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Presets to replace streamline basic tools (and others)
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Topic: Presets to replace streamline basic tools (and others) (Read 5211 times)
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Posts: 496
April 02, 2014, 05:25:37 pm
Hey! Some might remember that I had made a suggestion about presets a little over a year ago. I haven't given up on this, so now I mashed something together.
Well, what do you mean?
A: The basic idea is that you can save presets for operations that take parameters. An example for this are the P_* operations that you can put into your composite tools to execute a tool with custom settings. But these are not interactive. In the visual tool editor you can change the settings(parameters) for an operation. (Well, I'd prefer a dedicated options window working in all modes, so no popup menus are needed.) After saving a preset you'll then be able to load these presets for a given operation in the tool options or for a shortcut.
Uhm, wait... what is changing to how it works now with the streamline basic tools?
A: First, this should not be limited to streamline tools. There are other operations that take parameters, like 'Best Fit', even if you see this function as 4 different hotkeys in NVil. With the 'Best Fit' example you can't quite see the advantage, because the presets are already predefined. But take 'Split' for example. Everytime you call this on faces a window pops up asking you which type of split you want to do. What if I wanted to always use "break into seperate meshes" without having an annoying window pop up every time? So I would like to make a shortcut that calls 'Split' with a given parameter and applies it and another shortcut that calls Split with another option. Easy enough. And there are many more operations that could be customized this way to speed up workflow.
Now if there is a tool that has many settings, the advantage of a preset would be that I could quickly set all settings to how I want them and not having to twiddle with each paramter individually.
I could adjust a shortcut for an operation or create a new shortcut, that takes a preset as parameters when executed. For comparison, see how this is possible in Blender in a similar way:
(I was suprised to find out that someone already had a similar idea.)
Now this is how I imagine it could look like in NVil:
On the right, there are some settings for an operation. There would be additional preset management functions to choose, add and remove presets. If I wanted to change a preset, I'd save it under the same name (popup opens telling me that there's already a preset with that name, really overwrite?).
In the middle window for customizing streamline engine tools you can infer that there are no more streamline basic tools. If you hit set, you would get a list with all the operations nicely sorted and choose one. In this example 'Polygon Shortcut Tools >> Extrude'. After that you could choose a preset, which replaces the need for streamline basic tools, since these are nothing else than presets. The functionality of modifier keys should stay the same. Just the starting parameters have changed.
There should always be a default preset and a preset that uses "last settings". The preset "Options" in the image above is not necessary if there was a operator options window that automatically displays the settings of an activated tool.
On the right you can see the 'Best Fit' example, displaying additional add shortcut and remove custom shortcut buttons.
So, what do you think?
Posts: 496
April 02, 2014, 05:56:58 pm
I don't even see a need to make most of the presets ready to go with the shipped software. Of course, the most common ones. But the rest can be done individually or as a community thing. And yes, you'd probably have to redo your settings. It's sad, but how many people are using NVil anyway at the moment? I consider this collateral damage for the greater good.
It would relieve IStonia from making presets for future tools.
Posts: 496
April 03, 2014, 02:20:52 pm
I made another short video showing how you can use presets on tools in Maya and hopefully you'll notice why this is usefull:
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Presets to replace streamline basic tools (and others)