

Topic: BSpline.  (Read 16097 times)

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May 11, 2014, 10:23:59 am
IStonia, could you pleas make spline - BSpline. BSpline is much more easer to use and control.

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May 12, 2014, 09:53:11 am
or may be make at least edge tool like in Silo. I really can not work with spline in NVil it is very hard... You have to draw it than you alwas have to twek it(becouse it is imposible practically to draw waht you need) and if you move point all twaeks reset... A lot of time have to spend to draw simple curve...
 Bspline is much more intuitive and easer. or at least edge tool like in silo....

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May 12, 2014, 09:59:20 am
I don't know much about BSpline. Can you make a clip to show how it works in other apps?

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May 12, 2014, 10:26:56 am
This is how it works:

To test it more detail you can download tria version of MOI 3D and test it by yourself.

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May 12, 2014, 06:51:09 pm
or may be make at least edge tool like in Silo. I really can not work with spline in NVil it is very hard... You have to draw it than you alwas have to twek it(becouse it is imposible practically to draw waht you need) and if you move point all twaeks reset... A lot of time have to spend to draw simple curve...
 Bspline is much more intuitive and easer. or at least edge tool like in silo....

Hi samardac,
Nurbs curves will not really bring you any more control than what you can get from Nvil Splines.

You can create splines like you can create edges(edge tools) in Silo (enable "Line List" option, or "Toggle type" to switch between smooth /sharp transition). You can also disable the auto updating of the tangents on spline tangent while editing.(Edit > Options > Spline Transform Options")

Would some examples of how to use the splines help?

  • Posts: 496
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May 14, 2014, 12:00:45 am
B-Splines may not give you more control, but I think they can make the tweaking of curves easier when not a lot of precision is required. B-Splines lie in the convex hull of the so-called De-Boor-points, for the sake of simplicity, lets just call them control vertices (CVs). What Nvil's splines have are "through-points" which control the spline by going through the curve. Tweaking the curvature can often be a case of going back and forth between the tangents of adjacent through-points. CVs are easier to pull around. An analogy would be the proxy low poly cage for subdivision surfaces.

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May 14, 2014, 03:30:17 am
CVs are easier to pull around. An analogy would be the proxy low poly cage for subdivision surfaces.

That sounds more like Polynomial Curves(polar Forms and Control Points / De Casteljau algorithm).

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May 14, 2014, 06:14:13 am
Do not know all that stuff behind B-Spline but can say for sure - work with this is much more easer then with spline from Nvil  :)

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May 14, 2014, 09:22:39 am
I am again not against it - but isn't the larger and unsolvable problem that the smooth and well behaved curve at some point needs to get transferred to a polygonal representation when it gets meshed? Also where does the precision go when such a smooth curve gets remapped to a deformation driver for a low res polygonal object?

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May 14, 2014, 09:27:56 am
Btw. @ samardac and anyone who uses Nurbs: Are you aware that you can create all sorts of sweeps and revolved shapes with the most perfect curve control in Nurbs and then bring these into Nvil as all quads through the clipboard feature? You will only get triangles when you start trimming the geometry.

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May 15, 2014, 01:00:48 pm
or may be make at least edge tool like in Silo. I really can not work with spline in NVil it is very hard... You have to draw it than you alwas have to twek it(becouse it is imposible practically to draw waht you need) and if you move point all twaeks reset... A lot of time have to spend to draw simple curve...
 Bspline is much more intuitive and easer. or at least edge tool like in silo....

Hi samardac,
Nurbs curves will not really bring you any more control than what you can get from Nvil Splines.

You can create splines like you can create edges(edge tools) in Silo (enable "Line List" option, or "Toggle type" to switch between smooth /sharp transition). You can also disable the auto updating of the tangents on spline tangent while editing.(Edit > Options > Spline Transform Options")

Would some examples of how to use the splines help?

  I would be interested in some examples of using splines.  8)

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May 15, 2014, 01:48:05 pm
just polygons,just hardcore 8)

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May 17, 2014, 09:58:32 am
IStonia, if Bspline is hard to make, could you pleas make this edge-spline like in Silo.
Check this video I made it specially to show you, this kind of spline is great very intuitive and easer.

Also I think this system with edges in Silo is great! Especially when you can copy/past them from existing edges and then extrude it or cap.

Is it possible to implement these great features in Nvil?

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May 17, 2014, 11:24:09 am
IStonia, if Bspline is hard to make, could you pleas make this edge-spline like in Silo.
Nvil does not work with edges in that way. For such an implementation, a major change would need to be made to Nvil (it is a subject discussed before).

Also I think this system with edges in Silo is great! Especially when you can copy/past them from existing edges and then extrude it or cap.
You can create open/closed splines from edges, with those splines you can extrude, make polygons/surfaces, sweeps etc etc.

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May 17, 2014, 11:53:29 am
steve, check this video I tried to explain my point of view: