator and starting to get used to it. Its a very intuitive way to work, I can see the benefits. I just need to commit to memory which button to use to perform certain actions within each of those tools. It will take more practice and time but I'm sure I won't be going back to manipulators once it becomes instinctive.

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April 27, 2015, 11:12:03 am
I'll give you some help in this process.

Moving (W)
The most we use move manipulator to move by plane I call it 2D Moving. So it has shortcut - LMB (button that use must of all).

On second place is move Move on Axis like X, Y or Z. I call it 1D Moving. So it has shortcut - RMB (button that use not so often like LMB).

On the third place is free moving, I call it 3D moving. We use it very rare. So it has shortcut - MMB (button that use rare).

2D Moving:

1D Moving:

3D Moving:

The same thing, it has 1D,2D and 3D scale.
LMB - 2D scale
RMB - 1D scale
MMB - 3D scale.
But during this post I thought that I use 1D scale more often then 2D, so looks like i'll change it in the future.

Very simple only LMB!

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April 27, 2015, 11:13:45 am
One more tutorial about Hare Edge to SubD.

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April 27, 2015, 11:34:18 am
Andrei, looks like the tool tips for M, S & R need updating as they seem to be missing the information in your post on Move, Scale and Rotate.