

Topic: Various  (Read 6259 times)

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February 24, 2015, 12:14:56 am
Hi IStonia,

These request are based mainly on my trying to create composite tools, but keep hitting limitations.

1. Currently, with a polygon selection made, using "Selection > Edges Inside Selection" will also select open edges on the boundary of the polygon selection. It should not be selecting any edges on boundary, only edges inside the boundary of the polygon selection.
Could you please look at that?

2. "Save sub-object selection".
The function will not save subobject selections made over multiple objects. If attempted, it will cause popup of "Only one object must be selected for this operation"
Only one sub-object selection can be stored across all sub-object selection types. So for example, if I save an "edge "selection, that will be lost if I then save a face selection.

Could that not be changed, so we instead save the sub-object selection to a "Group", which allows the storage of a sub-object selection over multiple objects, which would than make it possible for saving/storing selection of each type? For example. By default, there could be an empty hard_coded "Storedselection" group within each group type. Using the "save selection" would automatically place the selection into its relevant group.
If that can be done, they maybe at some later time, boolean selection function can then be made on those stored groups?

3. P_Delete. The ability to add a "Delete with options" into composite tools.

4. P_Select similar facing, with options for angle/connection only.

5. P_duplicate (with polygon duplicate options + with popup disabled)


6. Streamline tools > Loop_cut. Could you please add a "Count" of the number of edges being added while using those tools?


« Last Edit: February 24, 2015, 12:21:25 am by steve »

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March 13, 2015, 10:09:45 am
Try this

  * Edit > Customize > Tools > Polygon Shortcut Tools > P_Duplicate Selected Polygons.
  * Edit > Customize > Tools > Polygon Shortcut Tools > P_Select Similar Polygons.
  * Edit > Customize > Tools > Polygon Shortcut Tools > P_Delete Selected Polygons.
  * Edit > Customize > Tools > Edge Shortcut Toos > P_Delete Selected Edges.
  * Edit > Customize > Tools > Vertex Shortcut Tools > Delete Selected Vertices.

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March 13, 2015, 06:48:14 pm
Hi IStonia,

Many thanks for adding those new functions. I am currently trying to get a model finished, so will check them later.

One point. For request "6", I worded the request incorreclty. What I meant was:- Streamline tools > Loop_cut. Could you please add a "Count" of the number of edge_loops being added while using those tools?

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March 15, 2015, 04:18:32 am
Hi IStonia,

I managed to have a quick look.

You added:-
  * Edit > Customize > Tools > Polygon Shortcut Tools > P_Select Similar Polygons.
which I did not request (I requested "Select similar facing").

Looking at that tool, I do not understand the results I am seeing. The results, at times, looks like using the "Select similar" function, but the function you have added as an entry for "Angle threshold" and "edge length threshold"

When you have time, could you please explain how it should function?

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March 19, 2015, 05:46:41 pm
I still do not how the "P_select Similar polygons" is supposed to function. For example, why does changing the value of "Edit >> Preferance >> General >> Select Similar threashold" affect the use of that new function. I thought all "P_" function where self contained. It is strange that external settings over-ride the functionality.
Also, in the popup "Value input" of the "P_select Similar polygons", it is called "Select Polygons with Number of Edges".
I have looked at/used that function, changing parameter values etc, and well, the results are very strange/confusing.