

Topic: [Fixed] Edge (number of)  (Read 12472 times)

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May 14, 2014, 01:25:03 pm
Hi IStonia,

A problem I think with 64 bit version.(do not see the problems in older 32 bit versions)

I am finding that is I add a large number of edge_loops_inserts to a mesh, Nvil will crash. If deleting a large number of edge loops, Nvil takes too long (about 11x longer than earlier 32 bit versions). If edge_ring select large number of edge`s, Nvil crashes.

For simple example. Create a cylinder via "spline vertex > Lathe" and add 1000 spin segments. Attempt to edge_ring select the spin segments, Nvil crashes.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2014, 06:09:59 pm by steve »

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May 20, 2014, 08:27:22 pm
I re-installed windows, but still seeing the same issue on windows 64 (I did e-mail you a report from debugview).

As the problem is only on windows 64 bit (and I have seen various other issues), I can only think that Nvil is not fully 64bit compatible.

I will request that you get windows 64 bit OS, so you can test, and not simply release a 64 bit version that may or may not be 64bit compatible.

I changed graphics card for testing. (changed from nVidia to AMD) I still see the crash, but it is not consistent, it is now random.

Any chance of you releasing a build that will run as 32 bit on my 64 bit setup(as it used to be). With the various problems I am seeing with these 64 bit builds, I am losing the will to open Nvil.

« Last Edit: May 21, 2014, 01:02:48 am by steve »

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May 21, 2014, 01:42:09 pm
On quick tests, the crashing (on ring selection)as stopped.

The selection methods are now incorrect.

For "Range ring(LMB then double MMB)", the selection goes beyond the double MMB selection:-

For "Gap Ring(MMB then double MMB)", the gap is incorrect.


For the time taken to delete many edges.

(from a workaround I use for surface blending, I make sub_d, then delete unneeded edges).

Deleting approx 40,000 edge from surface. Dec-23-13 build(32 bit) takes approx 5 seconds. Latest 64 bit builds, takes approx 50 seconds to delete exact same edges.

Unable to test for problems with adding many loop inserts, that function (loop insert) not working in this build

I also notice that Nvil(64 bit) is using at least 2 cores when making calculations in the testing. Is that intentional? The 32 bit version when making these test, used only 1 core, and is at least 10 times faster with calculations.

« Last Edit: May 21, 2014, 02:28:57 pm by steve »

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May 22, 2014, 11:56:48 am
Try this

I haven't got time to look into the edge deleting code.

I also notice that Nvil(64 bit) is using at least 2 cores when making calculations in the testing. Is that intentional? The 32 bit version when making these test, used only 1 core, and is at least 10 times faster with calculations.

Is it edge selection or deleting test?
I have dumped the muti-thread processing long ago. So the program does not use multi cores directly. Maybe it's the .net side.

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May 22, 2014, 02:10:17 pm
Is it edge selection or deleting test?
Creation and deletion.

I have dumped the muti-thread processing long ago. So the program does not use multi cores directly. Maybe it's the .net side.
I think you really need to get 64 bit windows and make some tests/debugging on that OS.

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May 22, 2014, 11:12:18 pm
Try this

Have checked ring selection, still OK.
The various edge pattern selections are working as before.
The (adding many) loop inserts is no longer causing crash.

So now looking OK.

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June 13, 2014, 12:02:52 pm
Try this

While I was using that build, I found many problems but thought is was just a case of the build not finalized (similar to the fact that the previous test build would not "Loop Insert").
But I see you have now released that build as final (same timestamps on files).
I am finding the build very unpredictable and buggy. It is not a build I will use.

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June 13, 2014, 08:09:27 pm
Try this

Have checked ring selection, still OK.
The various edge pattern selections are working as before.
The (adding many) loop inserts is no longer causing crash.

So now looking OK.

You haven't reported any problem for that build so I thought it is ok. What problems do you have?
« Last Edit: June 13, 2014, 08:12:47 pm by IStonia »

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June 13, 2014, 11:42:08 pm
You haven't reported any problem for that build so I thought it is ok. What problems do you have?
As I mentioned, I was under the impression that the build for not final.

For the problems, unfortunately, mainly unpredictability is usage. I have reported before (via e-mail) and another users as reported similar on the forum, that Nvil can become unpredictable after prolonged use. I always found after approx 40/50 minutes of use in a busy scene(scene with many objects), various problem would arise with a need to restart Nvil(even at times reboot windows) to get Nvil functioning again. With the latest build, I was finding that unpredictability was starting a lot sooner, about 10/15 minutes into a session.

Some simple examples of what I was seeing.
It as been reported about the MMB paint select, selecting through the model. You mentioned that was "Edge_leaks". I was seeing that quite regularly, but it appeared to be more a case of "Face_leaks"(the underlying triangulated faces) rather than "Edge_leaks", as some of the underlying faces appeared to be invisible to Nvil.
With "Fixed stepping", I found that if I zoomed in to manually step move an object, the stepping no longer functioned, and a need to zoom back out to get it to work.
The problem I had with the "User windows > User toolbars" text disappearing, that starting again, with all the user tool bar text only reappearing after moving the mouse cursor over them.
I split off a polygon and moved it, on moving it again I found that it appeared only the polygon moved and the edges where left behind, so I had 2 polygons, but with nothing actually selected, I could not see one polygon, and the other only had viewable edges. Moving the mouse cursor over the polygons(in polygon mode), did highlight 2 polygons.

Those are the ones I can remember clearly, but as stated, they where not repeatable, but the problems would unpredictable show. If the problems where repeatable, I could simply create a bug report with example, but not possible when the problem goes away on restart/reboot.
It was very annoying before, when I could not work in a single session for more than approx 40/50 minutes without unpredictable issues, but when that unpredictability is happening so soon (approx 10 minutes), it is no longer usable, sorry.

A viewport problem that is currently repeatable on my setup, appears to be with polygons disappearing and reappearing (mainly if n-gons on model). Of course, you could say it is a graphics driver problem, but when I do not see the problem in any previous builds, only in the new build, then I blame that new build.
Here is a quick vid, first showing me adding rounded fillets to a box in build 2014-May-20, then showing the same in 2014-May-22 build. You will see in the build May-22 that the model keeps flickering as polygons keep disappearing/reappearing.


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June 14, 2014, 08:38:47 am
I've got a problem, the last coding archived is for May-12 build. It's been too many changes since then, that means I can't wind back.

I think I only changed the edge loop/ring selection codes from May-20 build to May-22 build. There is no way this change can cause those problems you mentioned.

I'd like to see if there is any other people experiencing the same problems from May-22 build. I don't have the problem that shown in the vid. Any one please!!!

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June 14, 2014, 02:03:24 pm
I had another look at 22-may you posted to this thread, That version is not giving me problems with viewport (as shown in vid). I will make some further checks of files between that build and the one you posted to top of forum(main release). There may be file corruption, either on my latest download, or your latest upload. I just need to find my sha_check_sum util.

The problem with "Stepping", where is stops working when zooming in, I can repeat that in 20-May build. That appears to be some sort of focus problem, as when I zoom in, the stepping can stop working and the transform value display disappears. I can fix the problem by setting the manipulator to a point in view.(I have made a vid, will upload later).

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June 14, 2014, 02:54:42 pm
Here is vid showing problem with stepping while zoomed in. I have checked in 20-May and 22-May builds and with current/new configs, and the problem is consistent (on windows 7-64) with part_model attached.

Part_model attached:-

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June 17, 2014, 09:42:02 am
Hi IStonia,

Try this
What am I trying?
Is this build finished/finalized?(should I report any/all problems?)

A question.
I may be seeing some conflict with config files. Is it possible for conflict between "user setting" and other stored data (such as in the registry?)


« Last Edit: June 17, 2014, 10:23:06 am by steve »